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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. i dont know, probably macro cant use, you can use engine.usekey('F1');
  2. for smart guard probably not, you can augment with adr, but it block mouse clicks, so you need wait until interface get update and works on smart guard :D, for now i dont see any diference between cracked 4.0 and 5.2 if that doesnt work on smart guard.
  3. uses Classes, SysUtils; const spamDelay: integer = 1000; //1second spamText: string = 'just testing'; //text wich flood randomSymbolsCount: integer = 5; //ramdom symbols var charName: string; i: integer; SL: TStringList; procedure OnFree; begin SL.Free; print('Spam finished'); end; function getRandomString(size: integer): string; const alphabet = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'; var i: integer; begin Result := ''; for i:=0 to size-1 do begin Result := Result + alphabet[Random(Length(alphabet)-1)]; end; end; begin SL := TStringList.Create; while true do begin for i := 0 to CharList.count -1 do begin charName := CharList.Items(i).name; if (charName <> '') and (SL.IndexOf(charName) = -1) then begin SL.add(charName); if Engine.Say(spamText + ' ' + getRandomString(randomSymbolsCount), 2, charName) then print('Spammed to: ' + charName); delay(spamDelay); end else delay(100); end; end; end. just removed configs and added in const, what you need now edit const and have fun xd ps. tested and works gl hf
  4. 3000001 http://rghost.net/8XQTgFCpc >:D
  5. no i dont get anything, just good to know that some of them its usefull xd
  6. no, if engine.dlgsel(); doesnt work then need use engine.bypasstoserver(string); here is your "Auto Buff" button code <button value="Auto Buff" action="bypass -h Quest 5555_NPCBuffer castBuffSet 0 0 0" width=120 height=21 and you see bypass etc etc and use it like engine.bypasstoserver('Quest 5555_NPCBuffer castBuffSet 0 0 0'); no need copy bypass -h and then copy all until " i dont know hope you understand xd
  7. really good business resel with same price and get nothing :dat:
  8. maybe, but probably most popular of private servers
  9. ahah neo to shit that developers spend time bypass for this shit server xd
  10. you need send mail like engine.sendmail('calvo', 'theme','text', [57, 1]); //57 adena id, 1 count about +random item, i dont know
  11. with cracked not posible, about new bot i dont know probably not posible too
  12. yeah you need waitaction var KeyCode, k: integer; begin while true do begin delay(150); Engine.WaitAction([lakey], KeyCode, k); if (KeyCode = $31) then begin //key 1 // // do something // end; end; end. at this case it must be like var KeyCode, k: integer; i:integer; begin while true do begin delay(150); Engine.WaitAction([lakey], KeyCode, k); if (KeyCode = $31) then begin //key 1 // for i := 0 to CharList.Count - 1 do begin if Charlist.items(i).attackable and ((User.DistTo(Charlist.Items(i)) < 400)) and not Charlist.items(i).dead then begin engine.settarget(Charlist.items(i)); end; end; // end; end; end.
  13. its toturial window, so as i know not posible
  14. engine.settarget('Npc Buffer'); engine.movetotarget; delay(1000); engine.attack; probably must work
  15. i checked that, and i dont know how use item with same id
  16. maybe this help if inventory.user.byid(123, item) and (item.enchantlevel = 0) then begin engine.useitem(item); end;
  17. neo use smart guard, so probably only new adrenalin work there for that guys who buy bot and play there, here is tts quest http://rghost.net/828bXpsh4 what you need have : need have buff profile with name: tts need have Scroll of Escape
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