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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. it mean's that u can't create the shield that the mob have...cuz some items of mobs doesn't exist with database!
  2. anyway go on !:P
  3. i found a link that u can download a program that help you to hide your Ip adress from hackers ok click to the follow link : Here we are http://www.theprivacyguard.com/downloadnow.html I hope that i helped u!
  4. Th3BesTHacK3r apo oti eida ta site pou mas edwses symbibazontai me to site http://whatismyip.com etsi?:P anyway
  5. nice one very intersting site:D
  6. symfwnw koufo ... kai kata tin gnwmi mou kanto kai lock to topic ... tha s dwsw 2 epixirimata... 1 ) ton server ton exei perigrapsi...opote den xriazontai gnwmes...tis gnwmes kai ta bug tou server sto forum tous ... gt mono ekei tha borei o gm /admin na ta dei... 2 ) efoson eisai 1 apo ta kuriotera meloi tou maxcheater/forum den nomizw na yparxei kapios logos na synexistoune reply's kai +1 se auto p eipes Tha sevomaste tin douleia, opws kai eseis ta rules. anyway!
  7. loooooool nice one K4rMaArr0wsssssssssssssssssssssssss , the grafics are too better!nice one again!
  8. its L2J but the server will be L2Off in some months , i mean when we will delicate the server with t3 ... we are waiting for this!as u know to take more connection its too slow so ... u know:P
  9. thnx stefoulis ... my conscience(syneidisi:D) tell me that the server will be better than before ehe:P anyway ty again:D
  10. Server changed from x5000 to x80 ... first of all the site of L2MeMoRies x80 server is http://l2memo.servegame.com people wanted x80 server so the only that we had to do is to hear the people and continue our job L2MeMoRies features are : Server Rates: * Adena: x200 * Exp: x80 * SP: x80 General Informations: * Working All Classes Skills * Working Castle Sieges * Working Clan Halls * Working Subclasses System * Working Seven Signs * Working Clan System * Working Nobles & Hero System * Working Clan Wars * Custom GM Shop * Custom Global GK * Custom NPC Buffer * 9+ Hour Buffs * BoG System * Automated Events, TvT * And much more! * Cursed Weapons * All Raid Bosses and Quests Enchant Rates: * 68% * Safe up to +4 * Max up to +24 Server Specifications: * AMD Athlon 64 x2 Dual - Core Processor 3800 +2.01 GHz * 4 GB DDRII RAM * 4x 150 GB HDD * 24Mbit Port (Up / Down)(1 month and the server will be delicated with t3) * Windows 2002 Standard Edition ServerOwners/Administrators: * .:Exofillarouxas3:. * .:Tsopanos:. Admins: * =MiMeKoitate= * =Synister= i think that u will enjoy us again The only that u have to do everyday is the vote in http://hopzone.net
  11. it looks nice ... i will check it right now ehehe;p
  12. + str - con -dex + con in my opinion u need p.atk and con !
  13. exofilarouxas2005@hotmail.com cu there!
  14. here we are i think that if u enable the banking system you don't need the sql npc! maybe i am wrong i am not so sure! #============================================================# # Banking System # #============================================================# # Banking System Enabled BankingSystemEnabled = false # Configure the amount of Adena to trade for the below configured number of Gold Bars. BankingSystemAdena = 0 # Configure the amount of Gold Bars to trade for the above configured number of Adena. BankingSystemGoldBars = 0
  15. i had post this link in the past but one mod lock it ... so i have to upload it again for you! i know that so much people can get help from this multisell program ... because the program can be the time to make a multisell faster! so the only that u have to do is to click in the follow link Multisell tell me ur impressions !!!! and if you have problem with it reply here , and i will see what i can do! Credits to Evo
  16. 1 ) xrist0s4 min kaneis double post ... 2 ) o frienzl2 einai o monadikos server p einai balance 100% kai exei ta panta les kai einai official ... [exei L2Off pack ( interlude files ) ] o admin tou frienzl2 pezei na 3erei apeira ... kai episis pezei na periexei panw apo 20 anti-bot/hack/walker/hlapex programms ... o FRIENZL2 den botarete...oute hackarete!
  17. nice share's throzen go on!;)
  18. yae but i don't know how to compile them ... to work about them... its the only think that i want to know;) if u want make a screens thnx!!!!
  19. Can someone maybe describe to me with screens and with letters how i can open a java file?its too hard that i can't continue to work about it ... i can't open java fileeeeeeeeeee!
  20. koita 1175099097|ReBeL||||| to rebel einai to onoma p s leei...ekei sto main page to onoma rebel...an thes synexise kai grapse 1175099097|ReBeL|||||welcome to L2Maxcheaters (mpla mpla;p) episis gia na s einai pio eukolo pigene module ...ftiaxe ena idio tetoio arxeiaki pou einai ola ta alla kai grapse oti thes ekei mesa...meta pigene menu kai ekei p s leei id=(bale to id p exeis onomasi auto to arxeiaki pou eftia3es) elpizw na se boithisa ehe;p
  21. na rwtisw kati?to 7-zip pws to anigw?nomizw prepei na to katebasw m dinete ena link?
  22. thnx na se kala!;)gia interlude einai etsi?
  23. thelw an boreite na m dwsete l2jfree to latest pack! ena link kai eimai koble !plz
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