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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. [move]EXOFILLAROUXAS3 4 EVER[/move]
  2. working on IL and some of them working on CT1 too ! test them to be sure :P
  3. [Apla na eisai Xima. Gia sou kopelia mou dinis ton arithmo?] XAXAXAXAXA se paw!:P
  4. egw gia na kathisixasw ton euato mou ... bazw tragoudeia (rap synithws me synesthimatika logia) , kai skeftomai oti kai i kopela p thelw einai stin idia thesi me emena ! , alla kai pali den borw niwthw ena anxos san na me pnigei mesa m , kai den borw na to bgalw :/ prospathw oso pio poly borw na sas to perigrapsw parastatika;)
  5. You were =) u2 haha :P
  6. axx ti trabame me tis atimes ahha:P
  7. its the same thing that i told u:D anyway!gl:P
  8. so try to do that vent00za told u:D
  9. i think that u need an update to the Java!
  10. ok thnx , but , can you tell me if i can put them everywhere i want?
  11. amazing work vent00za ! if i was donator i would gave you +1 karma:D but i have an answear :D i can't understand this : i must put the 40006 , 7077 , 70003 html there? to make that think to work , you must put 40006 , 7077 and 70003 at gameserver/data/html/admin/tele/others !
  12. Pantws nomizw to topic auto einai usefull... pragmatika to topic opws eipa prin einai e3eretiko apla gia emena einai dyskolo na milisw se mia kopela p den tin 3erw:/
  13. 4:Na min fovase na tis milisis esto ki an einai agnosth.Mpori sto telos na apodixtei oti se 8eli. einai to mono pou mou tin spaei re thano ... den borw as poume na paw se mia 3eni kai na tis milisw .... NTREPOMAI!:P
  14. re paidia thelw na dwsw ena terastio gratz ston xxRxx ... gia to topic pou ekane , giati pragmatika den 3erw pws na milisw stis kopeles , einai mia pou mou exei trabi3ei para poly to endiaferon , kai einai sto school m (yparxoune 2 sxoleia se 1 ktirio ... to 3o kai to 2o)auti paei sto 2o egw sto 3o , episis den exoume milisei apla koitazomaste sto full!to kolima p trow einai pws na tis milisw! , auta p eipate me boithisan poly alla eimai sigouros oti kai apo auta pou mas eipate stin teleutaia stigmi tha kolisw , m einai dyskolo me liga logia na paw kai na tis milisw enw den tin 3erw kan...fenete kai ligo gyftia " kopelia m dineis ton arithmo sou?" (den kolaei , enw den tin 3erw na paw kai na tis milisw) anyway thelw na m fygei auto to anxos alla m einai poly dyskolo!!!!
  15. thats nice exofil very good share,you made them by yourself? ehm yae its by myself ehehe :P i made it cuz i know that people need a share like this about karma eehhe yae i need it but anyway :D its by mods way!
  16. 1) http://www.dnhost.gr/index3.php 2) http://www.ahosting.biz/promotion/dedicated/?gclid=CMW79Yu605ICFRBgMAodvyU_DA 3) http://iweb.com/dedicated/server-deal/?gclid=CLvx35K605ICFQhIMAodnUTRCQ 4) http://www.server4you.com/us/index.php?ref=0301GO 5) http://www.ahosting.biz/promotion/dedicated/?gclid=CO-9rKG605ICFQlDMAodpikYBA 6) http://iweb.com/dedicated/server-deal/?gclid=CN6u56a605ICFQiKMAodj0HlCA kai an psa3eis exei kiala:P
  17. nice one xxRxx go on!:D
  18. here we are Kamael GK
  19. Pyro is no good GM becouse if Your accunt wil be chacket he no help u WHy becouse u no is donat heh... lol of course ... if you loose your item by hacking u think that gm's must be give them to you back! what is this?anyway!
  20. ohh soz about that wait a minute and it will be fix it in my first post! EDIT : fixed all the stats Friday 11 april 2008
  21. I searched and i didn't find anything about custom jewlews so if u find something like that delete my topic or keep it on refresh! Ok here we are !!!! i advice you to use them in PvP server! i made this share to help you with custom jewles first of all download the link : Custom jewles in the link having the stats and the itename-e put the 0800-0899 and 0900-0999 xml in gameserver\data\stats\armor and drop and drag the itename-e in your L2 Interlude system folder Information's : The custom stats added in Tatteotian Jewles set! so if you want to check them "buy Tatteotian Jewles set" Also have attention here : Don't forget ! Its about Interlude client ! Best Regards .:Exofillarouxas3:.
  22. LOST - Prison Break - Scary Movie - 300 - 300 gia klamata - Superhero Movie!:D and of course without movies we can't continue .. haha:P
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