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Everything posted by TєђGëØrge

  1. if someone leaves add me in the list! name TehGeorge
  2. Duelist on all versions of Lineage II and Grand Kavatari on Kamael Client and over... This is for a low server without customs!
  3. Ορίστε η λίστα: TєђGëØrge, fakoykas, giannhs15, GrisoM, yandoc, Francisko, dkii, SeventhSky, xin, zunix, XxRxX, anisoropos, dariofight, Traffic*, ExTrEmEDwarf, Viruzzz, Franken, Silverin, Sunshine, BATMAN9000, vernhunt, Brzoza, iNos, ˚°▫•Cobra●▫°˚, naustagic, DeathSoldier, AsianFool, neptun444, whitelabell, Diegon, vasill, Dice07, VirusLoader, showma, oneo, Janza46, L2FallenHeroes, morsetvita, rafasilva93, nomz η μαλακία πάει σύννεφο! Έχω πατίσει 1κ φορές "Show unread posts since last visit." 5:14 ΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ ΣΠΑΜ
  4. xa0xa00x0ax0ax0ax really funny.... XxRxX ούτε εσένα σε πιάνει ο ύπνος;
  5. Καλά σας λέει ρε παιδία αν είναι unlimited τα row για buffs τότε τι πειράζει;
  6. i made my own i tried it but i done something wrong on css!
  7. dariofight - 4 posts in a row Click Me Traffic* - Speaking greek on english section. Click Me soulriver - Doesn't have the right post count. Click Me PowerOfCS - Warez posting... (search for a torrent link!) Click Me UPDATED
  8. Its a Half Life 1 Mod so you need half life 1 or counter strike 1.6 (if you have one of these it is the same...) It seems kiddish but it really has fun! Its a Dragon Ball mod something like that! Also as my friend said me you become when you will reach 2kk KI super saiyan( i dont know how it is named!) at 5kk KI you become super saiyan better! Also it has bots... Custom Maps You may transform at 2kk MP with the button "Z" you may recover your current KI with "E" you may change your powers with you mouse... (KI is the blue one.. Red is your life!) Its not gonna destroy your half life it has custom shortcurt! Works perfectly on steam and non steam of course... About the mod: Earth Special Forces , also known as ESF, its a half-life modification based on the hit anime series, Dragonball Z. The mod includes nine of your favorite characters who are able to duke it out using numerous beam attacks as well as close hand to hand combat. ESF mixes both elements to bring players intense fast paced with a twist of strategy. Each character is geared towards a different style of play. Some are meant to mainly use energy attacks, while others have the advantage in melee fights, no matter what style of fighting you like to use, esf has a way to accommodate you. Earth Special Forces has been in the making for the better part longer then 5 years. The team continuously tries to push the half-life engine to it's limits in order to produce the most playable accurate Dragonball Z game around. Features: Fight with other with melee (hand to hand combat) Fire energy blasts such as the Kamehameha-wave Teleport, to go to a place faster Swoop to fly faster to a location or person Radar to see for close enemies, or to look at your enemies and allies power level Able to transform, like transforming into a super saiyan Blocking, block incoming energy attacks or melee attacks Increase your power level to be stronger, to fire more powerful attacks and to transform Create bots that comes with the game to train against them And so much more! Rapidshare Mirror File Front Mirror
  9. Most Popular User: K4rmaArrows Most Funny User: GrisoM Most Professional User: K4rMaArr0ws Most Missed User: DreaM Most Weird User: GrisoM Best Shares User: CN Best New User [From 2009]: DragonHunter Biggest Spammer User: Morian The Best G Mod: NobLe The Best L2 Mod: fakoykas The Best Cs Mod: hax0r
  10. yeah? where? we are fully of topic anyone to move it somewhere?
  11. so i find a sollution... add at rules a tag [L2J-Interlude-PRE] for preconfigured or [L2J-Interlude-Home] for home servers!
  12. [GR] oti den einai gia public to 3eroume ala osoi arxizoun twra molis broun to preconfigured pack lene ekana server... to idio eipa k egw malista prin polla xronia otan vrika pws kanoume k ton sikosa k apo to spiti... gia to acc tou admin fisika to eida to topic :P apo tous 54 servers oi 20 a3izoun http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/lineage2-order-by-country-GR.html
  13. actually preconfigured packs have really funny! +99% they use the same account that was created first so we can free take pk anyone! Είσαι εσύ τώρα από την Seychelles μην τρελαθούμε τώρα...
  14. he flamed me first so i flamed him toο... I just hadn't show noble-mindedness even he! also i dont say that preconfigured servers are good but everyone is free to use one and post it here ok?
  15. ah you know it is very difficult to just install java, mysql, navicat and download some files right? i laugh with you with the words you are saying... what hurts are you kidding me? the custom things or the projects? i cant understand you so... go to your mama and cry because you just can't find a server that fits you... propably you log on servers that they are corrupted and you have borred dieing propably... @Zero* you cant open a serius server but you can make a global server as with a simple pack... Preconfigured packs doesn't hurt anyone expect some ppl like Intrepid that can't find a server not to have lag, bugs, exploits, etc... for examble at l2 wap arena the packet hack warehouse exploit works...
  16. Yes i would join of course no custom and other sh1ts as Zero says... log with hosts or editing by self l2.ini :P i would join on gracia final of course if it would be mid or high rate!
  17. yes about interpid of course... i would never flame such easy a greek. EDIT: if you want to say about destroying comunity and other sh1t then all servers have to close... only official servers online better...
  18. L2 Wap-Arena is a succesfully server that started from home and ucoz! He will remain in ucoz but will change host on NGZ Servers... so ucoz is not the problem... what would you say if there was a preconfigured pack with full add-ons and fixes? everyone would use it...
  19. Everyone is free to make what he wants fucking bastard! Yes dekarma me maybe ban me but! at least i said that... You think that you are important? no you arent! Do you think that you know something more from others? yes you know but that you know is currently useless! Come on ban me! You never dekarma staff member from staff expect dream because he flamed ppl from staff... even if someone spams or even flames a member... Go fuck your self and dont say me that i have a childist behavior! If you want go buy these books by your self others want the easy way others the medium others the hard or others the hardest! Oh i am not dekarmed yet? omg what happend a miracle? come on ban me... Maxcheaters is a good forum but you aren't a good staff member!
  20. mmm tell me now seriously... when you first opened a server you didn't want him to be global? -should be moved on spam topic
  21. From a preconfigured pack you may learn very much things! Also you may learn from gm servers... I had also started from killer_007 pack!
  22. It is a tip that most doesn't know... On most up and down 96% servers doesn't have full kamael skills auto-learned... We speak for high rate or at least auto-learn skills server.. you just go to npc and you will learn them! Mostly of players never check learn skills so they die easily xD Also that happents on some interlude servers! For examble a mage doesn't have full level of skill robe armor mastery! So you should always CHECK LEARN SKILLS! it is not a bug,exploit,trick,hack,etc it is just a tip
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