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Everything posted by Bumble

  1. Hey my scandinavian brother. To tell you the truth, it's very unlikely you'll be making a profit on an L2 server these days. You're looking at probably $600+ usd startup and about $50-70 a month at least for a server. More if you're planning on spending money on advertising to increase your player number at launch. Money to launch a server is the last of your concerns in the beginning though. How is your server going to be better than what's out there now? Do you have a plan?
  2. I'm still trying to figure this out.. I have so many questions, but I really just need to know how to grab the data that one time during the useitem packet. Could someone please give an example of how to do it? I'd be so thankful. C++ is not my strong suit. E: Solved, thanks pada
  3. I'm sure you're right, and I would do that if I knew how :) I'm still learning! Thanks for helping out.
  4. I've gotten that far, but any attempts I've made at isolating the augment IDs after that have not been working. I have the correct CItem pointer, but I'm really unsure of what to do next. I'm just trying a bunch of things, seeing if I can grab the data. I'm just not getting anywhere yet. It feels like it should be simple. Like something like this: UINT32* itemOptionKeyA = reinterpret_cast<UINT32(*)>(item + 0xB8); INT16 testAA = static_cast<INT16>(itemOptionKeyA[0]); INT16 testAB = static_cast<INT16>(itemOptionKeyA[1]);
  5. Thanks for this! I was doing some testing in setvariation, and I calculated the 0xB8 offset as well, but I wasn’t sure I was correct. It’s great to see that I’m on the right track. now I just need to find a way to grab that address at the same time... efforts don’t far are not really successful. I’d like to grab it during the useitem packet. I feel like I’m getting close!
  6. Thanks for posting that. It's different from GF as far as I know. Which chronicle is that from? The CItem I have access to looks like this: /* 0x0000 */ unsigned char padding0x0000[0x001C - 0x0000]; /* 0x001C */ UINT32 itemId; /* 0x0020 */ unsigned char padding0x0020[0x0048 - 0x0020]; /* 0x0048 */ CSharedItemData *sd; /* 0x0050 */ ItemInfo *itemInfo; /* 0x0058 */ class CYieldLock *lock; /* 0x0060 */ unsigned char padding0x0060[0x0078 - 0x0060]; /* 0x0078 */ std::vector<CSkillInfo*> skills; /* 0x0098 */ unsigned char padding0x0098[0x00B8 - 0x0098]; /* 0x00B8 */ UINT32 contributeDataObjectId; /* 0x00BC */ unsigned char padding0x00BC[0x0130 - 0x00BC]; /* 0x0130 */ UINT16 attributeAttackType; /* 0x0132 */ UINT16 attributeAttackValue; /* 0x0134 */ UINT16 attributeFire; /* 0x0136 */ UINT16 attributeWater; /* 0x0138 */ UINT16 attributeWind; /* 0x013A */ UINT16 attributeEarth; /* 0x013C */ UINT16 attributeDivine; /* 0x013E */ UINT16 attributeDark; There is no direct reference to variationOptions, itemOptionKeys or augments. But looking at your addresses, it kinda looks like they might be hiding in the skills pointers. I'll report back, thanks! Update: There's nothing in the skills array :/ I'm still not sure where to look.
  7. I've managed to make the augments stay on items, as well as making the items droppable. The "last" thing I need now, is to figure out where the augments are stored on an item. I know it's in the database, but where are the augment skills located in the CItem object?
  8. Thank you for your reply! I've been fighting this issue for days :) I've made it work with a workaround. The "cannot be dropped" seems to be a hardcoded limitation in the epilogue client, it doesn't even send the packet unless it's a viable option. My workaround is to send the RequestDestroyItem packet instead, and before destroying the item on the server, I drop a copy of the item on the ground. One issue is that I don't know where the augmentations are stored on the dropped copy (or the original item for that matter), so I don't know what to check for when the player picks it up. Because I don't know where to check for this, I can drop and pick up the item again, and it'll re-roll augments. I'll look into the cached packet option, but I'm still learning. If you have any examples, that'd be awesome. I'll try the pUser->Action thing soon! Thanks! -B
  9. You should listen to half of what this guy says OP. No one needs L2OFF files, and since this is your first time, L2j will be just fine.
  10. I make L2Homage. It's a tool for customizing Lineage II, but the wiki has a pretty thorough guide on how to get a server going. This is for L2 Epilogue. Check the wiki
  11. I'm able to generate augmented items that are stored in the database, now they persist between sessions. I'm looking for two last things: 1. Where can I disable the "augmented items cannot be traded/dropped" limitation? I've looked through all the interface files to see if I could find anything, but no dice. Am I missing something? 2. What's the packet I need to send from the server to make the character do the pickup animation? The way I'm generating the augments makes the pickup animation disappear. Thanks!
  12. Hi, I'm trying to figure out where augmented info is stored on an item. I'm using L2OFF Epilogue. I know that usually augmentations are stored in dbo.user_items table, in the variation_opt1 and variation_opt2. But where is it stored before then? Let's say an augmented item dropped on the ground. I know it's not possible by default, but how does the item know that it's augmented? I'm using Emca's extender to do my testing, and I'm able to generate an augmentation on an item as soon as it drops. It works completely, but the augmentation doesn't save on logout. I need to figure out a way to call some kind of force-item-save functionality. I don't know where to look! I hope someone here can help me out. I'm also looking into removing the cannot drop/trade limitation. Thanks! -B
  13. Thank you @Celestine! Let's keep L2 alive :)
  14. Updated to 6.1. Included a few QoL features, like re-ordering items on a multisell list. I fixed a few issues and crashes, as always. I've also included a link to a new WIKI i've started working on, to make modding even more accessible. It includes a (in my opinion) very thorough install guide. It's a work in progress, but so far it includes everything up to the point of customizing stuff. I'll add that later, when I have time. https://bitbucket.org/Bumblemumps/l2homage/wiki/Home Thanks for your interest everyone!
  15. MyExt from Eressea is working great. I based my project on that.
  16. Thanks for letting me know. Not sure what happened this time, but it's fixed now.
  17. June 11th 2020: Added item use and skill use to Etc items.
  18. Updated. If you haven't downloaded 6.0 recently, you should redownload it again. Added features: EXP per kill column for NPCs. No longer will you have to manually calculate the exp rate. Skills can now be cloned as new levels instead of new skills. Droplists are fixed. They didn't export correctly previously. Now they should be working flawlessly. NPC AI Properties can be edited in the NPC tab. Requires .nasc files in data/ai/ai. A bunch of skill properties weren't allowing null values, even though they should. That's fixed now. A bunch of small fixes and additions. There’s currently an issue with deleting skills, and a possible drop list issue I haven’t identified yet. I’ve fixed the issue with deleting skills, but I won’t be able to upload the fix till later today. I’ll edit this comment when the fix has been uploaded. If you’re interested in seeing the type of server that can be created with L2Homage, check out Lineage 2 Knight. It’s early in development, but they’re testing and adding stuff daily. You can also see it in action on their Twitch. Updated May 25th: Fixed copying and deleting passive skills Fixed crash when trying to delete skill with no sound attached to it (eg. passive) A few small fixes May 26 2020: Fixed sets not exporting correctly when no pants were assigned. May 28 2020: Fixed skills deleting incorrectly
  19. You asking me that question makes me wonder if you're using L2OFF files. Are you using L2OFF or L2j?
  20. Can you upload the ai part? I’ll take a look.
  21. Hello everyone! It's been a while since I posted here. As you can imagine, I've had a lot to deal with. I've finally had some time to work on L2Homage though, and it's at a point now where it's very functional and useful. I've updated the original post with a new download link, and I've tried to list out _some_ of the new features. With this new version of L2Homage, L2 is almost fully customizable. Give it a try, you can change so many things! Next step is fully editing AI. I'm currently trying my hand at this manually, before figuring out a tool to streamline the process. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in here or on Discord. I'm currently working on a small custom server to showcase what's possible with L2Homage. It includes: 11 reworked classes 26 reworked monsters (6 of them bosses) 77 reworked weapons/armor 50+ new recipes 14 materials 10 quest items 15 renamed zones (includes text on ingame map) 7 NPCs 1 major quest line, split into 3 quests, that takes you through the content planned for talking island. If you're interested in this project, or if you'd like to start your own, come join us on Discord. We'll help you get started. -B
  22. Hi there, radar maps are the image files for each Map “square” for the mini-map. They’re available on discord too. I’m currently testing the newest version of L2H which has a lot of fixes and new features. I suggest you wait a bit before downloading this if you’re interested :)
  23. Thanks @Hitcher! I plan on continuing this project for as long as I can, or until there's nothing left to easily edit :) The newest test version is available for download on discord, but I gotta test it a bit more before releasing it publicly. If anyone wants to try it out, feel free to download it from there. The new features are (Excluding the already mentioned classes parameters): Editing, adding or removing gametips. You can change the text during loadscreens to whatever you'd like. Editing, adding or removing huntingzones. You can edit huntingzone locations, names and much more. Editing chat filter. Add or remove words you don't want users to see. Editing Raid descriptions. Editing, adding or removing System Text (change "Human Fighter" to "Custom Class" for instance). Allows you to rename a wide variety of in-game text. Be careful not to delete something the game needs to not crash! Editing System messages ("Your trade is successful." etc) Editing, adding or removing zonenames and location. Editing Eula. I expect to share the newest version in here within the week. I just want to make sure as much of it works as possible. I'll also be quite busy from next weekend through to early january, so there won't be as many updates in that timeframe. -B
  24. Thanks to Weedy for helping with testing as always! We found a few issues that will take a few days to fix, but I’ll try to share the newest version ASAP. Unfortunately, I’ll be very busy next week, but I’ll do my best. I'm excited about L2H. It’s come a long way, thanks to everyone helping out.
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