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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. well, here is example, i found it on internet, just saying if server got smartguard it will not work uses SysUtils; function ShellExecuteW(hwnd: integer; lpOperation, lpFile, lpParameters, lpDirectory: PChar; nShowCmd: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll'; function keybd_event(bVk, bScan: byte; dwFlags, dwExtraInfo: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; procedure disconnectMonitor; const login = 'lgn'; password = 'pwd'; gamePath = 'F:\l2gf\system\l2.exe'; begin while Delay(3000) do begin if Engine.Status = lsOffline then begin print('dc'); Engine.FaceControl(0, false); Delay(1000); Engine.GameClose; Delay(1000); ShellExecuteW(0, 'open', PChar(gamePath), nil, nil, 0); Delay(10000); enterText(login); Engine.UseKey('Tab'); Delay(300); enterText(password); Delay(300); Engine.UseKey('Enter'); Delay(2000); Engine.UseKey('Enter'); Delay(2000); Engine.UseKey('Enter'); Delay(2000); Engine.UseKey('Enter'); Delay(10000); Engine.FaceControl(0, true); end; end; end; procedure enterText(const text: string); var i: cardinal; upperCase: boolean; begin for i:= 1 to length(text) do begin if isDigit(text[i]) then Engine.UseKey(text[i]) else begin upperCase:= text[i] = UpCase(text[i]); if upperCase then begin keybd_event(20, 0, 1, 0); keybd_event(20, 0, 2, 0); Engine.UseKey(text[i]); delay(10); keybd_event(20, 0, 1, 0); keybd_event(20, 0, 2, 0); end else Engine.UseKey(text[i]); end; Delay(50); end; end; function isDigit(ch: char): boolean; const digits = '013456789'; var i: cardinal; begin result:= false; for i:= 0 to length(digits) do if digits[i] = ch then begin result:= true; exit; end; end; begin Script.NewThread(@disconnectMonitor); end.
  2. almost all servers use smartguard, so auto relog is useless, because smartguard block keys and mouse clicks, but if u mean only restart and start game again u can try engine.restart; //restart to char select screen; engine.gamestart(0); //0 is char id
  3. i guess for free u cant find captcha script (except that simple captcha which is only dialog)
  4. at least post screenshot if u expecting help
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/73-marketplace-powerlvl-support/ just check few guys sell adrenalin cheaper buy and have fun xd
  6. tried on interlude (java) and it shows only fighter xd
  7. u need install this http://rgho.st/88SqHGg9X atleast for me works fine with this java version
  8. u can edit it, u need xdat editor https://sites.google.com/site/l2clientmod/xdat_editor and edit Interface.xdat , and edit Shortcuts>>GamingStateShortcut, gl EDIT: or even better find patch who already got it xd
  9. just check default sound files and u see it is .wav, so .wav will work
  10. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/202603-scrip-l2-adrenaline/?do=findComment&comment=2555676
  11. u can try var d: integer; begin while true do begin for d:=1 to 2000 do begin engine.useaction(5); delay(20000); end; end; end.
  12. yeah need hit last hit, and in ketra vilage take other quest for shadit head, after you kill raid you get quest item wich you end that other quest and get that totem, same with varka commander mos, in same place take quest just other quest name, quest names not remember
  13. its not for remove but he shows how add, it will help remove i guess https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_mfe2SgnYB1FClvbNGWZvQ
  14. just saying, almost all servers got captcha so....
  15. if you do not use "screen messages" then you can remove from interface.xdat http://i.imgur.com/0DPrKAO.png
  16. i guess asking for paid bot, so not be easier and faster ask sellers? xd
  17. hmm weird, you know until where it works but dont know what need change?
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/200972-l2-control-or-anything-similar/?do=findComment&comment=2541291 EDIT: also you if you buy adrenalin you can try test this http://rawr.su/topic/3086-zbt-nextarget-radar-s-pvp-funktciyami/ for me looks nicer than ivanius radar gl.
  19. it is not ivanius scripts for wich whant use need pay?
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