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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. True lol ;p i could never understand why someone would like his content xd
  2. link seems broken, i guess you mean the Store
  3. Nice work, thanks for sharing! btw is this your work?
  4. Kalispera @PaulAnny Mporeis na koitakseis edw pera iparxei ena palio guide gia auto pou theleis:
  5. If you're feeling better than yeah you;re better ;D
  6. Nice one :) Good job once again buddy
  7. @Maxtor Good idea about the reputation system is a warning for first time someone is giving just 1 rep negative for no reason and if it's spam (like the ones you showed) 3 days ban, if he continue to do this removed the ability to give reputations. Because it's not fair because some randoms got low IQ and they use a system we've added to reward active members and abuse it ending up removing this system for everyone because they are lowbrained.
  8. np buddy Thansk mate, i'm thinking of making more free designs for mxc only, i will let you know soon. If i'll make any more updaters i will update this topic including every updater design i'll make.
  9. Hello guys. So after discussing a little bit with @dizzan about his updater and the designs i said i will make a design for updater. So i'm sharing it to everyone in case he (dizzan or someone else) want to make it from psd to updater or use it for his own server updater. You're free to use it ONLY if you do not remove the copyrights. Here is a preview image of the updater: You can download it from here: Download from mega.nz Rar Password: designatix.maxcheaters.com
  10. Good to hear :) +1 and keep up the good work!
  11. Very nice work mate, Thanks for sharing.
  12. Thank you very much buddy, i've played on some high rates these days trying to see which class will be better on the end game and will be better for me since i will solo (or at least for now) and from what i've seen i'll agree with you. About the servers i thought that they are the same i just wanted to see if there is any difference between them, thanks for that info as well.
  13. You can just use //reload npc you don't have to make restart every time it's acis ;p About the p.atk/p.def etc you should check the buffs, for example if a monster/raid/or w/e got x2 HP or x2 p.atk you should put 25k for example if you want 50k
  14. yeah i know, truth is i was looking for a private server but all servers i could found were pvp like x1,5k 1,2k etc and there is no point of playing a client you don't even know on a high rate where you get everything insta. I thought about that as well, i may try classic as well
  15. well, yeah this could be a problem but i'm looking to spend some time and having some fun, i don't expect to be a top player or something there, just spending my time on something worth. You're right about that, it's not worth if it's like that and that's why there are not a lot of newcomers on offi i guess, trying to defend bots it's ok but resulting in make it worst for newcomers to get some decent equipment doesn't sound good as well. I will give a try on Gamecoast, thanks for your suggestion. About PlayINERA i saw the server but i don't think i'm ready atm for something so customized as this server, i like their content tho, but i'm off the l2 scene (as player) for more than 3 years.
  16. Hello everyone. The last days i wanted to start playing on Official and i wanted to ask some things. First of all which class you suggest me to start? And why? Have in mind that i will start solo for now but i may bring some friends later but for now i'm on my own. I prefer Farming classes like spoiler, dread, etc but i haven't played on any client after High Five so i don't really know which class worth to start there. And secondly which server to choose? Freya or Naia? And why? Thanks in advance.
  17. Reborn gave me the idea of taking the Rebirth sytem and customize it to fit my needs it's better for what i want to do atm, but thanks for your reply mate. Btw lock it since i found solution on my problem.
  18. Like title says, i want to make some custom skills on my server and i want a custom npc where players will be able with an item i will put to learn some skills. For example i want to make an item called Custom Skill Token and players will trade 10 tokens to learn a specific skill. I want to make it with the following ways: Custom Skill 01 Token Custom Skill 02 Token Custom Skill 03 Token and with these tokens players will be able to learn Custom Skill 01, 02 and 03. Is this possible? And if yes can someone give me some instructions how to do that? Thanks in advance!
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