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Akar0 last won the day on January 2

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About Akar0

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  1. So, which pack is this? it can works with classic client or just the old IL client?
  2. Take this: MEGA LINK Virtualbox installed, PTS HF MyExt64Hf rev. 273 on windows server 2008. Ready to go. SQL user - sa SQL pass - 123456 Have fun!
  3. Ask to your friend @MasterToma, I bet He will greatfully helping you out.
  4. As far I remember when I did this compiler for this chronicle, it was for the first Salvation. So I'm pretty sure the patch you are trying to edit is not compatible for what I did. You better make a new compiler for you patch. Cheers
  5. If you don't show any screenshot of your error, is nothing I can help.
  6. No even close, no time for it.
  7. I'm sorry, I do not have it.
  8. This pack has more events, as far I can see, you can add the event "Gift of Vitality Event" for example.
  9. When I have time I will.
  10. I'm sorry, the books I do not have them, I have the rest. Apparently my backup was made before He added the books.
  11. I have a backup of this share, what do you need from this? I can re-upload to my cloud if you need it. cheers
  12. I was working on Salvation Compiler a few weeks ago and still in "progress" so I guess in a couple weeks it will be done when I have free time. UPDATE: Salvation Compiler added. Cheers
  13. I just added more compiler for other Chronicles.. Cheers
  14. I have it somewhere, just wait and as soon I found it I will share it in PM. Cheers
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