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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. nice share xxrxx go on!;p
  2. yae right ... i don't thought it :/ soz about that!
  3. And the Last Id's 4211=BOSS Might 4212=BOSS Shield 4213=BOSS Haste 4214=BOSS Reflect Damage 4215=Raid Curse 4216=Scatter Enemy 4217=none 4218=Absorb HP MP 4219=Hold 4220=Deadly Two-Sword Weapon 4221=Deadly Two-Sword Weapon: Range Attack 4222=Instant Move 4223=Face Chance: Night to Day 4224=Face Chance: Day to Night 4225=Resist Shock 4226=Ban Heal 4227=Zaken Regeneration 4228=NPC Double Dagger Attack 4229=NPC Double Wind Fist 4230=Wild Cannon 4231=NPC Spit Attack 4232=NPC AE Strike 4233=Vampiric Attack 4234=BOSS Spear Attack 4235=none 4236=Decrease Heal 4237=Decreases Speed 4238=Increase Re-use Time 4239=Antharas Regeneration 4240=Antharas Regeneration 4241=Antharas Regeneration 4242=Zaken Regeneration 4243=Venomous Poison 4244=NPC Wild Sweep 4245=Mimic of Wrath 4246="Strong in ""nan"" activity magic DOT" 4247=NPC Windstrike - Slow 4248=NPC HP Drain - Slow 4249=Decrease Speed 4250=NPC Twister - Slow 4251=NPC Curve Beam Cannon - Slow 4252=NPC Flamestrike - Slow 4253=NPC Blaze - Slow 4254=NPC Prominence - Slow 4255=NPC Straight Beam Cannon - Slow 4256=100% stun resistance. 4257=NPC Hydroblast - Magic 4258=Anti Strider Slow 4259=Toxic Smoke 4260=Steel Blood 4261=Mega Storm Strike 4263=Holiday Haste 4264=Holiday Empower 4267=Grade Penalty 4268=Danger Area 4269=Block All Chat 4270=Weight Penalty 4271=Increase Force 4272=Greater Resist Archery Attack 4273=Resist Dagger 4274=Blunt Attack Weak Point 4275=Sacred Attack Weak Point 4276=Archery Attack Weak Point 4277=Resist Poison 4278=Dark Attack 4279=Fire Attack Weak Point 4280=Water Attack Weak Point 4281=Wind Attack Weak Point 4282=Earth Attack Weak Point 4283=Greater Resist Magic Attack 4284=Resist Bleeding 4285=Resist Sleep 4286=Greater Resist Sleep 4287=Resist Hold 4288=Greater Resist Hold 4289=Wyvern Breath 4290=Race 4291=Race 4292=Race 4293=Race 4294=Race 4295=Race 4296=Race 4297=Race 4298=Race 4299=Race 4300=Race 4301=Race 4302=Race 4303=Strong Type 4304=Strong Type 4305=Strong Type 4306=Strong Type 4307=Strong Type 4308=Strong Type 4309=Strong Type 4310=Strong Type 4311=Feeble Type 4312=Heavy Armor 4313=Light Armor 4314=BOSS Holy Light Burst 4315=Hold 4316=BOSS Lilim Drain 4317=Increase Rage Might 4318=Ultimate Buff 4319=Paralysis 4320=Poison 4321=Decrease P. Def. 4322=Wind Walk For Novice 4323=Shield For Novice 4324=Bless the Body For Novice 4325=Vampiric Rage For Novice 4326=Regeneration For Novice 4327=Haste For Novice 4328=Bless the Soul For Novice 4329=Acumen For Novice 4330=Concentration For Novice 4331=Empower For Novice 4332=Mental Aegis 4333=Resist Dark Attack 4334=SSQ Cancel 4335=Sacred Attack 4336=Dark Attack Weak Point 4337=Resist Sacred Attack 4338=Life Cubic For Novice 4339=Mimir's Elixir 4340=Ultimate Buff, 2nd 4341=Ultimate Buff, 3rd 4342=Wind Walk 4343=Decrease Weight 4344=Shield 4345=Might 4346=Mental Shield 4347=Bless the Body 4348=Bless the Soul 4349=Magic Barrier 4350=Resist Shock 4351=Concentration 4352=Berserker Spirit 4353=Bless Shield 4354=Vampiric Rage 4355=Acumen 4356=Empower 4357=Haste 4358=Guidance 4359=Focus 4360=Death Whisper 4361=Curse of Destruction 4362=Curse of Destruction 4363=Curse of Destruction 4364=Blessing of Prophecy 4365=Blessing of Revelations 4366=Blessing of Prophecy 4367=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4368=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4369=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4370=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4371=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4372=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4373=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4374=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4375=Clan Hall Manager Buff 4376=Strong Resistance to P. Atk. 4377=Wield Temper 4378=Self Damage Shield 4379=Resist Pole Arm 4380=Arena: CP Recovery 4381=Magic Skill Block 4382=Curse of Lake Ghost 4383=NPC Hate Stone 4384=Scapegoat's Grace 4385=Scapegoat's Grace 4386=Scapegoat's Grace 4387=Scapegoat's Grace 4388=Resist Paralysis 4389=Resist Mental Derangement 4390=NPC Abnormal Immunity 4391=Wind Walk 4392=Shield 4393=Might 4394=Bless the Body 4395=Bless the Soul 4396=Magic Barrier 4397=Berserker Spirit 4398=Bless Shield 4399=Vampiric Rage 4400=Acumen 4401=Empower 4402=Haste 4403=Guidance 4404=Focus 4405=Death Whisper 4406=Agility 4407=not_used 4408=not_used 4409=not_used 4410=not_used 4411=not_used 4412=not_used 4413=not_used 4414=not_used 4415=not_used 4416=not_used 4417=not_used 4418=not_used 4419=not_used 4420=not_used 4421=not_used 4422=not_used 4423=not_used 4424=not_used 4425=not_used 4426=not_used 4427=not_used 4428=not_used 4429=not_used 4430=not_used 4431=not_used 4432=not_used 4433=not_used 4434=not_used 4435=not_used 4436=not_used 4437=not_used 4438=not_used 4439=not_used 4440=not_used 4441=not_used 4442=not_used 4443=not_used 4444=not_used 4445=not_used 4446=not_used 4447=not_used 4448=not_used 4449=not_used 4450=not_used 4451=not_used 4452=not_used 4453=not_used 4454=not_used 4455=not_used 4456=not_used 4457=not_used 4458=not_used 4459=not_used 4460=not_used 4461=not_used 4462=not_used 4463=not_used 4464=not_used 4465=not_used 4466=not_used 4467=not_used 4468=not_used 4469=not_used 4470=not_used 4471=not_used 4472=not_used 4473=not_used 4474=not_used 4475=not_used 4476=not_used 4477=not_used 4478=not_used 4479=not_used 4480=not_used 4481=not_used 4482=not_used 4483=not_used 4484=not_used 4485=not_used 4486=not_used 4487=not_used 4488=not_used 4489=not_used 4490=not_used 4491=not_used 4492=not_used 4493=not_used 4494=Raid Boss 4495=BOSS Power Shot 4496=Shock 4497=Treasure Chest - Level 21 4498=Treasure Chest - Level 22 4499=Treasure Chest - Level 25 4500=Treasure Chest - Level 27 4501=Treasure Chest - Level 29 4502=Treasure Chest - Level 31 4503=Treasure Chest - Level 32 4504=Treasure Chest - Level 33 4505=Treasure Chest - Level 35 4506=Treasure Chest - Level 39 4507=Treasure Chest - Level 42 4508=Treasure Chest - Level 43 4509=Treasure Chest - Level 45 4510=Treasure Chest - Level 47 4511=Treasure Chest - Level 49 4512=Treasure Chest - Level 52 4513=Pumpkin - Level up 4514=Pumpkin - Poisoning 4515=Petrification 4516=Orfen Heal 4517=Quest - BOSS Defend 4518=Quest - BOSS Rampage 4519=Quest - BOSS Defend 4520=Quest - BOSS Rampage 4521=Quest - BOSS Resist non Bow Weapon 4522=Eye of Assassin 4523=Quest - BOSS Evasion 4524=Quest - BOSS Bluff 4525=Quest - BOSS Defend 4526=Quest - BOSS Summon 4527=Quest - BOSS Inc HP to Summoned 4528=Quest - BOSS Movement to Summoned 4529=Quest - Summoned Explosion 4530=Quest - Summoned HP Heal 4531=Quest - Summoned MP Heal 4532=Quest - BOSS Reflect 4533=Dance of Resist 4534=Dance of Nihil 4535=Dance of Weakness 4536=Song of Seduce 4537=Song of Sweet Whisper 4538=Song of Temptation 4539=Curse of Vague 4540=Curse of Weakness 4541=Curse of Nihil 4542=Quest - Henchman 90% Sleep&Shock Weakness 4543=Quest - BOSS Shock Weakness 4544=Quest - BOSS Weakness 4545=Quest - BOSS Reflect 4546=Quest - Commune to Slate 4547=Gaze of Watcher 4548=Quest - Dispel Watcher Gaze 4549=Quest - Unsealed Altar 4550=Quest - Cursed Altar 4551=Hot Springs Rheumatism 4552=Hot Springs Cholera 4553=Hot Springs Flu 4554=Hot Spring Malaria 4555=NPC Resist Mutant 4556=Dispel Hot Spring Disease A_D 4557=Dispel Hot Spring Disease B_D 4558=Dispel Hot Spring Disease C_D 4559=Hot Spring Illusion 4560=NPC Fire Burn 4561=NPC Fire Burn - Magic 4562=NPC Solar Flare 4563=NPC Solar Flare - Magic 4564=NPC Solar Flare - Slow 4565=NPC Eruption 4566=NPC Eruption - Magic 4567=NPC Eruption - Slow 4568=NPC AE Solar Flare 4569=NPC AE Solar Flare - Magic 4570=NPC AE Solar Flare - Slow 4571=NPC Blazing Circle 4572=NPC Triple Sonic Slash 4573=NPC Sonic Blaster 4574=NPC Sonic Storm 4575=NPC Clan Buff - Haste 4576=NPC Clan Buff - Damage Shield 4577=Decrease Accuracy 4578=Petrification 4579=Bleed 4580=Decrease P.Atk 4581=Hold 4582=Poison 4583=Decrease Speed 4584=Reducing P.Def Shock 4585=NPC Clan Buff - Berserk Might 4586=Decrease Evasion 4587=Decrease P.Atk 4588=NPC Clan Buff - Berserk Haste 4589=Decrease Speed 4590=Decrease Speed 4591=Decrease Speed 4592=Decrease P.Def 4593=Decrease P.Def 4594=Decrease P.Def 4595=NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Shield 4596=Bleed 4597=Bleed 4598=Bleed 4599=Decrease Speed 4600=Reducing P.Def Shock 4601=NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Focus 4602=Decrease P.Atk 4603=Decrease P.Atk 4604=Decrease P.Atk 4605=Fire Weakness 4606=Poison 4607=Magma Attack 4608=NPC Clan Buff - Berserk 4609=NPC Clan Buff - Vampiric Rage 4610=NPC Clan Buff - Focus 4611=NPC Clan Buff - Death Whisper 4612=NPC Wide Wild Sweep 4613=NPC Clan Heal 4614=NPC Death Bomb 4615=Bleed 4616=Fake Petrificiation 4617=Dispel Petrification 4618=NPC Cancel PC Target 4619=NPC Dispel Sleep 4620=Paralysis 4621=NPC AE - 80% HP Drain 4622=NPC AE - 80% HP Drain - Magic 4623=NPC AE - 80% HP Drain - Slow 4624=Decrease HP Regeneration Rate 4625=Decrease Speed 4626=NPC Buff - Physical Barrier 4627=NPC Buff - Magical Barrier 4628=Mysterious Aura 4629=NPC MR - HP Drain 4630=NPC MR - Twister 4631=NPC Buff - Acumen Shield WildMagic 4632=NPC Buff - Acumen Empower WildMagic 4633=NPC Buff - Acumen Empower Berserk 4634=NPC Buff - Acumen Empower DamageShield 4635=NPC Buff - Acumen Berserk WildMagic 4636=NPC Buff - Acumen Berserk DamageShield 4637=NPC Buff - Acumen WildMagic DamageShield 4638=NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Empower WildMagic 4639=NPC Clan Buff - Acumen Empower Berserk 4640=Sleep 4641=NPC Super Strike 4642=NPC Fast Spell Casting 4643=Decrease Speed 4644=Area Buff - Haste 4645=Area Buff - Focus 4646=Area Buff - Death Whisper 4647=Area Buff - Might 4648=Area Buff - Shield 4649=Poison 4650=NPC AE - Dispel Hold 4651=NPC AE - Dispel Slow 4652=NPC AE - Dispel Silence 4653=NPC Corpse Life Drain 4654=NPC Death Link 4655=NPC Death Link - Magic 4656=NPC Death Link - Slow 4657=Hold 4658=Hold 4659=Hold 4660=Sleep 4661=Sleep 4662=Sleep 4663=NPC Hate 4664=NPC 100% HP Drain 4665=NPC 100% HP Drain - Magic 4666=NPC 100% HP Drain - Slow 4667=NPC Strong 100% HP Drain 4668=NPC Strong 100% HP Drain - Magic 4669=NPC Strong 100% HP Drain - Slow 4670=Short Shock 4671=AV - Teleport 4672=NPC Corpse Remove 4673=NPC Dispel Offensive Buff 4674=NPC Dispel Defensive Buff 4675=NPC Dispel Fighter Buff 4676=NPC Dispel Mage Offensive Buff 4677=NPC Dispel Fighter Defensive Buff 4678=NPC Dispel Mage Defensive Buff 4679=Valakas 4680=Valakas Lava Skin 4681=Valakas Trample 4682=Valakas Trample 4683=Valakas Dragon Breath 4684=Valakas Dragon Breath 4685=Valakas Tail Stomp 4686=Valakas Tail Stomp 4687=Valakas Tail Stomp 4688=Valakas Shock 4689=Valakas Fear 4690=Valakas Meteor Storm 4691=Valakas Regeneration 4692=Quest BOSS Big Body 4693=Quest BOSS Dispel Big Body 4694=Ultimate Debuff 4695=Ultimate Debuff 4696=Ultimate Debuff 4697=NPC Monster Hate 4698=HP Regeneration 4699=Blessing of Queen 4700=Gift of Queen 4701=Cure of Queen 4702=Blessing of Seraphim 4703=Gift of Seraphim 4704=Cure of Seraphim 4705=Curse of Shade 4706=Mass Curse of Shade 4707=Shade Sacrifice 4708=Cursed Strike 4709=Cursed Blow 4710=Wild Stun 4711=Wild Defense 4712=Bright Burst 4713=Bright Heal 4714=Twilight Dragon 4715=Wind Dragon 4716=Star Dragon 4717=Heal Trick 4718=Greater Heal Trick 4719=BOSS Strike 4720=BOSS Strike 4721=BOSS Strike 4722=BOSS Strike 4723=BOSS Strike 4724=Shock 4725=Shock 4726=Shock 4727=Shock 4728=Shock 4729=BOSS Mortal Blow 4730=BOSS Mortal Blow 4731=BOSS Mortal Blow 4732=BOSS Mortal Blow 4733=BOSS Mortal Blow 4734=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4735=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4736=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4737=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4738=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4739=BOSS Strike 4740=BOSS Strike 4741=BOSS Strike 4742=BOSS Strike 4743=BOSS Strike 4744=Shock 4745=Shock 4746=Shock 4747=Shock 4748=Shock 4749=BOSS Mortal Blow 4750=BOSS Mortal Blow 4751=BOSS Mortal Blow 4752=BOSS Mortal Blow 4753=BOSS Mortal Blow 4754=BOSS Power Shot 4755=BOSS Power Shot 4756=BOSS Power Shot 4757=BOSS Power Shot 4758=BOSS Power Shot 4759=Shock 4760=Shock 4761=Shock 4762=Shock 4763=Shock 4764=BOSS Power Shot 4765=BOSS Power Shot 4766=BOSS Power Shot 4767=BOSS Power Shot 4768=BOSS Power Shot 4769=Shock 4770=Shock 4771=Shock 4772=Shock 4773=Shock 4774=BOSS Spear Attack 4775=BOSS Spear Attack 4776=BOSS Spear Attack 4777=BOSS Spear Attack 4778=BOSS Spear Attack 4779=BOSS Heal 4780=BOSS Heal 4781=BOSS Heal 4782=BOSS Heal 4783=BOSS Heal 4784=BOSS Chant of Life 4785=BOSS Chant of Life 4786=BOSS Chant of Life 4787=BOSS Chant of Life 4788=BOSS Chant of Life 4789=NPC High Level 4790=Raid Boss - Level 23 4791=Raid Boss - Level 30 4792=Raid Boss - Level 42 4793=Raid Boss - Level 55 4794=Raid Boss - Level 50 4795=Raid Boss - Level 60 4796=Raid Boss - Level 25 4797=Raid Boss - Level 34 4798=Raid Boss - Level 34 4799=Raid Boss - Level 49 4800=Raid Boss - Level 53 4801=Raid Boss - Level 65 4802=Raid Boss - Level 70 4803=Raid Boss - Level 28 4804=Raid Boss - Level 35 4805=Raid Boss - Level 47 4806=Raid Boss - Level 49 4807=Raid Boss - Level 51 4808=Raid Boss - Level 65 4809=Raid Boss - Level 75 4810=Raid Boss - Level 45 4811=Raid Boss - Level 24 4812=Raid Boss - Level 35 4813=Raid Boss - Level 40 4814=Raid Boss - Level 52 4815=Raid Boss - Level 55 4816=Raid Boss - Level 69 4817=Raid Boss - Level 25 4818=Raid Boss - Level 30 4819=Raid Boss - Level 39 4820=Raid Boss - Level 44 4821=Raid Boss - Level 43 4822=Raid Boss - Level 59 4823=Raid Boss - Level 70 4824=Raid Boss - Level 29 4825=Raid Boss - Level 35 4826=Raid Boss - Level 44 4827=Raid Boss - Level 45 4828=Raid Boss - Level 55 4829=Raid Boss - Level 63 4830=Raid Boss - Level 74 4831=Raid Boss - Level 30 4832=Raid Boss - Level 40 4833=Raid Boss - Level 35 4834=Raid Boss - Level 50 4835=Raid Boss - Level 56 4836=Raid Boss - Level 65 4837=Raid Boss - Level 79 4838=Raid Boss - Level 24 4839=Raid Boss - Level 33 4840=Raid Boss - Level 50 4841=Raid Boss - Level 40 4842=Raid Boss - Level 55 4843=Raid Boss - Level 4844=Raid Boss - Level 78 4845=Raid Boss - Level 21 4846=Raid Boss - Level 4847=Raid Boss - Level 4848=Raid Boss - Level 4849=Raid Boss - Level 48 4850=Raid Boss - Level 4851=Raid Boss - Level 4852=Raid Boss - Level 4853=Raid Boss - Level 4854=Raid Boss - Level 4855=Raid Boss - Level 4856=Raid Boss - Level 4857=Raid Boss - Level 4858=Raid Boss - Level 4859=Raid Boss - Level 4860=Raid Boss - Level 4861=Raid Boss - Level 4862=Raid Boss - Level 4863=Raid Boss - Level 4864=Raid Boss - Level 40 4865=Raid Boss - Level 36 4866=Raid Boss - Level 40 4867=Raid Boss - Level 4868=Raid Boss - Level 4869=Raid Boss - Level 35 4870=Raid Boss - 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  4. Soz about 3ble and more posts but i can't put up all the id's cuz i must write only 20000 letters ... 2001=Red Potion 2002=Healing Drug 2003=Pumpkin Seed 2004=Large Pumpkin Seed 2005=Nectar 2006=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) 2007=Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade A) 2008=Item - Beast Spirit Shot 2009=Item - Beast Blessed Spirit Shot 2010=Endeavor Potion 2011=Haste Potion 2012=Potion of Alacrity 2013=Scroll of Escape 2014=Scroll of Resurrection 2015=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) 2016=Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade B) 2017=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) 2018=Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade C) 2019=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) 2020=Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade D) 2021=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) 2022=Scroll: Enchant Armor (Grade S) 2023=Fairy Firecracker 2024=Firecracker 2025=Large Firecracker 2026=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade S) 2027=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade A) 2028=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade B) 2029=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade C) 2030=Scroll: Enchant Weapon (Grade D) 2031=Lesser Healing Potion 2032=Healing Potion 2033=Item - Beast Soul Shot 2034=Greater Haste Potion 2035=Greater Swift Attack Potion 2036=Blessed scroll of escape 2037=Greater Healing Potion 2038=Quick Healing Potion 2039=Soulshot: No Grade 2040=Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall 2041=Scroll of Escape: Castle 2042=Antidote 2043=Greater Antidote 2044=Bandage 2045=Emergency Dressing 2046=Wolves' Necklace 2047=Spiritshot: No Grade 2048=Wolves' Food 2049=Blessed Scroll of Resurrection 2050=Scroll of Guidance 2051=Scroll of Death Whisper 2052=Scroll of Focus 2053=Scroll of Greater Acumen 2054=Scroll of Haste 2055=Scroll of Agility 2056=Scroll of Mystic Empower 2057=Scroll of Might 2058=Scroll of Wind Walk 2059=Scroll of Shield 2060=Healing Medicine 2061=Blessed Spiritshot: No Grade 2062=none 2063=Hatchling Food 2064=Scroll of Mana Regeneration 2065=Box Key 2066=Item - Theme Sound Crystal 2067=Item - Theme Sound Crystal 2068=Item - Race Sound Crystal 2069=Item - Race Sound Crystal 2070=Item - Race Sound Crystal 2071=Item - Race Sound Crystal 2072=Item - Race Sound Crystal 2073=Item - Theme Sound Crystal 2074=Potion of Critical Escape 2075=Decrease Hate Scroll 2076=Bless of Eva 2077=Potion of Revenge 2078=Compressed Package of Soulshots: No Grade 2079=Compressed Package of Soulshots: D-grade 2080=Compressed Package of Soulshots: C-grade 2081=Compressed Package of Soulshots: B-grade 2082=Compressed Package of Soulshots: A-grade 2083=Compressed Package of Soulshots: S-grade 2084=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No Grade 2085=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: D-grade 2086=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: C-grade 2087=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: B-grade 2088=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: A-grade 2089=Compressed Package of Spiritshots: S-grade 2090=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No Grade 2091=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: D-grade 2092=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: C-grade 2093=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: B-grade 2094=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: A-grade 2095=Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: S-grade 2096=Soul Crystal 2097=Sowing 2098=Harvesting 2099=Escape: 5 minutes 2100=Escape: 1 second 2101=Feed: General Strider 2102=Feed: Clan Hall Strider 2103=Mystery Potion 2104=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: No-grade 2105=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: D-grade 2106=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: C-grade 2107=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: B-grade 2108=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: A-grade 2109=Greater Compressed Package of Soulshots: S-grade 2110=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: No-grade 2111=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: D-grade 2112=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: C-grade 2113=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: B-grade 2114=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: A-grade 2115=Greater Compressed Package of Spiritshots: S-grade 2116=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: No-grade 2117=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: D-grade 2118=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: C-grade 2119=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: B-grade 2120=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: A-grade 2121=Greater Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: S-grade 2122=Facelifting Potion 2123=Facelifting Potion 2124=Facelifting Potion 2125=Dye Potion 2126=Dye Potion 2127=Dye Potion 2128=Dye Potion 2129=Hair Style Change Potion 2130=Hair Style Change Potion 2131=Hair Style Change Potion 2132=Hair Style Change Potion 2133=Hair Style Change Potion 2134=Hair Style Change Potion 2135=Hair Style Change Potion 2136=Rice Cake 2137=Summon Regular Tree 2138=Summon Special Tree 2139=Special Tree Recovery Bonus 2140=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2141=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2142=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2143=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2144=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2145=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2146=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2147=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2148=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2149=Item - Carol Sound Crystal 2150=Soulshot: D-Grade 2151=Soulshot: C-Grade 2152=Soulshot: B-Grade 2153=Soulshot: A-Grade 2154=Soulshot: S-Grade 2155=Spiritshot: D-Grade 2156=Spiritshot: C-Grade 2157=Spiritshot: B-Grade 2158=Spiritshot: A-Grade 2159=Spiritshot: S-Grade 2160=Blessed Spiritshot: D-Grade 2161=Blessed Spiritshot: C-Grade 2162=Blessed Spiritshot: B-Grade 2163=Blessed Spiritshot: A-Grade 2164=Blessed Spiritshot: S-Grade 2165=Energy Stone 2166=CP Gauge Potion 2167=Scroll of SP 2168=Raid Blessing 2169=Magic Haste Potion 2170=Scroll: Cancel Sleep 2171=Spellbook Paper 2172=Scroll of Giants 2173=Book of Giants 2174=Ingredient Bag 2175=Ingredient Box 2176=Ancient Papyrus 2177=Blessed Scroll of Escape: Clan Hall 2178=Blessed Scroll of Escape: Castle 2179=Blessed Scroll of Resurrection: Pet 2180=Feed: Castle Strider 2181=Item - Fishing Shot 2182=Item - Fishing Shot 2183=Item - Fishing Shot 2184=Item - Fishing Shot 2185=Item - Fishing Shot 2186=Item - Fishing Shot 2187=Item - Special Sound Crystal 2188=Golden Spice 2189=Crystal Spice 2190=Item - Green Fish 2191=Item - Jade Fish 2192=Item - Blue Fish 2193=Item - Yellow Fish 2194=Item - Orange Fish 2195=Item - Violet Fish 2196=Item - Red Fish 2197=Item - White Fish 2198=Item - Black Fish 2199=Item - Green Treasue Box 2200=Item - Jade Treasue Box 2201=Item - Blue Treasue Box 2202=Item - Yellow Treasue Box 2203=Item - Orange Treasue Box 2204=Item - Violet Treasue Box 2205=Item - Red Treasue Box 2206=Item - White Treasue Box 2207=Item - Black Treasue Box 2208=Item - Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor 2209=Item - Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor 2210=Item - Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor 2211=Item - Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor 2212=Item - Blessed Scroll of Enchant Armor 2213=Escape - Talking Island Village 2214=Scroll of Escape to Talking Island 2215=Item - Quest Special Box 2216=Item - Quest Special Fish 2217=Item - Quest Treasure Box 2218=Item - Quest Sac 2219=Item - Quest Sac 2220=Item - Easy Green Fish 2221=Item - Easy Jade Fish 2222=Item - Easy Blue Fish 2223=Item - Easy Yellow Fish 2224=Item - Easy Orange Fish 2225=Item - Easy Violet Fish 2226=Item - Easy Red Fish 2227=Item - Easy White Fish 2228=Item - Easy Black Fish 2229=Key of Treasure Chest - 1 2230=Item - Theme Sound Crystal 2231=Amulet: Protection of Valakas 2232=Amulet: Slay Valakas 2233=Amulet: Flames of Valakas 3001=int_1 3002=int_2 3003=str_2 3004=maxmp_5 3005=Bleed 3006=Equip Set Items 3007=Special Ability: Guidance 3008=Special Ability: Guidance 3009=Special Ability: Evasion 3010=Special Ability: Focus 3011=Special Ability: Focus 3012=Special Ability: Anger 3013=Special Ability: Health 3014=Special Ability: Mana Up 3016=Special Ability: Critical Stun 3018=Special Ability: Back Blow 3019=Special Ability: Back Blow 3020=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3021=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3022=Special Ability: Critical Drain 3023=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3024=Special Ability: Critical Poison 3025=Special Ability: Critical Anger 3026=Special Ability: Critical Anger 3027=Special Ability: Rsk. Focus 3028=Special Ability: Rsk. Evasion 3029=Special Ability: Rsk. Evasion 3030=Special Ability: Rsk. Evasion 3031=Special Ability: Rsk. Evasion 3032=Special Ability: Rsk. Haste 3033=Special Ability: Rsk. Haste 3034=Special Ability: Rsk. Haste 3035=Special Ability: Mighty Mortal 3036=Special Ability: Haste 3037=Special Ability: Haste 3038=Special Ability: Haste 3039=Special Ability: Critical Drain 3040=Special Ability: Critical Poison 3041=Special Ability: Critical Poison 3042=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3043=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3044=Special Ability: Focus 3045=Special Ability: Haste 3046=Special Ability: Guidance 3047=Special Ability: Acumen 3048=Special Ability: Conversion 3049=Special Ability: Increase Critical 3050=Special Ability: Focus 3051=Special Ability: Focus 3052=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3053=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3054=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3055=Special Ability: Critical Bleed 3056=Special Ability: Rsk. Haste 3057=Special Ability: Anger 3058=Special Ability: Anger 3059=Special Ability: Critical Drain 3060=Special Ability: Critical Drain 3061=Special Ability: Critical Poison 3062=Special Ability: Critical Poison 3063=Special Ability: Back Blow 3064=Special Ability: Guidance 3065=Special Ability: Guidance 3066=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3067=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3068=Special Ability: Haste 3069=Special Ability: Risky Evasion 3070=Special Ability: Critical Stun 3071=Special Ability: Rsk. Focus 3072=Special Ability: Empower 3073=Special Ability: Magic Power 3074=Special Ability: Magic Silence 3075=Special Ability: Magic Paralyze 3076=Special Ability: Empower 3077=Special Ability: Magic Power 3078=Special Ability: Magic Silence 3079=Special Ability: Magic Paralyze 3500=Wooden Set 3501=Devotion Set 3502=Mithril Heavy Armor Set 3503=Reinforced Leather Set 3504=Knowledge Set 3505=Manticore Set 3506=Brigandine Set 3507=Elven Mithril Set 3508=Mithril Light Armor Set 3509=Chain Mail Set 3510=Karmian Set 3511=Plate Leather Set 3512=Composite Set 3513=Demon's Set 3514=Theca Leather Set 3515=Drake Leather Set 3516=Full Plate Set 3517=Divine Set 3518=Zubei's Heavy Armor Set 3519=Avadon Heavy Armor Set 3520=Zubei's Light Armor Set 3521=Avadon Light Armor Set 3522=Zubei's Robe Set 3523=Avadon Robe Set 3524=Blue Wolf Heavy Armor Set 3525=Doom Heavy Armor Set 3526=Blue Wolf Light Armor Set 3527=Doom Light Armor Set 3528=Blue Wolf Robe Set 3529=Doom Robe Set 3530=Dark Crystal Heavy Armor Set 3531=Tallum Heavy Armor Set 3532=Dark Crystal Light Armor Set 3533=Tallum Light Armor Set 3534=Tallum Robe Set 3535=Dark Crystal Robe Set 3536=Nightmare Heavy Armor Set 3537=Majestic Heavy Armor Set 3538=Nightmare Light Armor Set 3539=Majestic Light Armor Set 3540=Nightmare Robe Set 3541=Majestic Robe Set 3542=Special Ability: Critical Damage 3543=Equipped with Shield 3544=Equipped with Shield 3545=Equipped with Shield 3546=Equipped with Shield 3547=Equipped with Shield 3548=Equipped with Shield 3549=Equipped with Shield 3550=Equipped with Shield 3551=Equipped with Shield 3552=Special Ability: PvP Damage 3553=Imperial Crusader Heavy Armor Set 3554=Equipped with Shield 3555=Draconic Light Armor Set 3556=Major Arcana Robe Set 3557=Necklace of Valakas 3558=Earring of Antharas 3559=Earring of Zaken 3560=Earring of Orfen 3561=Ring of Baium 3562=Ring of Ant Queen 3563=Ring of Core 3564=Special Ability: Haste 3565=Special Ability: Focus 3566=Special Ability: Focus 3567=Special Ability: Focus 3568=Special Ability: HP Drain 3569=Special Ability: HP Regeneration 3570=Special Ability: Robust Health 3571=Special Ability: Crt. Stun 3572=Special Ability: Crt. Damage 3573=Special Ability: Guidance 3574=Special Ability: Crt. Slow 3575=Special Ability: Empower Option 3576=Special Ability: MP Regeneration 3577=Special Ability: Magic Hold 3578=Special Ability: Infinity Blade 3579=Decrease P.Def 3580=Special Ability: Infinity Axe 3581=Discord 3582=Special Ability: Infinity Cleaver 3583=Special Ability: Infinity Crusher 3584=Shock 3585=Infinity Wing 3586=Physical Skill Restraint 3587=Special Ability: Infinity Fang 3588=Shock 3589=Special Ability: Infinity Stinger 3590=Silence 3591=Special Ability: Infinity Spear 3592=Dispell 3593=Special Ability: Infinity Bow 3594=Slow 3595=Special Ability: Infinity Scepter 3596=Full Recover 3597=Special Ability: Infinity Rod 3598=Full Recover 3599=Polearm Multi-attack 3600=Special Ability: Anger 3601=Special Ability: Haste 3602=Special Ability: Guidance 4001=NPC Windstrike 4002=NPC HP Drain 4003=Golem Body 4004=Fragile Skull 4005=Floating Target 4006=Blazing Log 4007=Immortal Life 4008=Insect Skin 4009=Resist Fire 4010=Resist Water 4011=Resist Wind 4012=Resist Earth 4013=Resistance to Fire, Vulnerable to Water 4014=Resistance to Water, Vulnerable to Fire 4015=Resistance to Wind, Vulnerable to Earth 4016=Resistance to Earth, Vulnerable to Wind 4017=Brandish Queen Ant 4018=Decrease Speed 4019=Decrease Speed 4020=Heal Queen Ant1 4021=Queen Ant 4022=Body of Nurse Ant 4023=Body of Royal Guard Ant 4024=Heal Queen Ant2 4025=Master Recharge 4026=Gludio Flame 4027=Gludio Heal 4028=Enhance P. Atk. 4029=Enhance P. Def. 4030=Enhance P. Atk. 4031=Enhance P. Def. 4032=NPC Strike 4033=NPC Burn 4034=Decrease Speed 4035=Poison 4036=Poison 4037=Weaken P. Atk. 4038=Decrease Atk. Spd. 4039=NPC MP Drain 4040=NPC Bow Attack 4041=Cruma Blaze 4042=Nurka Blaze 4043=Partisan Flame 4044=Partisan Heal 4045=Resist Full Magic Attack 4046=Sleep 4047=Hold 4048=NPC Dash 4049=Cubic Drain 4050=Cubic Drain 4051=Cubic Heal 4052=Poison 4053=Decrease P. Atk. 4054=Decrease M. Def. 4055=Decrease Atk. Spd. 4056=Immortal Attack 4057=Insect Weak Point 4058=Plant Weak Point 4059=Animal Weak Point 4060=Beast Weak Point 4061=Dragon Weak Point 4062=Orfen 4063=Paralysis 4064=Paralysis 4065=NPC Heal 4066=NPC Twister 4067=NPC Mortal Blow 4068=Mechanical Cannon 4069=NPC Curve Beam Cannon 4070=Decrease Atk. Spd. 4071=Resist Archery 4072=Shock 4073=Shock 4074=NPC Haste 4075=Shock 4076=Reduction in movement speed 4077=NPC Aura Burn 4078=NPC Flamestrike 4079=Siege Hammer 4080=Dark Heal 4081=Pretending to steal 4082=Poison of Death 4083=Die! You fool! 4084=Resist Physical Attack 4085=Critical Power 4086=Critical Chance 4087=NPC Blaze 4088=Bleed 4089=NPC Bear Stun 4090=NPC Wolf Stun 4091=NPC Ogre Stun 4092=NPC Puma Stun 4093=Evasion 4094=NPC Cancel Magic 4095=Damage Shield 4096=NPC Hawkeye 4097=NPC Chant of Life 4098=Magic Skill Block 4099=NPC Berserk 4100=NPC Prominence 4101=NPC Spinning Slasher 4102=Become weak against line of fire. 4103=NPC Ultimate Evasion 4104=Flame 4105=NPC Straight Beam Cannon 4106=Shock 4107=Shock 4108=Terror 4109=Curse of Antharas 4110=Mouth Odor Attack 4111=Fossilization 4112=Ordinary Attack 4113=Animal doing ordinary attack 4114=Aden Flame 4115=Aden Heal 4116=Resist M. Atk. 4117=Paralysis 4118=Paralysis 4119=Fall in accuracy 4120=Shock 4121=Summoned Monster Magic Protection 4122=Antharas 4123=Hostile Feeling 4124=NPC Spear Attack 4125=Antharas Regeneration 4126=Reduction in recovery time 4127=Baium: General Attack 4128=Wind Of Force 4129=Earthquake 4130=Striking of Thunderbolt 4131=Shock 4132=Spear: Pound the Ground 4133=Angel Heal 4134=Seal Skill 4135=Baium Heal 4136=Baium's Gift 4137=Hydro Screw 4138=NPC AE - Corpse Burst 4139=Boom Attack 4140=Contract Payment 4141=NPC Wind Fist 4142=NPC Fast Wind Fist 4143=Treasure Bomb 4144=Mimic Strong Attack 4145=Decrease P. Atk. 4146=Decrease M. Def. 4147=Area Dispel 4148=Poison 4149=Bleed 4150=Flame 4151=NPC Windstrike - Magic 4152=NPC HP Drain - Magic 4153=Decrease Speed 4154=NPC MP Drain - Magic 4155=NPC Twister - Magic 4156=NPC Curve Beam Cannon - Magic 4157=NPC Blaze - Magic 4158=NPC Prominence - Magic 4159=NPC Straight Beam Cannon - Magic 4160=NPC Aura Burn - Magic 4161=Summon PC 4162=Decrease P. Atk. 4163=NPC Self Damage Shield 4164=Paralysis 4165=Icy Air 4166=Shock 4167=Curse of Fairy Mymyu 4168=BOSS Strike 4169=Shock 4170=BOSS Mortal Blow 4171=BOSS Spinning Slasher 4172=Shock 4173=BOSS Might 4174=BOSS Shield 4175=BOSS Haste 4176=BOSS Reflect Damage 4177=BOSS Cancel Magic 4178=BOSS Flamestrike 4179=BOSS Strike 4180=Shock 4181=BOSS Mortal Blow 4182=Poison 4183=Decrease P.Atk 4184=Decrease Atk.Speed 4185=Sleep 4186=Hold 4187=Decrease Speed 4188=Bleed 4189=Paralysis 4190=Decrease MP 4191=BOSS Windstrike 4192=BOSS HP Drain 4193=BOSS Life Drain 4194=BOSS Aura Burn 4195=BOSS Twister 4196=Decrease Speed 4197=Hold 4198=Poison 4199=Decrease P.Atk 4200=Decrease Atk.Speed 4201=Sleep 4202=Hold 4203=Decrease Speed 4204=Bleed 4205=Paralysis 4206=Decrease MP 4207=BOSS Power Shot 4208=Shock 4209=BOSS Heal 4210=BOSS Chant of Life Coming Soon other
  5. Skills Id's 1=Triple Slash 2=Confusion 3=Power Strike 4=Dash 5=Double Sonic Slash 6=Sonic Blaster 7=Sonic Storm 8=Focus Sonic 9=Sonic Buster 10=Summon Storm Cubic 11=Trick 12=Switch 13=Summon Siege Golem 15=Charm 16=Mortal Blow 17=Force Buster 18=Hate Aura 19=Double Shot 21=Poison Recovery 22=Summon Vampiric Cubic 24=Burst Shot 25=Summon Mechanic Golem 27=Unlock 28=Aggression 29=Iron Punch 30=Backstab 33=Summon Phantom Cubic 34=Bandage 35=Force Storm 36=Whirlwind 42=Sweeper 44=Remedy 45=Divine Heal 46=Life Scavenge 48=Thunder Storm 49=Holy Strike 50=Focus Force 51=Lure 54=Force Blaster 56=Power Shot 58=Elemental Heal 60=Fake Death 61=Cure Bleeding 65=Horror 67=Summon Life Cubic 69=Sacrifice 70=Drain Health 72=Iron Will 75=Detect Insect Weakness 76=Totem Spirit Bear 77=Attack Aura 78=War Cry 80=Detect Monster Weakness 81=Punch of Doom 82=Majesty 83=Totem Spirit Wolf 84=Poison Blade Dance 86=Reflect Damage 87=Detect Animal Weakness 88=Detect Dragon Weakness 91=Defense Aura 92=Shield Stun 94=Rage 95=Cripple 96=Bleed 97=Sanctuary 98=Sword Symphony 99=Rapid Shot 100=Stun Attack 101=Stun Shot 102=Entangle 103=Corpse Plague 104=Detect Plant Weakness 105=Freezing Strike 106=Veil 107=Holy Aura 109=Spirit of Ogre 110=Ultimate Defense 111=Ultimate Evasion 112=Deflect Arrow 113=Long Shot 115=Power Break 116=Howl 118=Magician's Movement 120=Stunning Fist 121=Battle Roar 122=Hex 123=Spirit Barrier 127=Hamstring 129=Poison 130=Thrill Fight 131=Hawk Eye 134=Toughness 137=Critical Chance 139=Guts 141=Weapon Mastery 142=Armor Mastery 143=Cubic Mastery 144=Dual Weapon Mastery 146=Anti Magic 147=Magic Resistance 148=Vital Force 150=Weight Limit 153=Shield Mastery 163=Spellcraft 164=Quick Recovery 165=Trade 168=Boost Attack Speed 169=Quick Step 171=Esprit 172=Create Item 173=Acrobatics 176=Frenzy 181=Revival 190=Fatal Strike 191=Focus Mind 193=Critical Power 194=Lucky 195=Breath Boost 196=Holy Blade 197=Holy Armor 198=Boost Evasion 205=Blunt Mastery 208=Bow Mastery 209=Dagger Mastery 210=Fist Mastery 211=Boost HP 212=Fast HP Recovery 213=Boost Mana 214=Mana Recovery 216=Polearm Mastery 217=Sword Blunt Mastery 221=Silent Move 222=Fist Fury 223=Sting 225=Acrobatic Move 226=Relax 227=Light Armor Mastery 228=Fast Spell Casting 229=Fast Mana Recovery 230=Sprint 231=Heavy Armor Mastery 232=Heavy Armor Mastery 233=Light Armor Mastery 234=Robe Mastery 235=Robe Mastery 236=Light Armor Mastery 239=Expertise D 244=Armor Mastery 245=Wild Sweep 246=Seal of Ruler 247=Build Headquarters 248=Crystallize 249=Weapon Mastery 250=Weapon Mastery 251=Robe Mastery 252=Light Armor Mastery 253=Heavy Armor Mastery 254=Spoil 255=Power Smash 256=Accuracy 257=Sword Blunt Mastery 258=Light Armor Mastery 259=Heavy Armor Mastery 260=Hammer Crush 261=Triple Sonic Slash 262=Holy Blessing 263=Deadly Blow 264=Song of Earth 265=Song of Life 266=Song of Water 267=Song of Warding 268=Song of Wind 269=Song of Hunter 270=Song of Invocation 271=Dance of Warrior 272=Dance of Inspiration 273=Dance of Mystic 274=Dance of Fire 275=Dance of Fury 276=Dance of Concentration 277=Dance of Light 278=Summon Viper Cubic 279=Lightning Strike 280=Burning Fist 281=Soul Breaker 282=Totem Spirit Puma 283=Summon Dark Panther 284=Hurricane Assault 285=Higher Mana Gain 286=Provoke 287=Lionheart 288=Guard Stance 289=Life Leech 290=Final Frenzy 291=Final Fortress 292=Totem Spirit Bison 293=Two-handed Weapon Mastery 294=Shadow Sense 295=Iron Body 296=Rest of Chameleon 297=Duelist Spirit 298=Totem Spirit Rabbit 299=Summon Wild Hog Cannon 301=Summon Big Boom 302=Spoil Festival 303=Soul of Sagittarius 304=Song of Vitality 305=Song of Vengeance 306=Song of Flame Guard 307=Dance of Aqua Guard 308=Song of Storm Guard 309=Dance of Earth Guard 310=Dance of Vampire 311=Dance of Protection 312=Vicious Stance 313=Snipe 314=Fatal Counter 315=Crush of Doom 316=Aegis 317=Focus Attack 318=Aegis Stance 319=Agile Movement 320=Wrath 321=Blinding Blow 322=Shield Fortress 323=Quiver of Arrow: Grade A 324=Quiver of Arrow: Grade S 325=Strider Siege Assault 326=Build Advanced Headquarters 327=Wyvern Aegis 328=Wisdom 329=Health 330=Skill Mastery 331=Skill Mastery 332=Extra Inventory 333=Extra Sales Slots 334=Focus Skill Mastery 335=Fortitude 336=Arcane Wisdom 337=Arcane Power 338=Arcane Agility 339=Parry Stance 340=Riposte Stance 341=Touch of Life 342=Touch of Death 343=Lethal Shot 344=Lethal Blow 345=Sonic Rage 346=Force Rage 347=Earthquake 348=Spoil Crush 349=Song of Renewal 350=Physical Mirror 351=Magical Mirror 352=Shield Bash 353=Shield Slam 354=Hamstring Shot 355=Focus Death 356=Focus Chance 357=Focus Power 358=Bluff 359=Eye of Hunter 360=Eye of Slayer 361=Shock Blast 362=Armor Crush 363=Song of Meditation 364=Song of Champion 365=Dance of Siren 366=Dance of Shadow 367=Dance of Medusa 368=Vengeance 369=Evade Shot 1001=Soul Cry 1002=Chant of Flame 1003=Power of Paagrio 1004=Wisdom of Paagrio 1005=Blessing of Paagrio 1006=Chant of Fire 1007=Chant of Battle 1008=Glory of Paagrio 1009=Chant of Shielding 1010=Soul Shield 1011=Heal 1012=Cure Poison 1013=Recharge 1015=Battle Heal 1016=Resurrection 1018=Purify 1020=Vitalize 1027=Group Heal 1028=Might of Heaven 1031=Disrupt Undead 1032=Invigor 1033=Resist Poison 1034=Repose 1035=Mental Shield 1036=Magic Barrier 1040=Shield 1042=Hold Undead 1043=Holy Weapon 1044=Regeneration 1045=Bless the Body 1047=Mana Regeneration 1048=Bless the Soul 1049=Requiem 1050=Return 1056=Cancel 1059=Empower 1062=Berserker Spirit 1064=Silence 1068=Might 1069=Sleep 1071=Surrender To Water 1072=Sleeping Cloud 1073=Kiss of Eva 1074=Surrender To Wind 1075=Peace 1077=Focus 1078=Concentration 1083=Surrender To Fire 1085=Acumen 1086=Haste 1087=Agility 1090=Life Drain 1092=Fear 1095=Venom 1096=Seal of Chaos 1097=Dreaming Spirit 1099=Seal of Slow 1100=Chill Flame 1101=Blaze Quake 1102=Aura Sink 1104=Seal of Winter 1105=Madness 1107=Frost Flame 1108=Seal of Flame 1111=Summon Kat the Cat 1126=Servitor Recharge 1127=Servitor Heal 1128=Summon Shadow 1129=Summon Reanimated Man 1139=Servitor Magic Shield 1140=Servitor Physical Shield 1141=Servitor Haste 1144=Servitor Wind Walk 1145=Bright Servitor 1146=Mighty Servitor 1147=Vampiric Touch 1148=Death Spike 1151=Corpse Life Drain 1154=Summon Corrupted Man 1155=Corpse Burst 1156=Forget 1157=Body To Mind 1159=Curse Death Link 1160=Slow 1163=Curse Discord 1164=Curse: Weakness 1167=Poisonous Cloud 1168=Curse: Poison 1169=Curse Fear 1170=Anchor 1171=Blazing Circle 1172=Aura Burn 1174=Frost Wall 1175=Aqua Swirl 1176=Tempest 1177=Wind Strike 1178=Twister 1181=Flame Strike 1182=Resist Aqua 1183=Freezing Shackle 1184=Ice Bolt 1189=Resist Wind 1191=Resist Fire 1201=Dryad Root 1204=Wind Walk 1206=Wind Shackle 1208=Seal of Binding 1209=Seal of Poison 1210=Seal of Gloom 1213=Seal of Mirage 1216=Self Heal 1217=Greater Heal 1218=Greater Battle Heal 1219=Greater Group Heal 1220=Blaze 1222=Curse Chaos 1223=Surrender To Earth 1224=Surrender To Poison 1225=Summon Mew the Cat 1226=Summon Unicorn Boxer 1227=Summon Unicorn Mirage 1228=Summon Silhouette 1229=Chant of Life 1230=Prominence 1231=Aura Flare 1232=Blazing Skin 1233=Decay 1234=Vampiric Claw 1235=Hydro Blast 1236=Frost Bolt 1237=Ice Dagger 1238=Freezing Skin 1239=Hurricane 1240=Guidance 1242=Death Whisper 1243=Bless Shield 1244=Freezing Flame 1245=Steal Essence 1246=Seal of Silence 1247=Seal of Scourge 1248=Seal of Suspension 1249=Sight of Paagrio 1250=Shield of Paagrio 1251=Chant of Fury 1252=Chant of Evasion 1253=Chant of Rage 1254=Mass Resurrection 1255=Party Recall 1256=Heart of Paagrio 1257=Decrease Weight 1258=Restore Life 1259=Resist Shock 1260=Tact of Paagrio 1261=Rage of Paagrio 1262=Transfer Pain 1263=Curse Gloom 1264=Solar Spark 1265=Solar Flare 1266=Shadow Spark 1267=Shadow Flare 1268=Vampiric Rage 1269=Curse Disease 1271=Benediction 1272=Word of Fear 1273=Serenade of Eva 1274=Energy Bolt 1275=Aura Bolt 1276=Summon Kai the Cat 1277=Summon Unicorn Merrow 1278=Summon Soulless 1279=Summon Binding Cubic 1280=Summon Aqua Cubic 1281=Summon Spark Cubic 1282=Speed of Paagrio 1283=Soul Guard 1284=Chant of Revenge 1285=Seed of Fire 1286=Seed of Water 1287=Seed of Wind 1288=Aura Symphony 1289=Inferno 1290=Blizzard 1291=Demon Wind 1292=Elemental Assault 1293=Elemental Symphony 1294=Elemental Storm 1295=Aqua Splash 1296=Rain of Fire 1297=Clear Mind 1298=Mass Slow 1299=Servitor Ultimate Defense 1300=Servitor Cure 1301=Servitor Blessing 1303=Wild Magic 1304=Advanced Block 1305=Honor of Paagrio 1306=Ritual of Life 1307=Prayer 1308=Chant of Predator 1309=Chant of Eagle 1310=Chant of Vampire 1311=Body of Avatar 1312=Fishing 1313=Pumping 1314=Reeling 1315=Fishing Expertise 1316=Fishing Expertise -C-Grade 1317=Fishing Expertise -B-Grade 1318=Fishing Expertise -A-Grade 1319=Fishing Expertise -S-Grade 1320=Create Common Item 1321=Dwarven Craft 1322=Common Craft 1323=Blessing of Noblesse 1324=Summon CP Potion 1325=Fortune of Noblesse 1326=Harmony of Noblesse 1327=Symphony of Noblesse 1328=Mass Summon Storm Cubic 1329=Mass Summon Aqua Cubic 1330=Mass Summon Phantom Cubic 1331=Summon Queen of Cat 1332=Summon Unicorn Seraphim 1333=Summon Nightshade 1334=Summon Cursed Man 1335=Balance Life 1336=Curse of Doom 1337=Curse of Abyss 1338=Arcane Chaos 1339=Fire Vortex 1340=Ice Vortex 1341=Wind Vortex 1342=Light Vortex 1343=Dark Vortex 1344=Mass Warrior Bane 1345=Mass Mage Bane 1346=Warrior Servitor 1347=Wizard Servitor 1348=Assassin Servitor 1349=Final Servitor 1350=Warrior Bane 1351=Mage Bane 1352=Elemental Protection 1353=Divine Protection 1354=Arcane Protection 1355=Prophecy of Water 1356=Prophecy of Fire 1357=Prophecy of Wind 1358=Block Shield 1359=Block Wind Walk 1360=Mass Block Shield 1361=Mass Block Wind Walk 1362=Chant of Spirit 1363=Chant of Victory 1364=Eye of Paagrio 1365=Soul of Paagrio 1366=Seal of Despair 1367=Seal of Disease 1368=Expand Dwarven Craft 1369=Expand Common Craft 1370=Expand Trade 1371=Expand Storage 1372=Expand Inventory 1373=Strider Mastery Coming Soon others!!!!
  6. hmm i think my idol is Maikl skorflint so... u know ... prison break is my best movie... but lost too i can't expect lost or prison break... the movies take my heart too haha;p
  7. poli kali douleia omos gia tous epomenous pou 8eloun na to katebasoun ena screenshoot 8a itan oti prepei i kana videaki nomizw oti den xreiazete photo gia na deis pws einai i armors/weapons ... nomizw oti idi exoune ypar3i tetoiou idous post...opote an thelei kapios photo mporei na kanei search ... episis an ennoeis photo gia to pws mporei na ta balei kapios den nomizw na einai toso aparetito... apla kanei ena execute batch file sto navicat ta sql kai meta bazei ta stats kai einai ok!
  8. paidia koita3te thelw na kanw ston server m enan 2o yposerver ... px ekei p leei 1 = bartz ... na exei apo katw 2 = siegehartz wste na mporw na elenxw ta rates tou 2 = siegehartz ktlp...
  9. can someone give me the link that say how i can broke the gameguard cuz i want to play local ! plz
  10. Exofil


    Man I just want to learn some things about forum's system and something more which I can not tell you...So how I can talk with him? ok i think the only way that u can speak with him is to wait for him ... otherwise don't know
  11. Exofil


    why u want him?maybe u wanna to be a donator member i advice u to speak with a moderator or a donator member to take informations!
  12. can someone give me l2off interlude files link please????
  13. Dokimase na to kaneis spawn...to ID t einai:29056.... Prosexe omos spawn mporeis na to kaneis mono sto Ice Queen's Castle.... Pane apo //admin/teleport/other locations/raidbosses/60 lvl/Ice fairy Sirra legetai... ok eimai ikanopioimenos einai swsta ta id thnx feelmyspells
  14. the number of buffs slot u can change them from configs...also take from weapons some stats (gameserver/data/stats/weapon) and put them in to the tattoos ... and after this the tattoo's will work... about malaria i want to learn too so i don't know!:P vent00za ...malaria is skills...no items
  15. pff ok...i let ur advice to continue!!
  16. I dont wanna say that isnt 9h buffs but these are >>ONLY<< for L2JONEO!!!! for l2j and l2emu and l2jfree you must do it by your self. .. vent00za maybe u don't saw this " [General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] English " i don't see there any [General] Lineage II Develop [L2Emu] English so u are wrong i think!!!! so he need the files from L2J...so the link that i gave its right!
  17. cuz all know it that to fix the buff time its boring ... download this link http://rapidshare.com/files/102290806/NpcBuffer_Custom_skills_9H.rar and then drag and drop the files that having in the folder and put them in gameserver/data/stats/skills and u will have buffs for 9h;)
  18. Goldefinger an i3eres tha eftiaxnes...o l2battlefield exei kanei teleia douleia opote an den s aresei min 3ana kaneis reply se auto to topic kai to share den einai antigrafi... den to exw 3ana dei se tosa forum pou koitaw opote l2battlefield go on dude!!!!
  19. nice share lover go on!
  20. Loipon paidia thelw an mporeite na mou dwsete kapio sql tou raid boss ice queen wste na to kanw execute batch file kai na perastei ston server... gt apo oti koita3a den yparxei to raid boss ston server ;)thnx:P
  21. what lokisdion doing? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=21260.msg139305;topicseen#msg139305
  22. ok tha perimenoume;)
  23. Exo pei 100000 fores dn eimai ego...ekei eseis....popo kala min mas deireis kiolas ehehe :P ok xxrxx makari na einai kai tin triti...kai mallon tha ne kalytera gt mono pempti sabbato kai kuriakki den leei;p go on!;p
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