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Everything posted by Vein

  1. Im not sure,but I think Iv read smthin at festival explanation: "If u receive buffs from outside(Prophet,Warcryer etc) your party will immediately be teleported out." Cant quite remember was that for festival or smthin else ;)
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23eZMdixAuk Example. APC and Tool, then anything else ;)
  3. That is your opinion. I prefer c++ over c# but still,sometimes its much more easier to code smthin in c# then in c++.
  4. Missing C#,but nvm since it has many similiarities with c++
  5. Red Alert 2 & Age of Empires II 2 Awesome rts :p + Age of Mythology.. ^^
  6. Saw I (II and III dont like very much :p) Highlander I II & III The Pianist Jumper is also cool.. fav actor: Sean Connery
  7. Since c3 ... i would probably start before BUT I didnt had internet(my friends played it since c1 ...) First char ...Gladiator...
  8. My vote goes to Crysis. Maxed out on DX9 looks awesome...now im thinkin to put vista just to test dx10.
  9. hahah,that's The Lost in Dwarf mode :P Cmon,post more :P! Dont keep us w8ing!
  10. Tips from loading screen in l2 (atleast what iv read!)
  11. Vein

    If i were GOD.

    Oh..why everyone wants my job? Do you know how annoying it is to be a God? U work 24/7 for 365/6 days in year..for ever! Listen to the prays,try not to kill too much ppl,try to make new ppl born...And all that noise ppl are making with their cars and planes..oh...damn il just restart "The Earth" and delete all my saved games...That Adam and Eve are like rabbits -.- sex sex and more sex!
  12. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Goal: To understand life's mysteries. Vibes: High frequency. Desire: To be unique and original. Class: Mage or Enchanter Description: It's the age of Aquarius and your sign is regarded as the zodiac's leader. You are a trendsetter, and would make a great guild leader. As a mind oriented individual you would make a good spell caster in any game you play! Aquarians have an intense ability to live on many mental levels, making you the perfect Illusionist. Due to your focus on intellectual exploration, you are also well suited to crafting and inventing. Due to your ability to bounce between extremes, you can easily play the role of good or evil races. Aquarians are also humanitarian, which brings out your desire to help others and you tend to prefer groups over solo'ing. You play your class well as you do not let emotion get in your way. But you are also outgoing, loyal and amiable, thus attracting friends where ever you go. Aquarians never stop thinking and often suffer from insomnia. You also have strong political and social beliefs in-game. In fact, Aquarians are happiest when they have something to believe in and nurture. red - true(for me) green - not true I personally believe that im not very good leader..Im much more a co-leader...The one behind the "main man"..;) Rest is 100% true. love ya :P
  13. Obscure Silent Hill(Ps1) R.E 1-2(Ps1)
  14. Hmm,everyone has its own personal style of playin..I prefer to make kamikaze archer ^^ -4con +4dex -4con +4str Higher crit(dmg and rate),atk spd,spd,evasion and patk..but rly low hp :P
  15. My first nick was LordKiller ... that was on my 1st online game [ogame].. Then when i started l2..i couldnt think of any so i just "bumped" QuilGion.. Sometimes I use BlooM [rarely-when all other nicks are taken!] but mostly im Vein or Enslaved. AND if im making funny chars(support) then : AiBuff, DedaMraz(in english its Santa Clause),Cvarak(food in my language ^^).
  16. To be honest,one who's played l2 for lets say 2 years will NEVER like ANY other mmorpg..becuase every other mmorpg that he starts will compare to l2.. Same goes for wow players. You just cant compare it,both "sides" have their own advantages and disadvantages.
  17. Name: Vein Posts: 58 (2,522 per day) ^^
  18. I think he is trying to say that this file is fix for dupe bug(the one with pet).
  19. Dunno why. Anyway iv tested it on l2core and l2infinity - works there.maybe its patched on some servers.
  20. Nicey ;) Il try your suggestions,thx for info.
  21. Well you knew it,but there are players who didnt,so I posted,after all we are here to share right ? ;) @radzio: Thx didnt knew that! Il try it!
  22. Ah sorry,tested on L2 Core and works. Didnt test on l2 off. L2j only.
  23. If you play HE,you will easily get in situations in which you have to use snipe(siege rush for example),so after using snipe you become immobilized,which means you cant move. Your target can either: run out of your range,or atk you. If it attacks you,you are in advantage,but what if it runs away from your range,or you and/or your mates in siege successfully rushed the doors and you cant move? Simply dis-equip bow,equip another wep(any grade,as long as it isnt bow),and re-equip bow. Usefull in some situations.
  24. You say it works on l2 core,let me ask u,u have that skill ONLY that 1min/20min/1h or forever?(it stays in your active skill lists)
  25. So what would u ppl recommend for Duelist and for He/wk. I mean dyes,equip,buffs,tattoos. About duelist: My current equip: Draconic set + dual kash +4 Dyes: -6 con +5 dex Buffs: Dances of warrior,fury,fire - song of earth,vitality,wind,warding,hunter - pof,g might,might,shield,m barrier,zerk,haste,focus,death whisper,btb,guidance. Tattoos:for atk spd. *note Duelist is on high rate with max buff line 25(2,5 lines). He/Wk: current equip: carnage + tallum heavy set.(dont ask) dyes: -3dex +3con buffs: pp with pof tattoos: +patk -pdef *he is on Dnet. ps : if u could recommend also what to use as pure HE on high rate ^^ ps2: comment my current stats/equip and tell me what is wrong,what do you suggest etc. thx in advance..luv ya all! ps3: it wasnt requesting help(kinda) i was asking for opinions and to discuss them..but nvm.
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