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Everything posted by TєђGëØrge

  1. TheEnd is big malakas... auto ftanei gia na faw -1 karma?
  2. kapios na m di3ei to karma log m pleaze? na dw pios me ekane +++
  3. katse katse na mpei o maxtor k tha deis pos tha to faw to ban... (parapanw apo 1k posts k na ftasete den ginete tpt...)
  4. to + karma pws einai pos sas fenete?
  5. hazard oti thes pes na sto kanw unhide ... ta exw ola backup opote... an paw -5 karma trww ban giafto!
  6. lol ti mas les re theend... etsi me tin espase twra k thelw na to banarw to account...
  7. pios mlks me pige -2 karma! 3erete posi wra epriza alous gia na paw -3? k sinexizw gia -5? eleoC ti na pw dld... oute - karma den mporoume na paroume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. siga twra... edw alos ta eftase se 15 meres...
  9. Raule dekarma me pleaze
  10. ahh i found the sollution i will sell my account! BostonLegal it is an other reasons it was an other fight vs pms not for a tournament omg!
  11. i can spam... also i have a backup of the good posts so...
  12. lol karma is a nonsense thing so do it pleaze! i can spam to give me -1 karma... ama thes s brizw k tin mana ala einai anagki na ftasw ekei gia ena -1 karma?
  13. The first who will first dekarma will win 1kk euro go go go de karma me pleaze!
  14. TehGeorge of course in game are you now in? Name: TehGeorge Title: None Class: Ghost Sentinel Level: 72
  15. right now we are only 3 online :S go ppl vote vote! (add the server to l2topzone and l2hopzone....)
  16. yes but the bots are to hard for me... are to you?
  17. Mexican Sage
  18. about operation system?
  19. anyone looking?
  20. Θα πάω ΕΠΑΛ γιατί θα πάει και η παρέα και θα πάω στην δευτέρα λυκείου τεχνικός αυτοκινήτων ή για PC... Εφόσον είναι τώρα ισότιμα τα πτυχία και θα έχω καλύτερο βαθμό στα ΕΠΑΛ ε εκεί θα πάω...
  21. i would like a little list with root-server sites that i can see! and also what Operating System should i put! i only know ngz-servers but are they trustable? i have buyed a root-server from a greek hoster but it was bad so i took my money back...
  22. Read carefully: - modified menu style to amx text and removed useless stuff - navigation in menu can now be done through arrow keys - added entity esp to menu (was not present in the original) - fixed weapon glow disabling when changing weapons - added color tweaks for many things in visual options - RGB adjustments for color tweaks - all binds moved to separate menu - all cheat features have separate deactivation switches in their menus - added aspeed to speedhack submenu - windows can be easily moved through menu - added 3 preset configurations: config 1 (only sound esp - for pros) config 2 (for average cheaters) config 3 (rampage mode - use awp for best results xD)
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