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  1. You can do the same for your webhost if you have anything that needs to connect to your MySQL server; you could limit it to TCP and 3306 port though instead of accessing it all. --> If you have problem to connect your MySQL webhost to your MySQL game server, better turn off firewall and sniff your webhost IP Address before add your webhost IP Address to firewall. As sometimes hosting use multiple IP Address for balancing and security reasons. TY @Trance
  2. And what is measure of “success”???
  3. Based on the video I saw that the character response is not quick enough, good luck anyways!
  4. Problem solved! my l2.exe not support for more than 2 gigabytes before need CFF explorer to make it handle more than 2GB. I will lock this topic!
  5. Thank you alisa! I will test this
  6. I agree, maybe I can start from remove or decrease ingame objects when out range
  7. how come? client crash not happened when players opened community board, it happened when so many players doing mass war, FPS will be drop and everything will be more like heavy and suddenly crashed happen
  8. what you saying if we have too many custom files it will causing client crash?
  9. So you saying this is .dat problem? Meaning that I need more clean system? I have custom interface but already removed and the problem is still there
  10. Hello, I need help for this problem struggling to fix this problem for a week but don't find a solution. My client have memory leak problem when player reach 100 at the same place already removed all unecessary interface and custom equipment but the problem is still there does anybody know how to solve this?
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