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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. you can check quest status var i,z :integer; a,b: string; begin for z:=1 to 20000do begin for i:=-20 to -1 do begin if Engine.QuestStatus(z, (abs(i)))then begin str(z,b) ; str(abs(i),a) ; print('QUEST '+b+' stage '+a); break; end; end; end; end. for kill mobs just use engine.facecontrol(0,true) its turn on bot interface
  2. nop, delphi is my first language,for me helped examples, read this thread probably you find examples, i remember i posted some procedures of my frinteza scroll quest, that can help, also i give link from other guy quest which helped for me when i make lizardmen quest ops read this thread http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-20 and probably all bigest problem that dont read good what write, like example i write that delphi be my first language but you didnt see :dat:
  3. oh so you want to say i born learned? xdd probably you better know how i learn :happyforever:
  4. sure, when dont even try then sure not everyone, when i started i take examples and try understand what thats means, in that time i didnt know any script language, so im be totally new in this xd so i think everyone can learn if they want it, if dont whant learn then buy from krn, ivanius they sell really pro scripts
  5. in game write .vote2 for remove sound until other captcha
  6. for tales i guess working that allarm PS if someone play Cartel feel free report me at "Deep inside DV South" nick AdrEasy
  7. i guess when captcha shows show in system messages, probably he check lasysmsg, but maybe im wrong :D btw dont ask, i cant log in with cracked bot so i cant make that
  8. https://github.com/hackfaq/l2adrenalinescripts here you can find example wich helped for me in that time when i make that script
  9. yeah yeah, but i writed it at old tales so now its doesnt work need change alt and b codes, and sure thats my works and i dont share it in full code
  10. 100% clean format :D use some antivirus or don't use programs from all wich give to you exe files :D
  11. i guess its scam, becouse i dont think if posible use exe in adrenalin
  12. 1. you need open new dialog to stop sound .cfg .menu or what ever your server have 2. you need merge scripts example function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('45 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(14000); StopSound; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(3000); captcha(); end; end. already is in function/procedure and called to run it so you need add other your script in procedure and call it like function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('45 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(14000); StopSound; end; end; procedure something; var buff:tl2buff; buffID,seconds:cardinal; begin buffID:= 1323; //change buff id seconds:= 70; //buff end time seconds if not user.buffs.byid(buffID, buff) or (buff.endtime < seconds*1000) then begin if (user.target.dead) or (user.target = nil) then begin engine.facecontrol(0,false); while user.incombat do delay(1000); engine.bypasstoserver('_bbshome'); //use alt and b change for your server delay(1000); engine.bypasstoserver('02'); delay(1000); engine.bypasstoserver('0b'); delay(1000); engine.bypasstoserver('01a'); delay(1000); engine.bypasstoserver('_bbsgetfav'); delay(1000); engine.facecontrol(0,true); end; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(100); captcha(); something(); end; end. but buff you can do in to interface http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/196245-l2-adrenaline-altb-rebuff/
  13. function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('60 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(500); StopSound; end; end; var MP, Shot: TL2Item; buff: TL2Buff; function buffCheck: Boolean; begin if (not User.Buffs.ByID(1062, buff) or (buff.endtime<300000)) then begin //1062 wich buff id checking Result:=true; Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); //buffer alt and b Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('02'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0b'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0c'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('018'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('018'); Delay(1000); end; Result:=false; end; function BuyMP:boolean; begin if not Inventory.User.ByID(728, MP) or (MP.count<10) then begin //728 mp id ,10 or less then buy MP so probably change it for your count result:=true; Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); // alt and b codes to buy mp Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('02'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0c'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('01f'); Delay(1000); Engine.NpcExchange(728, 2); //728 mp id, 2 is count how many buy it delay(1000); end; result:=false; end; function BuyShot:boolean; begin if not Inventory.User.ByID(1463, Shot) or (Shot.count<900) then begin //1463 is d grade shot id, change for your shot id, 900 or less then buy shots result:=true; Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); //alt and b to shots Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('02'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0c'); Delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('020'); Delay(1000); Engine.NpcExchange(1463, 50); //1463 id, 50 is count wich buy delay(1000); end; result:=false; end; function deadCheck: Boolean; begin Result := false; if User.Dead then begin Result := true; Print('Dead. Pressing to village.'); Delay(1000); Engine.FaceControl(0,false); Engine.GoHome; Delay(10000); end; end; procedure something; begin delay(150); //town coordinates range //buff id wich check //shot id //mp id if user.inrange(-83064, 150600, -3104, 5000) and User.Buffs.ByID(1062, buffCheck) and Inventory.User.ByID(1463, BuyShot) and Inventory.User.ByID(728, BuyMP) then begin Print('Teleport.'); delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('_bbshome'); //alt and b where teleport delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('02'); delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0a'); delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('031'); delay(1000); Engine.BypassToServer('0a'); Delay(10000); end; if user.inrange(-41555, 210012, -5064, 300) then begin //coordinates after teleport Print('Moving'); Engine.MoveTo(-41608, 210904, -5064); //path to spot Engine.MoveTo(-41752, 210984, -5064); Engine.MoveTo(-42696, 210984, -5064); Print('ON!'); Delay(500); Engine.FaceControl(0, true); //turn on bot while not deadCheck do delay(1000); //while not dead, do nothing and wait. end; end; begin while true do begin delay(100); captcha(); something(); end; end. i dont know you need test it
  14. what the hell, where gone 65k pvp ?:D
  15. probably while they build "averia guard" they forgot about bugs xdd
  16. http://forum.lineage2bot.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=1045 http://forum.lineage2bot.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=232 http://forum.lineage2bot.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=279
  17. yeah if you show me that script then maybe i know where is problem
  18. but its not big problem, you can save your settings for that "Char" with accept from own bot
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