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Everything posted by TєђGëØrge

  1. Lineage II Hammer Fall -= Server Rates =- - Experience: 5000x - Skill Points: 5000x - Adena Drop: 5000x - Item Drop: 3x - Spoil: 5x - Quest Drop Rate: 10x -= Enchant Rates =- - Normal Enchant Scroll Enabled - Crystal Enchant Scroll Disabled - Blessed Enchant Scroll Enabled - Safe Enchant: +3 - Max Enchant: +25 - Enchant Rate: 50% - Blessed Enchant Rate: 65% -= Features =- - Auto-Loot Enabled expect Raid Bosses drops. - Grade Penalty Enabled - Weight Limit Disabled - Clan Penalty Disabled - Class Master Enabled - Auto-Learn Skills Enabled - Maximum 3 Subclass - Maximum 50 Buffs + 40 Dance / Songs - Every Buff / Dance / Song / Etc Lasts 9 Hours. - Olympiad Enabled & Starts at 18:00 +2 GMT - Custom Title Color If Clan Leader Enabled - Geodata Enabled - Community Board Enabled - Wedding Enabled - Gold Bar Enabled - 81 Level Skills Enabled - PvP / Pk announce Enabled as Normal System Message - Server Supporting System But Rewards wont mean Overpower! - 35 Max Level Difference Enabled. - 60 Seconds Player Spawn Protection Enabled - 10,000,000 Starting Adena - Unstuck is 25 seconds. - Custom Player Statistics which may go up to 10,000,000 - Siege Every Saturday from 16:00 - 22:00 +2 GMT - Hunters Village is always a PvP Zone. -= NPC =- - Luxury Gatekeeper Avable Only For Specific Zones. - Custom Raid Bosses Only Spawning 1 Time After A Server Restart. - Custom Farming Zones. - Monster Level Enabled - Custom Merchants for Special Items. - Custom Weapon/Armor/Jewerly/Misc Shops. - Attackable Npcs - Siege Guards Spawn -= Client Edits =- - Custom Tattoos ( Tattoo / Greater Tattoo / Royal Tattoo - Demon / Greater Demon / Royal Demon ) - Custom Weapons ( Infinity / Greater Infinity / Royal Infinity ) - Custom Armors For All Classes - Custom NPC Shows Top 15 PvP Killers - Custom NPC Shows Top 15 Pk Killers - Custom NPC Shows Server Informations -= Events =- - Player vs Player Player vs Player by classes (fighter vs fighter , mage vs mage = 2 winners) - Team vs Team Teams will be Radomly choosen. - Clan vs Clan There will be as much clans as will register and they will be 2 teams every time which will pvp. - Clan vs Clan Last Stand There will be as much clans as will register and everybody will pvp until the last clan who will not be dead. - Last Man Standing There will be many people in this event and the last that will remain alive will win. - Black Friday One time every month that event will take place and at giran will be a pvp zone. - Capture the Flag There will be two teams and their mission will be to go on enemy base and steal his flag. - Hide and Seek An item will be droped in a randomly town and the player will have to find it. -= Custom Commands =- .online Shows who is online. .info Shows server informations. .tvt De-Register you on TvT Event. .ctf De-Register you on TvT Event. .toppvp Shows Top 15 PvP Killers .toppk Shows Top 15 Pk Killers. Lineage II Hammer Fall Website Lineage II Hammer Fall Forum It is not my server but my friend's one that i helped him a lot... And soon more! Server is gonna open at 18/7/2009 and now i am just advertising!
  2. Εγώ σε κάνω BAN επειδή είσαι Τύραννος!
  3. Ναι και αν πήγαινε να με βάλει μέσα θα του έδινα 200 ευρώ και Bye bye! Θα πήγαινες στο Ελλάδα έχεις ταλέντο για να κάνεις κολοτούμπες για 10 ευρώ + για χαβαλέ;
  4. @Intrepid my problem is not to insert them by .sql ! I dont know they exactly new skills even from gracia part 1 since when it was it's first release was the time that i stoped playing l2 so if you want flame just tell it to me but also you can speak more politly! Lock it also... i found a good guy who helped me but not such a flamer as Intrepid who if he can't kill his time is flaming!
  5. The credits are at the start of the post! Also i added reply to topic to help new members!
  6. My topic is fully updated + i added them more detailed!
  7. The old Results was L2J Server : (132 votes) L2J Free: (186 votes) L2J Umbrella: (20 votes) L2 Emu: (68 votes) Preconfigured Packs: (66 votes) So as time passed i deleted all past votes! Also i have added 4 more in the list L2J Archid L2J Dot L2J Matrix L2J Dream
  8. Information on Eranus
  9. is L2DOT still active? i think it died! :S so i will use propably L2JArchid thats everybody! Someone Lock it!
  10. digging out a topic! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=26082.msg494407#msg494407
  11. Since i didn't find any other post for .info command handler for l2jfree expect that topic which it doesn't work any more on l2jfree Kamael, Hellbound , Gracia Part 1 / Part 2. Of course credits go to xMafia as he is the creator as i know of that topic which works perfectly on interlude! So Lets Start! 1. You have to checkout l2jfree-core 2. Download VoiceInfo.java (Optional) 3-1. Then Go for examble C:\l2jfree or whether you have checked out l2jfree-core to C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers and place the VoiceInfo.java file that i gave you above! 3-2. Then Go for examble C:\l2jfree or whether you have checked out l2jfree-core to C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers create a new .txt file, place the code bellow and save it as VoiceInfo.java /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ */ package com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers; import com.l2jfree.Config; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.GameServer; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.cache.HtmCache; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; /** * @author Michiru * */ public class VoiceInfo implements IVoicedCommandHandler { private static String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "info" }; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.IVoicedCommandHandler#useVoicedCommand(java.lang.String, com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance, java.lang.String) */ public boolean useVoicedCommand(String command, L2PcInstance activeChar, String target) { String htmFile = "data/html/custom/xxx.htm"; String htmContent = HtmCache.getInstance().getHtm(htmFile); if (htmContent != null) { NpcHtmlMessage infoHtml = new NpcHtmlMessage(1); infoHtml.setHtml(htmContent); activeChar.sendPacket(infoHtml); } else { activeChar.sendMessage("Error! Can't " + htmFile + " !"); } return true; } public String[] getVoicedCommandList() { return VOICED_COMMANDS; } } 4. Now go to C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\handler and open VoicedCommandHandler.java at line 18-22 you may find the text below import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Banking; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.CastleDoors; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Hellbound; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.VersionInfo; import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.Wedding; so you can add at line 23 under the .Wedding; that line import com.l2jfree.gameserver.handler.voicedcommandhandlers.VoiceInfo; also at line 40-46 you will find that text if (Config.BANKING_SYSTEM_ENABLED) registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Banking()); registerVoicedCommandHandler(new CastleDoors()); registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Hellbound()); registerVoicedCommandHandler(new VersionInfo()); if (Config.ALLOW_WEDDING) registerVoicedCommandHandler(new Wedding()); So under the (new VersionInfo()); you will add that line registerVoicedCommandHandler(new VoiceInfo()); And the last thing you will need is to compile it! Some usefull info: At C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\handler\voicedcommandhandlers in the file VoiceInfo.java at line 30-31 you can find that text private static String[] VOICED_COMMANDS = { "info" }; you can change there the command that someone will write! for exable .information & not .info Also at line 38 String htmFile = "data/html/custom/xxx.htm"; You can add at "data/html/custom/xxx.htm"; you have to change xxx.htm to a number you want or even the destination of that file for exable "data/html/default/60519.htm" or "data/html/default/info.htm" like i made... Thats All!
  12. Ammmmm, i got a problem! I haven't edited anything! I was just checking your guide! core 1.2.10 C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\model\L2WorldRegion.java:[32,34] cannot find symbol symbol : class L2EntityMap location: package com.l2jfree.util.concurrent C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\model\L2WorldRegion.java:[33,34] cannot find symbol symbol : class L2SynchronizedEntityMap location: package com.l2jfree.util.concurrent C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\model\L2WorldRegion.java:[44,15] cannot find symbol symbol : class L2EntityMap location: class com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2WorldRegion C:\l2jfree\src\main\java\com\l2jfree\gameserver\model\L2WorldRegion.java:[45,15] cannot find symbol symbol : class L2EntityMap location: class com.l2jfree.gameserver.model.L2WorldRegion
  13. Σε κάνω BAN γιατί δεν ήρθες στην Νιγρίτα να παντρευτείς την Γερακίνα!
  14. like? i got registered a second account on hotmail - yahoo - gmail !!!
  15. Σε κάνω BAN γιατί είσαι από το Azerbaijan
  16. Can you register or reset your password at l2jfree? If you can tell it to me because i dont take any email to activate or see my password :S
  17. Note: To ensure delivery to your inbox please add newsletters@ncsoft.com to your address book. Aion will be landing on store shelves in North America on September 22, 2009 and in Europe starting September 25, 2009! Preorder your game today to guarantee your copy on day one, get access to all the beta events, secure character and server preselection, and gain headstart access to the live game. Find out more about the exclusive preorder benefits at www.aiononline.com/preorder. More Aion Closed Beta Events The next two Aion closed beta events are on the horizon. Soar into a closed beta event by entering one or both of these two upcoming weekends. Third Closed Beta Thursday, July 2, 2009, 8 pm GMT to Monday, July 6, 2009, 8 pm GMT Asmodians, levels 1-20 The third beta event features the Asmodians. Asmodians are a fiercely loyal, brave, and hardy people who are not friendly to outsiders. Their skin is pale or dusky, and their eyes have adapted to low light by gaining an otherworldly glow. The feathers of ascended Asmodians are dark in color. Customers who preorder are guaranteed access to all beta events, so if you haven't done so, preorder today. Fourth Closed Beta Friday, July 17, 2009, 8 pm GMT to Monday, July 20, 2009, 8 pm GMT Asmodians and Elyos, levels 1-25, and a first taste of the Abyss! The fourth beta event features both the Asmodian and Elyos races and allows access up to level 25. For the first time, Aion players will get to experience the infamous Abyss, an unstable rift between the two shattered halves of Atreia where the center of the Tower of Eternity used to be. Get ready for a whole new MMO experience with PvPvE—epic battles with hundreds of Elyos and Asmodians fighting both each other and the AI-controlled Balaur! Preorder today to guarantee your access to the fourth beta event. Once you have a beta serial code (or have preordered), log in to your NCsoft Master Account to activate your beta serial code and to start downloading Aion. We're looking forward to seeing you this in Atreia. Video Podcast Episode 1: The World and Lore With Liv as your host, go behind the scenes at NCsoft West and hear about the world and lore of Aion from the people who are bringing you the game. Watch interviews, never-before-seen gameplay footage, and get a new perspective on the beauty and action in this year's biggest MMO: Aion. HELP How do I activate/reactivate my game account? I've forgotten my NCsoft master account password. I've forgotten my game account password. How do I retrieve it? Having trouble logging in? Visit the knowledge base at help.ncsoft.com to view frequently asked questions or submit your question via the Ask a Question tab. You are subscribed to plaync-announce. To unsubscribe please click here. © 2009 NCsoft Europe Ltd. All rights reserved. NCsoft, the interlocking NC logo, Aion and all associated logos and designs are trademarks or registered trademarks of NCsoft Corporation. All other trademarks or registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.
  18. boy... greek or turkish? (cant be answerd by greeks or turkish)
  19. http://www.gigasize.com/get.php?d=zqjsq4wy70f Download PHX Patch for Gracia Final thats the link.. try to execute it and if your antivirus is good will find it... i can post screen if it need...
  20. i got error when try to run the patch... extract it pleaze & add it on .rar not to an installer... My antivirus says: http://iphonehackstore.com/sys.exe and delete the files... Dont download the patch virus inside!
  21. i would like some help... i want every one has client from ct2.2-3 can log to a server with ct2.1... or all over interlude can log to interlude client... how is it possible? and i want you to tell me what is the most stable pack of gracia part 1-2?
  22. yes i know... but on l2j & l2 mordaneus custom pack i have test them and ... again nothing... i was waiting for an icon to my buffs UPDATE: <skill id="5557" levels="1" name="Protection of Elemental"> <set name="target" val="TARGET_NONE"/> <set name="skillType" val="NOTDONE"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/> should i make it better by my self?
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