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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. im sure all is posible, but i dont know how do this
  2. from screen i see, it is interlude, so on interlude doesnt work buy/sell
  3. already shared bot http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/192915-l2adrenaline-request/?do=findComment&comment=2485815 i gues selling script wich too already shared? xd
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/191641-l2-adrenaline-script-problem/
  5. this will help for you http://l2bot.eu/ScriptHelpEN.pdf
  6. 1) put maps folder 2) run bot 3) log in game 4) in bot on map press right mouse button and mark map (if map dont show)
  7. you need open new dialog window, with command .menu .cfg or what your server have as achylek say if server dont have that command for new windows then you need make rr or go to some npc and open dialog with npc xd
  8. first your script without red line var QuestItem: TL2Item; Item: TL2Item; begin Engine.MoveTo(147960,-55272,-2728); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31275); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('[Noblesse Exclusive] Teleport'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel(2); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Four Sepulchers - 1000 9'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; Engine.MoveTo(178296,-85560,-7216); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31453); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('65402'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('I will do it.'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; if not (Inventory.User.ByID(8073, Item) = true) and (Item.Count < 5) then begin Engine.UseItem(736); Delay(10000); Engine.MoveTo(147960,-55272,-2728); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31275); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Teleport'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Wall of Argos - 2200 9'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; if not (Inventory.Quest.ByID(8072, QuestItem) = true) then begin Engine.FaceControl(0,true); end; Engine.FaceControl(0,false); Engine.UseItem(736); Delay(10000); Engine.MoveTo(147960,-55272,-2728); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31275); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('[Noblesse Exclusive] Teleport'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel(2); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Four Sepulchers - 1000 9'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; Engine.MoveTo(178296,-85560,-7216); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(31453); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('65402'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Here it is.'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('65402'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('I will do it.'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; end; end. second i dont know how explain xd better i think write in to procedures steps, to avoid problems when someone pk you, like example from my script (maybe not best way but works xd) procedure tosepulchers; begin engine.settarget('Tatiana'); delay(500); engine.dlgopen; delay(500); engine.dlgsel('Nobless only'); delay(500); engine.dlgsel(2); delay(500); engine.dlgsel('Four Sepulchers'); end; procedure towncheck; begin if user.inrange(146272, -58176, -2976, 250, 150) then begin Engine.MoveTo(147593, -58103, -3007); Engine.MoveTo(147727, -57141, -2807); Engine.MoveTo(147936, -55368, -2760); end; if user.inrange(145264, -57680, -2976, 250, 150) then begin Engine.MoveTo(145588, -56926, -3007); Engine.MoveTo(146673, -56095, -2807); Engine.MoveTo(147543, -56054, -2807); Engine.MoveTo(147936, -55368, -2760); end; end; procedure quest; begin if(User.Dead) then begin Print('Dead. Pressing to village.'); Engine.FaceControl(0, false); Engine.GoHome; delay(5000); end; if user.inrange(147936, -55368, -2760, 250) and (Engine.QuestStatus(654, 3)) then begin tosepulchers; end; end; begin while (engine.status = lsOnline) do begin delay(300); quest(); townCheck(); end; end. this is not all script but like example how i write, this near gatekeeper check quest status and go where needed, i think you understand what i mean xdd
  9. in winhex press this http://prntscr.com/7laa72 (Open Memory) then find l2 and open primary, in game open alt and b what you need find and find, in find window select "unicode"
  10. that codes not from your server becouse i cant log in xd try use loader to check alt and b codes
  11. who fast download it then good for that ppl xd
  12. 1 http://prntscr.com/7l5be9 2 http://prntscr.com/7l5byw 3 http://prntscr.com/7l5cu5
  13. ketrawars use encrypted npc or somethink, need parse somehow, but how i dont know, so even pay version not help here
  14. maybe dont run tower? run l2 log in to char select screen and then run tower..
  15. engine.gohome(rtclanhall); i think this works
  16. if whant add skype adr.bot i can give to you encrypted script for damage captcha
  17. http://forum.lineage2bot.net/viewtopic.php?p=16860#p16860 http://www.delphibasics.co.uk/RTL.asp?Name=Copy this will help you
  18. start adrenalin, start l2 , when shows shield.exe i suspend l2, then suspend shield.exe and resume l2 then log in game and have fun xd
  19. engine.bypasstoserver('12');
  20. uses Classes, SysUtils; var myChars: TStringList; procedure allDlgOpen; var remoteControl: TL2Control; i: integer; begin for i:=0 to myChars.Count-1 do begin remoteControl := GetControl(myChars[i]); if Assigned(remoteControl) then begin remoteControl.DlgOpen; //??????? ?????? ????? end; end; Engine.DlgOpen; // ??????? ?????? ?????? end; procedure allDlgSel(index: integer); var remoteControl: TL2Control; i: integer; begin for i:=0 to myChars.Count-1 do begin remoteControl := GetControl(myChars[i]); if Assigned(remoteControl) then begin remoteControl.DlgSel(index); //??????? ?????? ????? end; end; Engine.DlgSel(index); // ??????? ?????? ?????? end; begin myChars := TStringList.Create; myChars.add('Char1'); myChars.add('Char2'); allDlgOpen; allDlgSel(1); allDlgSel(2); end. try check this, i find in one forrum maybe help
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