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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. nai o x5000 eixe problimata ... itane fullarismenoi i database(diafora criticals ktlp). ... kai goustaroune oloi x45...btw ty paidia (vent00za interlude thelw alla np) stefouli thnx kai se esena;)
  2. paidia gia x45 server ti pack m protinete?l2jfree?l2j?l2joneo?l2emu?na min exei polla bugs ktlp (event engine den thelw) plz an 3erete balte kai link tha to ektimisw !thnks!
  3. [Hidden post: You need -20 karma or become a Noob to see it. You currently have -2.]
  4. Translated to english : To make a servant Guide to make a servant of Lineage 2 - Kamael. That it is L2J: L2J is an alternative Lineage 2 Game Server written in pure Java of the best compatibility. L2J gives the possibility you legally of welcoming a game of this popular servant of Korea MMO created by NCSoft. It is still without finishing and some characteristics are still disappear, but L2J development equipment is working hard in their application. L2J Server is distributed under the terms of GENERAL GNU PUBLIC LICENSE hope of which in a model of open code he is the best one for the development of quality software occurs to all the possibility of participating in the development by means of the presentation of the code. Legenda: Color to verde:añadir. Red color: to eliminate. Color orange: to verify. Before continuing: You must consider that stops to make a servant of Lineage 2, you must have a maquina with good capacity. Two metodos exist to make a servant: 1) Through eclipse: this metodo but is used since also it serves to update the servant from a revision to another one, to modify a file to jar, among other functionalities. (Recommending). 2) Descargar the archives already constructed. Note: if it is going to use this metodo, not to unload the eclipse and to evade the first passage of the guide. In order to make a servant of Lineage 2, in this Kamael case, you needed the following programs: Java JDK http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Wampserver. http://www.4shared.com/file/33794609/cbb9e83/WampServer20a.html Navicat (Platform for Windows). http://www.navicat.com/download.html Instalar the programs. Note: in the installation of the Wampserver not to modify the folder in where it is going it to install by defect. Also you needed: Classic eclipse (Platform for Windows). http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/ Descomprimir in your favorite folder. First step: To execute the eclipse, abrira a window in which it asked in which site was created the zone of work (a called folder workspace where the program unloaded the archives of the servant), we chose any folder of fast access. After initiating the aparecera program a welcome screen, which cerramas above to the left. Despues we go to the eyelash Help Software Updates Find and Install... In the window we selected to Search new features to install and click in next, we click in New Remote Site... and in the new window we introduce: Name: subeclipse URL: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update/ Hacemos click in OK, we selected to subeclipse and click in Finish.Aparecera a new window in that we selected denuevo subeclipse and we click in Next, we accepted the terminos of use, Next and by I complete Finish. When a new window finishes unloading aparecera in which we click in Install All, this installed in the Eclipse plug-in handling the SVN, soon it asked to you if you are going to reinitiate the Eclipse and we click in Yes. When beginning another one you see the program, we go to the eyelash Window Preferences Java Installed Jres. In the window deseleccionamos jre and we click in Search..., we selected to My PC Local Disc (C:) Archives of Java Programs and we click in Accepting. Soon aparecera in the window the JDK and we selected it, click in OK. Now we go to the Window eyelash Show View Other... SVN SVN Repository. Aparecera an area that this in target, right click on her and in submenu: New Repository Location... In the window we placed the URL of the SVN of the developers of servants L2J with who we wished to work. Note: in this case we will work with L2J-Datapack and L2J-Server! URL: http://www.l2jdp.com/svn/ In the same area we return to click right on her and in submenu: New Repository Location... URL: http://www.l2jserver.com/svn/ In the area we expanded http://www.l2jdp.com/svn/ clicking double on her, soon we do the same with trunk and by I complete we click right in datapack_development and submenu Checkout... Soon you saldra a window to which we click in Finish, began to unload the archives of the data for the servant, when finishing we go to the Window eyelash View Show and in submenu we click in Package Explorer. Abrira the window Package Explorer normally to the left, in where aparecera datapack_development which we will expand clicking double, soon we looked for the file build.xml and we click right on: Run 1 Ant Build. Note: possibly aparecera a message saying: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, the system cannot find the specified file, we ignored it. When finalizing we will have the constructed archives of datapack. Now we needed the archives the servant, we expanded Revision 1534: /, soon we do the same with trunk and by I complete we click right in l2_gameserver_t1 and submenu Checkout... Soon you saldra a window to which we click in Finish, began to unload the archives for the servant and when finishing, we return to the window Package Explorer, where aparecera l2_gameserver_t1 which we will expand clicking double, soon we looked for the file build.xml and we click right on: Run 1 Ant Build. Note: possibly aparecera a message saying: Cannot run program "svnversion": CreateProcess error=2, the system cannot find the specified file, we ignored it. When finalizing we will have the constructed archives of the servant Second step: We executed the Wampserver. We opened the Navicat and we click in Connection, in the window we filled up: Conection Name: servidorHost name/IP address: localhost Port: 3306 User name: root Password: Note: the Password field we left it in target.We click in OK, soon in the field of Connections double click in servant to open it, soon right click in the same one and in submenu New Database..., in the window we filled up: Enter database name: l2jdb demas we left asi it by defect, we click in OK. Now we click in Manage User, we selected root@localhost and we click in Edit User and we modified: User name: root Host: localhost Password: your password Confirm Password: your password Note: the password that we placed aqui sera the same one that we are going to use in all the guide. We click OK and we closed the Navicat. Third step: For that they use eclipse: We go to Local Disco (C:) and we created a folder with the servant name, soon we go to the folder of the zone of work of the eclipse that we placed when we initiated the eclipse for the first time... We entered the folder l2_gameserver_t1 build and copied the file l2j-server.zip and we stuck inside of the folder that we created in (C:), now we do the same, but with the folder datapack_development build and copied the file l2j_datapack.zip and we also stuck it inside of the folder that we created in (C:). Now we decompressed first l2j-server.zip and soon l2j_datapack.zip. For that they wish to unload the archives already constructed: You needed: L2J-Datapack. http://l2jserver.com/nightly/?dir=&download=L2J_DataPack-unstable.zip L2J-Server http://l2jserver.com/nightly/?dir=&download=L2J_Server-unstable.zip Descargar in your favorite folder. We go to Local Disco (C:) and we created a folder with the servant name, soon we go to the folder where we unloaded the archives. We copied the file l2j_server-unstable.zip and we stuck inside of the folder that we created in (C:), now we do the same, but with the file l2j_datapack-unstable.zip and we also stuck it inside of the folder that we created in (C:). Now we decompressed first l2j_server-unstable.zip and soon l2j_datapack-unstable.zip. Note: these unloadings change of revision every day. Fourth step: Soon we entered the folder tools, and click double in database_installer, which abrira a window asking itself: Write the path to your MySQL binaries (not trailing slash needed): (default C:\Archivos of programa\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin): C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.0.45\bin, we pressed to enter. MySQL username (default is ` root`): We pressed to enter. Password (will be shown ace you type, default"): your password, we pressed to enter. Database (default is ` l2jdb`): We pressed to enter. Host (default is ` localhost`): We pressed to enter. User (default is ` root`): We pressed to enter. Pass (default is ` your contraseña`): We pressed to enter. Database (default is ` l2jdb'): We pressed to enter. Host (default is ` localhost`): We pressed to enter. Color mode ©olor or (n)on-color, default c: We pressed to enter. For Path your backups (default `.'): Presionamos to enter. For Path your logs (default `.'): Presionamos to enter. Debugging messages and increase verbosity to lil bit (y/n, default ` y'): We pressed to enter and when finalizing we pressed any key. Choose (not default for fresh install): f, we pressed to enter. It began to install the tables of the servant and when finalizing we pressed any key.Fifth step: We entered the folder login config and click double in the file to loginserver. Note: possibly being the first aparesca time a window To open to you with... in which we selected Notepad and we selected the square: To always use the selected program to open this type of archives, click in Accepting. Once opened we looked for the following lines: ExternalHostname=nuestra IP or DNS InternalHostname= Password=tu password We kept and we closed. Sixth step: Now again we go to the folder login and click double in the RegisterGameServer file, once initiated asked: Your choice: 1, we pressed to enter and is going to create a called file to hexid(server 1). We looked for it in the folder and we changed the name to him by hexid, we cut it and we stuck it in the folder to gameserver config. Septimo step: Inside of the folder config we click double in the server file and already looked for the following lines: ExternalHostname=nuestra IP or DNS InternalHostname= Password=tu password We kept and we closed. Eighth step: Soon we go to the folder login and we click double in the file to startLoginServer, to initiate login. When finalizing the load must appear: Login Server ready on *:2106Ninth step: Soon we go to the folder to gameserver and we click double in the file to startGameServer, to initiate the servant. When finalizing the load must appear: Registered on login ace Server 1: BartzDecimo step: In the folder to gameserver config, ahi but configurables archives to personalize the servant. All credits Prettyzone Source www.ragezone.com
  5. i think that the only new place in interlude is "Dino Island" so i think that we haven't another choise ehehe:P btw i like dino too eheh;p!!!!
  6. i think that u need to learn more english man...cuz we can't understad anything ehe :P btw i am spyros ehe:D
  7. nai mporei na yparxoune kai se c4 alla me arketi douleia oste na boroune na perastoune ... anyway an mporeis vent00za bale kamia pic tha einai xrisimi!
  8. den to exw dokimasei ... kali idea einai na to dokimaseis ... alla nomizw den douleuei . .. gt ta dynasty bikane apo c6 kai meta kai ta epic episis;p!
  9. here is a link http://www.sexyracing.com/lineage/l2howto/UE2Runtime-22261903.exe ;)
  10. you can't do anything in game... i just think that u can delete items from other from ur database ... (open navicat go characters ... find the name of the character that u need to delete an item and take his id ... after this go to items ... go up and press the button "find" write the id and the item that u need to delete is there...! gl);)
  11. i think Gameserver MySQL Database: l2jdb (here u should write again localhost) but i am not sure ... i have the program but i didn't run it in the past ehe:P
  12. stefoulis15 , 15-16 xronon , meseos sto ipsos peripou 1,65-1,72 ... einai ligo xontroulis gia tin ilikia tou ... 70-80 kila kai tou aresoun ta soublakia!!!!(me to sybathio xaxa;p)
  13. Gameserver MySQL Address: ? < ---- ur ip adress (http://whatismyip.com) Gameserver MySQL Username: ? < ---- ur database username ( for example "localhost" ) Gameserver MySQL Password: ? < ---- ur database password ( for example "root" ) Gameserver MySQL Database: ? < ---- connection name of ur database Gameserver Telnet Address: ? Gameserver Telnet Port: ? Gameserver Telnet Password: ? go at ur pack in telnet and find them its easy i think i helped u
  14. ok symfwno stefouli ;) sto eipa kai sto proigoumeno post ... apla s lew oti kati 3erw gt kai egw tin exw patisei etsi kai exw faei - karma... eipa na kanoune search ... kai efaga - tespa go on!:P
  15. stefoulis15 esy ti eisai mod?ase na to poune oi moderator auto...kati 3erw!
  16. hmm so go from the navicat ... where is the epic armors?go there and u will fix it!
  17. go at gameserver/data/stats/armors (find the id of the armor) and then fix it...from there
  18. General protection fault! History: UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowBitmapMaterial ShadowActor[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial38) <- TestReach <- (ShadowBitmapMaterial Transient.ShadowBitmapMaterial38) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.ShadowProjector ShadowTexture[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (ShadowProjector 20_22.ShadowProjector63) <- AActor::Serialize <- TestReach <- (ShadowProjector 20_22.ShadowProjector63) <- ULevelBase::Serialize <- ULevel::Serialize <- TestReach <- (Level 20_22.myLevel) <- UStruct::SerializeBin <- (Class Engine.GameEngine GLevel[0]) <- UObject::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- UGameEngine::Serialize <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TestReach <- (GameEngine Transient.GameEngine0) <- TArray<< <- UGameEngine::L2SerializeRootSet <- UGameEngine::L2CollectGarbage <- UGameEngine::DetachLevel <- UGameEngine::CheckPurgeLevel <- Level_was_loaded <- UGameEngine::L2_Teleport <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop auto einai to critical error pou mou bgazei... ti trexei re paidia ... an 3erete peite mou exw ftasei se apognwsi den 3erw ti na kanw... kai den m parousiazei kapio error sto gameserver/loginserver oste na to ftia3w...apla sta teleports/to vilage/soe ktlp petaei se olous tous players ena critical!
  19. first of all u want a sql with all that the npc need's (high/name/title/id e.t.c) ... when u have the sql go to navicat and execute batch file the sql that u need to execute...
  20. kouklara - theogomena
  21. exei kapios tin gk me to id 7077 ...dld mono to sql thelw plz!
  22. ok thano!
  23. den ginontai remove thano...den exw tetoio authority!kai as einai dika m...
  24. lol he made 2ble post...he could write EDITED (imerominia) : problem solved
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