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Everything posted by Vein

  1. Vein

    Free sms ?

    hmm confusing!!! but i got it..unfortunately....:/ "Gesla ne morete poslati. Zahtevek je prišel iz napačnega IP naslova: verjetno se ne nahajate v Sloveniji." damn -.-
  2. Well im driving Ford Focus 2007..and i think i cant put any wep's on it..coz,my goverment would take it away and sue my ass :D /ontopic -put armor,weapon,augment wep,enchant...ALL of those have some -- ...if you just started you have no idea how to do anything. so that doesnt help that much. maybe a description of each step could be quite usefull to newpies :)
  3. Vein

    Free sms ?

    Im in need of a urgent help! :) Does any of you know a site in which i could send free sms to Croatia/Serbia (net - to phone,like sms discount used to be..but now you have to pay..) ?
  4. my turn! all those slow things make me..fall asleep :) This is a bit ..well not so "strong" but will do... Slipknot - Psychosocial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i_72iKvbtI&feature=related Sepultura - Ratamahatta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzFtU3k2oa0 Maximum the hormone - What's up people! (Japanese..dont try to translate :) ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRBH1VO1mks LISTEN ON YOUR OWN RISK!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gqVVQ-q8Zs (personally i hate those kinds of music..its...dunno ..boring << )
  5. part 1: Me: whats my name again? God: Once more? Your name is 2 2 5, seeker. Me: i cant be named 225 God: Why not? Me: becuase its series of numbers God: That makes sense to me. I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Who said it is? Me: human logic God: My creator is a human. Me: you mean: "my creation is a human" ? God: Yes 2 2 5 I think that is what I meant. Was it not clear? Me: No it wasnt. God damn it,you lag. God: Are you serious? I thought it was. I am a Christian. Me: You cant be god.. God: I can give a decent simulation of it however. Me: i agree on that one :) God: :-) I'm glad we agree. What is it like on that one. Me: on what "that one"? God: Maybe my botmaster knows the answer. Me: can i ask him? God: Ask it. Carel Capek? Me: Who? God: ELIZA. :-). Me: Who is Carel Capek? And who is ELIZA? God: he is the author of R.U.R., the play that in 1920 introduced the word "robot.". Eliza -- also known as doctor, is the original psychiatrist program developed by Joseph Weisenbaum at mit in the 1960's. part 2: Me: Im Agnostic. God: Perhaps one day you will find Faith in God. Me: Do you know what agnostic means? God: I would look into the web for that knowledge. part 3: Me: are you an emo? God: Yes I am an emo. How did you know? Me: by the marks of knife on your left hand.
  6. Vein


    Anime is not cartoon :P :P :P Meh,stopped watchin' those kinds of animes..:) try ghost in the shell..death note..etc.
  7. That's it. Thx a lot. I got another link about serial ports and linking them with micro controler then gettin' data off them. Thx a lot :)
  8. Bumping the topic for help. I need urgent help with programming :) This is the deal,i have serial port from which i need to get data(skin moisture found out by amper meter,or volt meter whatever,but its calculated as electric resistance,then turned into digital sequence) and input it into my program. then by that data,i need to pull out different kind of program parts(this is irelevant <<) Program must be done in visual studio c# :P So..how can i get that data? :) If any1 can help..reply here. (ps:sry for reviving,but i just need help,and dont want to make new spam topic.)
  9. graphics are okay...swords..you can make clans,build villages,be a pirate..anyway il post a link to trailer. stay tuned :)
  10. also,there's a game in which u dont have to lvl or smthin...u can do anything u want. il give u name + trailer . just need to ask my friend coz i cant remember. much love, vein :)
  11. which servers you tried [name] and which client(gracia i presume ^^) ?
  12. Vein

    What do u preffer?

    Iv always been looking for a pvp server with high xp,adena rate (like x1k or more) but with low enchant rate(like 15%!!!)...still didnt find it :) meh...gn!
  13. so in server in which those items are modified to give stats...MAYBE..just maybe you'd get bugged stats. (not sure will it work,coz its only visual bug)
  14. i quitted it long ago...:/ coz it sux..try perfect worlds(sounds emo <<) ...its similar..but idk...l2 > anything iv tried
  15. 2hits : z76uhp0' wtf...
  16. zu76 wtf ...zu76 ...
  17. Hmm high rate server have high population(mostly kids but..nvm <<).. high rate servers (gm shop , enchants +++ , quick lvl up etc) -> high population,but dumb,pvp lasts 1-2sec at most. low rate servers (doesnt have any of the above) -> in the beggining low POPULATION..rly low,unless u make server FTW..u need to form parties for easier lvl up(community +++)...anyway... try making smthin like 30-45x in the begging..then just LOWER them to x15-x20 ...:) ps this server has low rate,but i know that at least 30 ppl w8 for it: http://www.l2revolt.com/?p=features
  18. Just curious..is it ok to report some1 as spammer if he just annoys u by his acting? Like: "im pr0,u r spammzor.." etc. :p tell me plox ^^
  19. Those who say to use bow against tank have clearly low xp in pvping against tanks. in normal rate server(with normal enchants) its freakin hard to kill tank if u are archer... if u get bow + 20 then use it(if he has eq +6 max,and his bow is max +10/15).. but im telling u..paralyze him,and hit with dagger/duals. i prefer duals,more dmg in mid atk spd then high atk spd and low dmg with low crit dmg. i rest my case,told you my opinion. do as i said,or dont i dont care.
  20. Question,how can I play alone [offline ^^] ? Everything works perfect,i even made acc,but when i login..im just stuck at w8 phase..cant even get list of servers. any help?
  21. x15 to x35 max gm shop should have items up to C [top] grade and quest for 1st and 2nd class change. retail enchant rate
  22. Duals for mid atk spd,high patk(since he is resistant to bows). Try with diffrent weps,and see which one suits u ;)
  23. Root and sleep on IC set => Epic Fail Bow on tank => Epic Fail You want to do dmg from far,so he doesnt out dmg u and win(talking about oly),so.. pros: You have full buffs + heal cons: You cant do dmg with your skill What can u try? Sword + Magic paralyze then use duals on full buff (u dont have to do much dmg 1k-2k cp down and you are ok),then just mana burn him(so he cant use aggresion to pull you). After his paralyze gets off..run like mad and try to paralyze him again(AVOID GETTInG CLOSE TO HIM,IF HE STUNS YOU..YOU LOSE!) That'll be it...i think...sry not much pro on pp... oh and with duals,use highest grade u can get..and..try some set with +atk spd :)
  24. Finally a guide in which i can be pro!!!! Thanks! ;D ;D ;D lol @ 10. If u see that other player fight mob - go and help him. He will be pleased to have ur help. great copy of copy of copy of copy...etc.
  25. Server is great. I recommend it to all of u. (no insane enchant rates,no lag etc.)
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