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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. no link its only for me xd edit: but idea, wait captcha, capture scree, remove colors, send to tesseract
  2. this captcha come in toturial window i guess, bigest problem that dont detect with "engine.dlgtext", i already solved tales captcha, its same but that come in dialog window, sure not 100% but when i tested it works pretty good
  3. you need edit augments procedure, to add more skill when whant stop when get that skill, and you need edit "mouseClick" and etc, suspend script just look litle bit up and you see example
  4. probably for game style, sure can be they added some guard which block adr and give auto ban edit. if you use cracked then more posible that banned when detect adrenalin, example smart guard
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-18
  6. i use this for augment script, and works fine
  7. you can do that in bot settings, or Engine.Dispel('string');
  8. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/195002-adrenaline-scripts-free/
  9. you can use script for that, example here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-1
  10. for that need use mouse clicks, check my posts and you find example
  11. use this http://kontrasoft.at.ua/ its not for adrenalin but, adr script use mouse click this use too mouse click
  12. this ignore party members, you need add example user.clanid <> obj.clanid and etc
  13. in buyshot function i see you change id so need change here too if user.inrange(144925, -56215, -2974, 5000) and User.Buffs.ByID(1062, buffCheck) and Inventory.User.ByID(1463, BuyShot) and Inventory.User.ByID(728, BuyMP) then begin
  14. var i:integer; char: string; begin for i:=0 to charlist.count -1 do begin char := CharList.Items(i).name; print(char); delay(2000); end; end. its example with print if need xd
  15. party heal-buff, add ressurection and set contidion 1 : target dead
  16. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-18
  17. if really i dont understand differences between string and const string xd
  18. hmm, good question, if really i have no idea , i just know how use it xd
  19. i recommend start first from simple things xd when i start i try make farm script, if good remember i tried it make 3days xdd ofc 2times i give up but finally i make it work, then step by step learn more and more
  20. at old redemption with smart guard when i get ban hwid change helped for me with hwid serial number changer or somethink like that xd, but on which components give i dont know
  21. this script show all your quests id wich you have take
  22. first delete all shit from script window.....
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