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Everything posted by Tony360

  1. Thanks @Pamela32 and @Rootware before decide to open this thread there was a guy who was selling H5 compiler for 200e. Both of your compilers works fine, thanks for your help.
  2. I don't found any free shared that works.
  3. I'm looking for H5 Compiler for interface.u, contact with me with private message with your offer.
  4. More information about what project are you using ?
  5. Interface.u > ToolTip.uc > function AddTooltipItemGrade(ItemInfo Item) There you can add your extra icon src and then just simply call it to .dat Also i'm sure you know to add the server side too. You can do more than what you can imagine on Interlude : http://prntscr.com/lutgrn
  6. Human brain can't encrypt something that.. Human brain can't decrypt it..
  7. https://pastebin.com/8cTSdVWq
  8. Frozen have protection for dumb admin's who selling thing lower then the price of item. So you have to set the price of your item 2,000 inside SQL too. Without that protection you can buy it for 2,000 adena and sell it for retail cost. As far as i remember frozen was newbie friendly, so that's the reason of this "protection".
  9. 6% nothing less.. I think donate/vip members have a block for adverticements.. but i was wrong..
  10. Fk... i could sell it :troll: i want % of your code. xD
  11. Rnd enchant on walking every 100m :troll:
  12. Mind blow...
  13. Reply to this topic to see the hidden content.
  14. Lets see ;) Edit : i like it
  15. Somewhere around is shared one "ingame balancer" for frozen. Start with it and don't waste your money. Propably you will get scammed or you gonna pay a big price.. also i don't know what some peoples mean "balance" Domi vs Sagi and the winner lives with 1HP? This game have many classes cuz is multiplayer game and not "single" as all pvp servers now. 100% agree.
  16. You must check (net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets) CharInfo.java / UserInfo.java
  17. Reply to this topic to see the hidden content.
  18. Good work, keep it alive.
  19. You post the link for the glow that you searching.. Where is the question?
  20. Translated with "greeklish-to-greek.gr" and "translate.google.com" You have to select your Gameserver folder on eclipse and run "Debug As" > "Java Application" your LoginServer and GameServer. Important you have to put the datapack inside gameserver in right paths else you will have many errors.
  21. ArrayList : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/ArrayList.html HashMap : https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/HashMap.html
  22. Melron gives you the solution already. Check the +6 effect for extra passive and do the necessary changes and send the effect.
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