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Everything posted by TєђGëØrge

  1. Ok tommorow now i will go for a bath and then i will go out with my friends ok? (came back from holidays... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
  2. Απλά άλλαξε το text που θα κάνει announce σε normal chat x=time και έβαλε το ίδιο text με το Boss στον Illicit Awaking στο School of Dark Arts! Brian Peppers GR - λέει τα message στα Ελληνικά! Brian Peppers - λέει τα message στα αγγλικά
  3. site or forum url? do you know if commands have a time before change? if not we can kill everyone! :P
  4. Wrong Section + User Has big signature! th0m4s Russian Language without tags! DeviDso Needs Lock Since Illegal Software is Illegal and not allowed here. Needs Clean Up all the page! 2 Spammers here tohru sotcho
  5. Ωραίο το τόπικ αλλά... αν ψάχνεις κάρμα με τέτοια τόπικ δεν θα το βρείς... Λόγο του ότι σε πρόλαβε ο Revenger! xD Τον χρησιμοποιώ σε high rate servers μόνο με unbalanced stats για φουλ pvp!
  6. Doing that everyone will just search youtube or google or he will go to a l2 project's forum and see it from there or at least ask something! as i said we need just to add some tags at l2 private server!
  7. but still good... uploading new version...
  8. Location XP SP Drop is now fixed! click at that button works for sure + new flag icons added + new pop up window changed style!
  9. Νομίζω πως αυτά δεν είναι για εσένα είναι για τους mods! + είμαστε στο Ελληνικό Section! Σου λείπουν και τα TAGS
  10. euxaristo re... girizw apo diakopes k eipa na agorasw tis kolokartes gia ton server p tha ani3w :P
  11. Ψήφισα: Άλλο Γιατί Γιατι εχει ποιο υπευθυνους GM Γιατι ξερεις πως δεν προκειτε να "κλεισει" Γιατι εχει πολυ κοσμο Γιατι υπαρχουν απο μερικα εως μηδεν bugs Γιατι θα ειναι παντα updated στην τελευταια version του L2 Γιατι εκει ολα "work"
  12. Hello i have buyied two pay safe cards of 50 euro but can i add them on paypal? if yes how?
  13. as i know number one is l2 ... Wow was number 1 long time ago :P
  14. its old enough to get fixxed on 90% of servers...
  15. it is usefull on some servers and on some servers no... jenerally there is no answer!
  16. my only problem is that my images aren't shown... imageshack sucks :P
  17. Lineage II is teh best game ever in the world! World of Warcraft Second... Aion Goes Third of course because it is still in beta mode.. NCSOFT Rulezzz!
  18. Downloading i will test and inform you!
  19. L2JFree Project http://l2jfree.com:8060/changelog/l2jfree/ http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/l2j-free/ http://svn.l2jfree.com/svn/geodata/ http://www.l2jfree.com/ http://www.l2jfree-users.com/ Game Server http://rapidshare.com/files/257969221/l2jfree-core-1.3.0.zip Current Version: 6671 Login Server http://rapidshare.com/files/257973179/l2jfree-login-1.3.0.zip Current Version: 6671 Data Pack http://rapidshare.com/files/257971413/l2jfree_datapack_ct2.zip Current Version: 6671 WARNING! These are unstable versions! Will be updated every day!
  20. you forgot to add me on depute list...
  21. Yes but i have the best deskop from everyone here! xD
  22. Hello ? Welcome ? Both ? None ?
  23. I got the best deskop! Simple + Best!
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