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Everything posted by camenomat0

  1. try to make the server well known, post it in every possible site/forum (without ofc spamming it) and add some preview images (from your zones/npcs,custom items etc.) way before opening (like 2weeks or more) create a forum for the srvr and inform playas about updates/changelogs,add sections for clans to join,create a community wich will discuss daily on server issues,updates or cpclan recruitments. Ask playas or friendz for help,testing the whole gameplay in detail (like every buff stat,or skills working etc.) Do beta tests so playas who try it can have a smell of how it looks like,and fix issues at same time,do events(even pre-opening,) and reward with usefull -but no op- items try premium advert on topsites,create a promo vid and share it and find a good opening date and time,in general try be more creative with every step u making,some small changes here and there..and imo,don't over do it with them custom items.. anyways,still noone says that it will succeed but you have for sure try harder than just advertising it half day before opener...
  2. u checked balance and it's good according to who? most ppl who talk about balance don't even know how to play their favourite class but that's another thing..as for zero bugs sounds impossible,somewhere there sould be some kind of it. Anyway let's say that these lines are true and have a good server,then how did you promote this? U didn't promote ur 'unique features' at all.Try make your server a brand,well known to playas before opening and try open when no such type of server opens at same date(and exact same time..) like this time.. btw instead of thinking why playas don't join,think first why should to?...maybe this could help ..
  3. 99% of pvp servers for years now use the exact same features like urs (name a good/unique feature of urs server?) and again... not even half day of advertising,what did u expect? other servers do advert for like a month or so..and bad date since many servers opened and same time..and btw reason there are not enough playas on interlude is bcoz everyone use shared packs to be an admin,so yeah there are more admins on il than playas.. Top ! anyways,if u d like a god like server only Evie Frye can make u (his htmls>every srvr)
  4. man u did like advertise some hours before opening lmao,plus too many srvrs opened at same time with urs plus the same features,like 4 srvrs started at same time all with better features,if u don't want at least to change or create new features find a date where not many servers of this type open..anyways even u had ppl it wouldn't last for a week so...
  5. u can't stuck passives augs since it's on weapon and when u unequip it's been removed. edit: unless you add passive skill with a gm char to a playa.. (but if you give him for example passive skill 'Shield',if he has it on a weapon,and equip/unequip it will be removed again,if he doesn't equip/unequip that weap it will stay)
  6. unique way to be challenging for them superb devs in order to open same features serevrs :P
  7. gl finding wannabe in-game gms who would give items to randoms maybe not skilled enough for a mid-pvp rates :P
  8. have a look how it works on l2party.java, then copy and add with the item id
  9. why not, captchas always look like trouble for them playas :P
  10. these don't offer h5 sources if i'm not mistaken..
  11. u want this command to work normal zones too?
  12. what type of captcha exactly ,maybe it's shared alrdy..
  13. just let a char farm on catas for seal stones,why u need scrip?
  14. yo looks nice idea,but don't forget that we're not in old days where playas used forums that much,that's an oldschool move but outdated too.in order to make huge forum activity you need to make that active part of the server,personally i like it, since the days where forums used playas used o chat about server,reporting issues,or even trade items and recruit clan/alliance members,but still it must play it's role for the server to be accomplished now..
  15. Don't know if this can be succesfull or not,however we see a team following a well organized plan and looks prepared to launch something good.The new classes look interesting and something new.There is detailed info about everything, and that update client once after some months idea ( it's been used before as well for other srvrs) is a good one. Idk how customs could affect this as overall,so it's questionable if it works or not imo.Also somewhere it says about stable 2k real on,wich looks not that easy at all.But still,seeing a team following a well organized plan step by step,patiently, and giving lot of effort could give great results. Wish very best of luck and hope something great to be made.
  16. There is no better, it all depends on what u want to build and how u will develop it,many servers opened and failed with every pack available bcoz of poor developing.Check their ups and downs,their features, and choose one u'd like and u prefer to work with.
  17. probably installed it in the db, and it's htmls,can be done, but ofc without working,he just installed the npc but without it's features.
  18. decompiling .jar can be done,but it can give you some errors or changes to the codes. Anyways the pack you talk about already has a link for the sources,download import them on eclipse,and start edit
  19. you have to edit the boss manager through eclipse
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