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Everything posted by TєђGëØrge

  1. Αφού το έκανες Edit ρε ζώο! « Last Edit: Today at 10:38:03 AM by ŜiŕBǔttǿńž »
  2. ŜiŕBǔttǿńž είσαι άκυρος... Το RateDropItems είναι αυτό...
  3. FAIL Διάβασε τα config του... # List of items affected by custom drop rate by id, used now for Adena rate too. # Usage: itemId1,dropChance1;itemId2,dropChance2;... # Note: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers! # Example for Raid boss 1x jewelry: 6656,1;6657,1;6658,1;6659,1;6660,1;6661,1;6662,1;8191,1;10170,1;10314,1; # Default: 57,1 RateDropItemsById = 57,1
  4. I already given him one :D Γιατί ρε σε προσέβαλα;
  5. Θες να σε πω γιατί πήγα -3 και να φάω ban κατευθείαν;
  6. 6/4/2010 4:00 pm R.I.P Devangell™ Banned Παρέα με τον χρήστο τώρα... xD
  7. Where the boss gone?
  8. Junked! Έγινα MOD είδες; ^^
  9. agree
  10. chikurijikushijiku lol?????
  11. can u give the patch because the site dont work :S
  12. i like this scout i download it
  13. lol nice share man tnxs
  14. den iksera gia to core :P oti allakse pack
  15. dokimasa alla den epiase :S
  16. the enchant of dagger i think is only for the color
  17. this is great AOP man keep up
  18. is good for l2 bioshock because safe +25 and max +10000
  19. l2 core xeiroteros den yparxei ^^
  20. u have only to download GG killer
  21. tnxs for share :D
  22. Bloody kaneme sto msn add se auto p s edwsa na s pw mia den mporw na steilw pm!
  23. You have exceeded the limit of 10 personal messages per hour. wtf? O_o http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=995.msg531000#new teh_giorgos@hotmail.com opios thelei na me brei... sto sigkekrimeno msn den mpenw poli gt kapios m to gamise me spam emails...
  24. oti personal message k na steilate kolise to mxc... leei MY MESSAGES[1] k den mporw na dw ta new! ban me now! Webmonster eisai megalos malakas e?
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