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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. i got same issue with latest java, http://www8.zippyshare.com/v/Pz7bnaLw/file.html http://www103.zippyshare.com/v/03qWYTGw/file.html java ant xdat editor which i use
  2. use l2encdec l2encdec -e 121 Crest.utx and then use umodel normally. gl
  3. if im not wrong engine.confirmdialog(true);
  4. i think he mean, he wanna script for talk with npc and take recipes xD for example if need take many recipes xd
  5. lul, first no he, adr dev use it, it change anything? i think not what u think? xd
  6. bad idea to loop script.newthread, this should be correct begin //repete novamente o script Script.NewThread (@AceitaRess); Print('repete novamente'); repeat toBuff; Delay(14000); until Engine.Status = lsOffline; Delay(5000); end.
  7. no he is wrong, it can be done for cracked too
  8. for interlude works, doesnt work on cracked bot, paid only
  9. simply before each move check for agro mobs, and if agro true then turn on bot and do delay for example procedure CustomMoveTo(x,y,z:integer); begin if checkAgro then begin engine.facecontro(0, true); while checkAgro do delay(20); engine.facecontrol(0,false); end; engine.moveto(x,y,z); end; begin CustomMoveTo(123,123,123); end. it before start use engine.moveto it will check if mobs hit u, gl!
  10. if i not wrong u need edit Interface.u>AbnormalStatusWnd.uc> info.Size = 24;
  11. extract interface.u and u should see PartyWnd.uc or something, already tested and works, gl!
  12. yes this doesnt work for interlude, check this http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/?p=2637922
  13. for nobless in party window check "PartyWnd.u"
  14. you need use bypass string of button with engine.bypasstoserver('string');
  15. function checkAgro: boolean; var npc: TL2Npc; begin result := Engine.FindEnemy(npc, user, 1100)); end; begin engine.moveto(123,123,123); engine.useskill(123); engine.facecontrol(0,true); while checkAgro do delay(1111); engine.facecontrol(0,false); end. like this should work
  16. var adena:tl2item; begin while engine.delay(555) do begin inventory.user.byid(57, adena); if assigned(adena) and (adena.count > 5 * 1000000) then begin // more than 5kk while not user.target.dead do delay(11); engine.facecontrol(0,false); delay(555); engine.entertext('.deposit'); delay(555); engine.facecontrol(0,true); end; end; end.
  17. var adena:tl2item; begin while delay(555) do begin inventory.user.byid(57, adena); if assigned(adena) and (adena.count > 5 * 1000000) then begin // more than 5kk while not user.target.dead do delay(11); engine.facecontrol(0,false); delay(555); engine.entertext('.deposit'); delay(555); engine.facecontrol(0,true); end; end; end.
  18. var int: integer; mob: tl2npc; sweep: tl2skill; begin while true do begin for int:=0 to npclist.count-1 do begin mob := npclist.items(int); if mob.valid and mob.dead and mob.sweepable and (skilllist.byid(42,sweep) and (sweep.endtime = 0)) then if (user.distto(mob) < 300) then //max range of sweeping if engine.settarget(mob) then engine.useskill(sweep); end; delay(100); end; end. author krn (if im not wrong)
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