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  1. What you linked, is my code. It is already shared for 382 here;
  2. There is nothing special to adat. The service itself is cross-chronicle and the l2j code is so minimal it should be easily adaptable
  3. You can use this as an example to see how: https://github.com/Elfocrash/L2jTesla
  4. This one is only guaranteed if you're using try-with-resources btw. In some cases they will eventually close because they will get forced by the GC (even though they are unmanaged, the JVM will try to close when possible before disposing) but it's not guaranteed and they can cause socket exhaustion.
  5. Ignore the service itself. It's just an example of an implementation of the concept. You can implement it using proxies instead of using AWS' Edges (which is basically what AWS is also doing). Like I said, spin up an Azure or AWS environment (wherever you have free credits) and test if for yourself. I tested it with the L2jBrasil folks when I originally created it and that's where my results come from. Now about the "torture testing". I define torture test as 1 million concurrent connections with maybe 10m requests per second. Has it been torture tested this way? Nah, but it's perfectly stable with at least 500 L2 concurrent connections without any signs of degradation. Keep in mind that traffic is also segregated. It's perfectly stable and perfectly fine to use based on no compaints from at least 20 servers that I personally know that are using it. And at the end of the day you don't even have to use the service itself. Simply gets a VPS and configure it as a proxy. You can still use the Java part. You just lose some features but gain all the benefits of the concept.
  6. It's nothing new. You probably missed my edit but: Here is an example of an AWS dedicated to this exact concept called AWS Global Accelerator with a dedicated section on how this benefits Gaming. I personally know that Blizzard is using it for games like WoW, Overwatch. Basically every big company that does any sort of networking is using that concept and has been for years in both gaming and other general networking.
  7. It's not theory at all. It might be new to you but it's actually how things work. Backbone networking is one of the selling features of cloud providers and I use them on a day to day basis. Some basic googling will answer all your questions. You can get anything from a 10% to a 60% reduction depending on the region and the status of the network. Those are actual numbers. Feel free to create a free account on AWS or Azure and test it on your own. Also the project is used in multiple live servers and it has been running in its previous form on a few other servers since 2018. Nothing educational here and nothing to sell (so nothing to market). You can disagree all you want but at the end of the day it doesn't matter because it's just ignorance talking. EDIT: Here is an example of an AWS dedicated to this exact concept called AWS Global Accelerator with a dedicated section on how this benefits Gaming. I personally know that Blizzard is using it for games like WoW, Overwatch.
  8. MITM is a term for intercepting proxies. It is an intercepting proxy acting as a reverse proxy. Proxies decrease latency only when implemented on a provider's backbone network. You are basically taking advantage of the cloud provider's dedicated networking to speed up indirectly. Here is a diagram explaining it. It won't do miracles because the speed of light is the speed of light at the end of the day but it can make a noticable difference. You also get protection and control that the GS itself doesn't have to waste resources to deal with. You never have to expose the actual gameserver location and all your traffic protections can be applied on cheap VPS' rather than expensive dedicated servers. This approach has a lot of advantages. If you have enough proxies you can even shadow segment teh proxies that show up and if someone DDOSes the server they will just take down 1-10/20 proxies that hold just a few people instead of the whole server.
  9. It's a MITM proxy that implements reverse proxy functionality. It's not a reverse proxy by definition but you wouldn't be wrong for calling it a reverse proxy either.
  10. Those are completely separate connections. The diagram shows the logical flow of the login process. After you login the player is directly connected to the proxy which is directly connected to the server. A single player is always connected to the gameserver through a single proxy. The graph just shows that there might be multiple proxies to chose from.
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