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Everything posted by Vein

  1. Well,im looking for a interlude server(or hellbound !) with normal enchant rate,something like +15 max and rly low succes rate! One big + would be that summoners and tanks have chance in pvp ^^ thanks :P
  2. Most scary films are the ones that play with your mind...look up for animation named: we are the strange on youtube...its..i dont know it is scary for me in one hand..but in the other it..i dont know..confusing movie.i reccomend it to all of u.
  3. Well im playin,cool server. bit laggy tho..but interesting ;) nick:Salival
  4. Ah,my bad :P I thought u mean about contest :P
  5. Contest is opened for anyone. You just have to post here your work and say: I wonna participate. Then you will be listed(Or u can join without video work,which u can make later and post again ^^).
  6. Ah the music was the one fragment i didnt liked :P If you are making video/movie whatever with some fighting,and you are introducing fighters like here..add a bit more violent music. But still..good job.
  7. Some members cant see links from FileFront so this link might help you download pivot 3 beta: http://www.freewebs.com/melonmonkey/download.htm (Scan it,maybe it has viruses ^^ ) ps:when I say cant see,means they cant download,like me.Forbidden!
  8. zerg him with frenzy!! :P Regarding the port stuff,cant u just keep wc in pt..so he can resummon everyone?
  9. Free Teleports Characters below level 40 can use the gatekeepers to teleport for free. Sounds cool for low rate servers ;)
  10. "dang Kamaels Pwn Everybody!" Wouldnt agree :P Everything depends on players skill to play class ;) [talking for low rate servers,not x4532524 where everyone has +655356]
  11. Vein

    ANIME !!

    to moderators / admins...can u give scovron +1? ^^ If its impossible ,then give me -1 and to him +1 ^^
  12. Vein

    ANIME !!

    Gonna watche em all ;) Thanks again! Oh,and about manga reading..wont happen,in my country those cost like fortune so..maybe once will read em ;) Thx.
  13. Vein

    ANIME !!

    Watched so far: GITS, GITS: Innocence , plannin to watch all other(even tho they arent directed by Mamoru Oshii like GITS 1,and Innocence movies.) What are those about? :P akira/freedom/blame/blame:prologue/gunslinger girl Im lazy to search info right now. ps: thanks
  14. Vein

    ANIME !!

    I dont wont to make new topic,so il just ask here. Im looking for anime that is similar to Death Note,Berzerk,Ghost in the shell. If anyone has any experiences with those,and some similar anime's,please leave your msg here or pm me ps: I dont want to watch any sucky anime like Naruto,Bleach,One Piece etc. Those are NOT similar to the ones i mentioned Thx ~~
  15. I didnt like Fgames Wars...reason: community -> majority are kids,and all they do is swear and atk u. + Gm's friends(got my char deleted coz i had argue with wrong person!)
  16. I think that eurobattlenet beats garena..no need to install any additional programs(like garena) only game..and u can find more than 40dota games at once..anyway,your choice.
  17. If u want to play on REAL BATTLENET u must buy original frozen throne expansion (not sure about the "Reing of Chaos").. But,u can play on private servers aswell..example: http://eurobattle.net/index.php hope it helped.
  18. Id like to know translation of that -.- And yea,i double posted. Anyway,if no1 doesnt wonna answer,just lock the topic.Its useless. Thx for nothin.
  19. Ok,i started wow,since im old l2 player i know few stuff from it(like pvp vs mages,vs fighters etc.) My char is gnome warlock,spec. in demonology and destruction (0-41-20). For raids i sometimes use Felhound,coz of 2s stun and high dmg,and sometimes imp when im in mt group(+30stamina from imp's blood pact). For pvp,against mage: curse of tongues,immolation,innicirate+shadow bolt. Against fighters,summon felhound atk with him,curse of agony,immolation,innicirate+shadow bolt. Later il post my equip.So u can tell me which one is good which isnt. I wanted to know,how do i pvp in mass pvp? Coz i always die fast.. Which items are good for me ? How do u differ healer items from locks items? When we are raiding illidan or council,or mother which items should i aim to get? (im playin on high rate server!) Thx for info,il ask more later! gtg to school..cu!
  20. the last one (in your 1st post!) is freaking awesome! make that one for me with nick xVoid PLOX !! MI NIIDS :P If I could id give u +1..tough luck! Keep up,u really have the..how to say it english ...talent for drawing.
  21. So only works with 2pcs or 1 pc + virtual machine set up? There's no other way i can use l2w without 2nd pc,or virtual?(ya i know,im lazy to setup virtual one -.-) otherwise gj.
  22. tommorow... so now everyone go..have fun! quit your jobs,make love to your bf/gf...have fun with family! go go go! :D anyway..internet is free,and will stay free(except pr0n sites :P)
  23. + only kids destroy other ppl hard work.just..lame.
  24. If I remember correctly, script kiddie is a term for ppl who use other ppl programs,codes,hack's to do malware things(etc "hack"). ps: if u used,lets say,l2 walker,l2 phx etc,even the int file for custom enchant colours...then you are script kiddie. which makes 100% of this server script kids. regards, Vein.
  25. Vein

    ANIME !!

    Hellsing Trinity Blood Death Note
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