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Bumble last won the day on February 29 2024

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About Bumble

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  1. Great work, keep it up! If you want to talk L2, feel free to msg me. -B
  2. Which resolution are you using on your computer? Did you see if anything weird is going on in L2.ini? Is your graphics driver forcing certain settings for Lineage 2 now?
  3. This isn't the right section for this, but I imagine it's something with NWindow.dll or Engine.dll. Maybe try different versions? It could also be the resolution settings in your L2.ini that are wonky
  4. I'm super interested in more details about this! I've been working on a Diablo mod for L2 myself for a while now when I have time, where is this from? Also, do you have any screens of the actual NPCs? Thanks!
  5. This is only for High Five. It's the only version that is supported.
  6. This should be posted in this section instead, but I would very much like to know as well. I can't seem to find where the positioning for the login window is set, and I want to change it!
  7. It's a lot of work for sure, but I'm generating a lot of content through L2Homage, so it's not so bad. It just takes time
  8. Haha yeah, it's been a long time coming. I don't have enough time to finish the project quickly, but I've been working on it steadily whenever there's time. It's built using Emca's H5 extender, It would take a lot of time listing out the different features, so I'll paste some info from discord. I don't mean to hijack this thread, but since you asked, here it is: I'll get around to finishing it. Someday.
  9. This is a good topic! I like seeing what other L2 enthusiasts play these days. I haven't been playing L2 for a long time, since I've been focused on developing stuff for L2 instead (ironic, I know), but it's a lot of fun. Favorite game for me is Diablo 2, so I've been playing the remaster every season. I'll play this Friday too. I've also spent a lot of time playing Path of Exile over the years. I like randomized loot a lot. That's also why I'm working on a D2 mod for L2. I call it Linctuary. It's going well, I'm excited to get it playable. It's been challenging though, but a lot of good people have helped me out. It would probably be easier to do if I used L2j instead, but I prefer the real deal
  10. Yes, client modification and server/database work. You'll do the graphics in interface.xdat. I don't know if you plan on doing it in java or off, but if it's off, you need to add functionality to cache and server
  11. Hit me up on discord, I'll help you out I just updated L2H to show more details on crash, hopefully this will help.
  12. Hey everyone! You may or may not know about L2Homage, but I've spent a fair bit of time developing it these past years. You can check out the previous posts here. L2Homage was originally developed for Epilogue, but I always wanted it to work for High Five. When the H5 files were finally public, I decided to upgrade L2Homage to fit the new data structure. I also spent a lot of time improving performance and the interaction design to make the whole experience of modding L2 as smooth as possible. I dare say that most people will now be able to create an awesome, custom experience in Lineage 2, and I really hope I see some projects come to life. Join us on Discord! As promised, the entire source is open. You can check it and a pretty comprehensive documentation out here: https://github.com/ClaessicsGit/L2Homage Requires .Net 4.8, grab it here: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2088631 You can download the newest version here: https://github.com/ClaessicsGit/L2Homage/releases The server files that fit with this tool was shared here: https://maxcheaters.com/topic/239312-l2pts-files-high-five-273/ Server install guide here: https://bitbucket.org/Bumblemumps/l2homage/wiki/Home L2H data packs: Worldmap Image Pack AI Pack Script Folder System Folder Image Pack (Full 5.13 GB) or download the split image pack if you have trouble with the big one: Image Pack (Full) Part 1 Image Pack (Full) Part 2 Image Pack (Full) Part 3 Image Pack (Full) Part 4 Image Pack (Full) Part 5 None of the data in the data packs are from me, it's stuff that's already shared here at MxC. Thanks everyone, and good luck! -B
  13. Out of all the cool stuff you've shared, that Rifle Weapon is the one to surprise me the most That's hilarious.
  14. Thanks, but I'm still getting access denied :|
  15. Neat, thanks for this share. It says access denied when I try to dl it though.
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