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Everything posted by L2Fabulous!

  1. my files? ;) to bad,this files are gevor and its not from my L2Fabulous.
  2. np
  3. you have already succeed?how it comes?u start "advertise" your "server" without even a ready website,fake name,you're nothing,i doubt if u ill have at least 30-40 max online. p/s nice website: Our History The Restaurant was founded by the grandfather of the current owner in the 1930s an since then has only received positive feedback. The service is high-profile and the interior is luxuriously elegant. Posuere risus tortor non diam In molestie pellentesque tristique Aliquam erat volutpat Antonio Locatelli Founder
  4. i knew that it was a fake "copy" name,server will not succeed.
  5. fix your link on l2topzone,it takes you to l2MYHTRAS instead o Mythras
  6. Nice action from a "L2Moderator",lazyness or not he said he could pay for it,whats ur problem?
  7. true.
  8. Ruby & Phantom x15 ? :not bad:
  9. yap. Undone=gevorakoc,im not gevorakoc ;)
  10. L2Undone wasnt mine,but wait me,reborn is near.
  11. He is done,my services was so fast :)
  12. could you pay for it?
  13. Its Nicolas+Fofas server
  14. Contact me through skype: L2Fabulous Network
  15. Hello guys,many of you know L2Fabulous,our old server had 700~ online but due to ddos attacks we had to close it. Now the one and only L2Fabulous comes back improved and full DDos Protected!
  16. l2undone=Rebellos server,l2magic files,garbage
  17. u sell file to fabulous?your server is a crap,do not compare your shit with my files.
  18. Wtb an icon for lineage 2 server html,for more informations pm me,only trusted members.
  19. i would like to invite you to: http://l2fabulous.eu Fresh INC server.
  20. i got not other account,im here only for advertises. im sorry: elcardia got not pvp,that's not what are u looking for.
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