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About Ferimeth

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    United Kingdom
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  1. I thought your server was the best one ?
  2. Isn't that how reports work ?
  3. Isn't that how reports work ?
  4. nop, it will just follow the same trend as any server these days. 1 week and closed. End of discussion.
  5. Please fire the guy who has done the intro. "Zariche Skills is an extreme trend in 2019"
  6. lol server barely started and we've just seen a bishop using salvation... How df he gets to high lvl first hours ?
  7. Where the fuck are all these projects popping out from. Welcome back.
  8. Hello Hellish, Your project looks amazing! I'm glad you brought back a bit of memories from my teenage years, stack-subs are uncommon now a days and I'm sure it will bring a few people back as well. Thank you for this project.
  9. Hello guys, I'm into editing custom interfaces and I am currently building a IL based UI with the same colour scheme, that's why I don't want to extract information from Celestines UI as it's very different than mine and his one has way more features. Does anyone know how to enable the auto macro feature ? Thank you
  10. Congratulations on winning the case. I wouldn't login again even if you handed me the money in hand, also, I don't need to drink my milk because if I can donate 85€ to play on a server 2 days, you can imagine that I'm on another level and don't need to open a Lineage 2 server to feed my family. Just saying.
  11. I've tried but I keep getting this, Update: All I had to do was add the DDS extension to Photoshop and save it as the same format. It's now working, Thank you
  12. I've watched many guides and I've managed to extra the TGA files and edit them, But I don't know how to compile them now, Could someone please do it for me ? https://mega.nz/#!SXQmTQTI!6YFTBYdYLAShsFu8UrOALBSTpVt1P2CwxhRtXugBcNs I need to achieve the l2ui.utx Update: It's now sorted.
  13. Can you please re-share this ?
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