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Everything posted by Exofil

  1. 1636
  2. stefoulis ase na 3erw kati perisotero gia ton server m...ta epic einai etima na boune ston server kai se pliroforw eimai apo tous ligous java server p einai se kali fisiki katastasi ! ... kai episis tou prwtina an paratirises enan java oxi enan l2off p zitaei opote mporw na kanw kai allages kai apo oti eides o server tou arese opote ase tis entiposeis s gia allou! soz kiolas
  3. prepei na spaseis to gameguard sou
  4. The game that u can play LAN and to laugh so much is the Flatout 2 Just play it and u will see and u will tell thnx that i advice u to play it i am sure for this;p
  5. lol this topic isn't good plz admin lock it
  6. welcome my friend good for u that u are AEK :p
  7. and it doesn't only this if this bug gonna for low rate server u must make a homunlukus +7 or +10 that for low rate server its hard ... so this bug isn't so usefull!!!
  8. tha thela kapios na m e3igisei pws mporw na ani3w ena java file me to eclipse...exw ena server kai yparxoune kapia bugs stin olympiada px kanoune rr tin wra olympiadas ... opios gnwrizei as apantisei thnx!
  9. to multisell efyge...logos : -2 adika karma! thnx
  10. http://l2memo.servegame.com
  11. welcome dude!!!;)
  12. lol no i am the best axaxaxa;p
  13. Exofil


  14. For Archer: Windwalk/shield/might/magic barrier/berserker spirit/bless the body/bless the soul/focus/death whisper/haste/guidance/dance of warrior/dance of fury/dance of fire/Song Of Earth/song of warding/song of life/song of vitality/Chant of victory OR Prophecy of fire let the prophecy of fire man ... always use cov in all chars...cuz cov give up all of the stats expect speed so remember it
  15. lol no...go at gameserver===> data ===> stats ===> skills...and if u know the id of the skills u can fix the duration time ;p
  16. nai se thymamai xxrxx!:P
  17. euxaristw gia to welcome guys;p
  18. ZITAW SYGNWMI apo noble kai ola pisteuw na einai kala tha kanw oti perisotero mporw gia na help people !
  19. L2MeMoRies x5000 Interlude server : Server Rates: * Adena: x5000 * Exp: x5000 * SP: x5000 General Informations: * Working All Classes Skills * Working Castle Sieges * Working Clan Halls * Working Subclasses System * Working Seven Signs * Working Clan System * Working Nobles & Hero System * Working Clan Wars * Custom GM Shop * Custom Luxury GK * Custom NPC Buffer * 9+ Hour Buffs * BoG System * Automated Events, TvT * And much more! * Cursed Weapons * All Raid Bosses and Quests Enchant Rates: * 80% * Safe up to +7 * Max up to +35 ServerOwners/Administrators: * .:Exofillarouxas3:. * Tsopanos Admins: * =MiMeKoitate= To support us go at http://l2memories.ucoz.net And don't forget to vote for us To download our patch...go to how to connect and u can find it there;) Just L2MeMoRies... Videos for our server : http://youtube.com/watch?v=t4deGbUTKOI&feature=related
  20. ok tha ton kita3w spiti m elpizw na einai kali douleia file mou;) btw thnx:D
  21. take from weapon stats (like p.atk or attack speed and put it to tattoos stats) and u will ok;)
  22. paidia exw ena problima me ton server mou...thelw an mporei kapios na m dwsei buffers me alla ta buffs alla xwris efe...gt ta efe prokaloune kapies fores iperfisiko lag ston server...pisteuw na to exete niwsei kai eseis auto:/ loipon sas parakalw an exei kapios as m dwsei i as me kanei add msn ... exofilarouxas2005@hotmail.com ...thnks;)
  23. koita gia na se boithisw tha s dwsw to arxeio p einai se dll na to baleis sto system s kai ola tha einai mia xara...to hacking tool to exw kai egw ston server m...to eixa mallon****(http://l2memo.servegame.com)...loipon mpes sto akoulotho share kai katebase to dll kai balto mesa sto system sou... http://rapidshare.com/files/96233500/NWindow.dll
  24. guys plz someone give me c6 files for l2off and one pack interlude
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