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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. 1. u should use items by oid 2. as example u can use engine.waitaction([ladlg], p1,p2) and then check engine.dlgtext example with command "pos" 3. no idea 4. i think this should work procedure doSoe(); begin // stuff for soe end; var qwe:boolean; begin qwe := false; if user.inrange(x,y,z,r) then begin engine.moveto(x,y,z); end; if user.inrange(x,y,z,r) then // at end point qwe := true; if not qwe then dosoe; end. 5. no idea also
  2. procedure OnPacket(ID, ID2: Cardinal; Data: Pointer; Size: Word); begin print(ID); print(MemToHex(Data^, Size)); end; begin delay(-1); end. this receive packets from server to client if i not wrong, "OnCliPacket" from client to server to send packet engine.sendtoserver(''); engine.sendtoclient(''); why ur script is stopping i have no idea
  3. its captcha in tutorial window, not sure if there is api for tutorial window, but with packets should work fine
  4. looks like regular dialog, u can use in bot events
  5. seems its interface, well u can add there ur custom "shortcut", like "OpenMyWindow", and in shortcut.uc > function HandleShortcutCommand( String a_Param ) { local String Command; if( ParseString( a_Param, "Command", Command ) ) { switch( Command ) { case "OpenMyWindow": if ( IsShowWindow("WhatEverWindow") ) { HideWindow(WhatEverWindow); } else { ShowWindow(WhatEverWindow); } break; } } atleast like this for interlude, gl!
  6. if interface is not encrypted then u can edit it
  7. by default interlude doesnt have this as i know, to have this i believe need server+interface modifications, so as one guy said before, u cant do that on all servers
  8. const Captcha_Str = 'Bot'; var P1, P2 : pointer; Action: TL2Action; Actor: TL2Live; function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; begin while Engine.Status = lsOnline do begin Action:=Engine.WaitAction([laDlg], P1, P2); if Action = ladlg then begin if Pos(Captcha_Str, Engine.DlgText) <> 0 then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); Print('Captcha!'); Delay(2000); end; end; end; Delay(200); end. should work
  9. print(engine.dlgtext); take dialog, take bypass string from dialog, and use with engine.bypasstoserver('string');
  10. Looks like all of this is shared, https://bitbucket.org/iRevThis/adrenaline-scripts/src/1fb2b15603c7?at=develop
  11. var dispelArray : array of cardinal = [275,274,271,264]; i:integer; buff:tl2buff; begin while engine.delay(555) do begin for i := low(dispelArray) to high(dispelArray) do begin if user.buffs.byid(dispelArray[i], buff) then begin engine.dispel(buff.name); delay(1000); end; end; end; end. maybe this gonna work, idk, anyways u should have in self buff option for dispel
  12. well thats cracked bot problem, try engine.delay(555) or, while true do begin delay(555); gl!
  13. var dispelArray : array of cardinal = [275,274,271,264]; i:integer; begin while delay(555) do begin for i := low(dispelArray) to high(dispelArray) do begin if user.buffs.byid(dispelArray[i], tl2buff) then begin engine.dispel(dispelArray[i]); delay(1000); end; end; end; end.
  14. function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('60 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Human') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(500); StopSound; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(300); captcha(); end; end.
  15. first of all, i dont think if anyone gonna make u such scripts, second cracked bot doesnt have commands for tutorial windows. this be posible with paid adr, anyways as i said i dont think if anyone can make u free scripts
  16. lol, this is really crazy, how ppl can be that stupid? destroy what? bots already do that, and even more, for pvp farm etc, i dont see anything there what can destroy game, since its already destroyed xd
  17. its not regular dialog, so that script not gonna work, find in mxc, somewhere i posted example how to play sound on specific packet id, that can be used alarm for tutorial window
  18. as i know mouse clicks doesnt work with smart guard, u need use engine.bypasstoserver(string); if engine.dlgsel(string/index); doesnt work
  19. skillgrp - set all debuffs to buffs (then display time) and edit interface.u if good remember abnormalwnd (or something xd) to set backtex (if i not wrong) with debuff texture
  20. replace with l2tool and u should be fine, also u can create another utx with inventory and edit interface.xdat to use ur inventory texture
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