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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. An example should look like, i think be shorter way to detect skills but i know only this xd i think with this example be easier understand :D gl hf function keybd_event(bVk,bScan:byte;dwFlags,dwExtraInfo: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function SetCursorPos(x, y : integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; procedure pressKey(hexCode: BYTE); begin keybd_event(hexCode, 45, 1, 0 ); delay(200); end; procedure mouseClick(x, y, _delay : integer); begin SetCursorPos(x, y); mouse_event($0002, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay(_delay); mouse_event($0004, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure augments; var obj: TL2Effect; begin while (SkillList.ByID(3124, obj)) or (SkillList.ByID(3259, obj)) do delay(3000); end; begin while Engine.Status = lsOnline do begin delay(100); mouseClick(403,726,400); ///mouse click SetCursorPos(133, 339); ///mouse move pressKey($62); ///press key 2 pressKey($65); ///press key 5 for add gemstone count delay(500); augments; ///and check procedure augments for skill detect end; end.
  2. i dont know how detect +1str/con/men etc
  3. just find adrenaline updater and update maps
  4. i respond to all, try add one more time if nothink then send your skype to my pm
  5. i say to you, dont need even start bot, add skype adr.bot maybe i can help you
  6. from where you get that " dialog viewer desn't work in cracked version" event dont need use bot to check alt and b dialog
  7. some time ago i write script in tales and dialog viewer works fine, i dont think that anything has changed
  8. cracked dont work for me, if any one make it work then need ask how
  9. dont work at euro-pvp l2mid, im sure have other servers where dont work, download test, if works have fun xd
  10. run start.exe press start (to inject bot in to l2) run adsmon.exe select adrenalin.exe and press open wait 1-2sec and bot start, if dont start then run as administrator and then run l2 gl hf
  11. not i make that crack, but nwm nothing missing for me xd and for other guys who give this bot dont say missing some files or other shit xd, so if you are idiot and download first link from youtube then as i say here is your problem xd
  12. try 1.71 http://rghost.net/8XQTgFCpc
  13. i give to you script wich use mouse click, you need start write to where click and etc example function SetCursorPos(x, y : integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; procedure mouseClick(x, y, _delay : integer); begin SetCursorPos(x, y); mouse_event($0002, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay(_delay); mouse_event($0004, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; begin while true do begin delay(100); mouseClick(171,465,200); end; end. continue by self, gl hf
  14. hmm i dont know, newer try use skil cast in script, i just use easer way when come to spot turn on bot interface Engine.FaceControl(0,true); ///turn on Engine.FaceControl(0,false); /// turn off
  15. you need use script for mouse move and check for augment skills mouse click script part here function SetCursorPos(x, y : integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; procedure mouseClick(x, y, _delay : integer); begin SetCursorPos(x, y); mouse_event($0002, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay(_delay); mouse_event($0004, 0, 0, 0, 0); end;
  16. maybe server have some gameguard and adrenaline cracked dont work for that server? if bot dont start run as administrator
  17. if you wanna just use skill example Engine.UseSkill(123); with ctrl i think some like that Engine.UseSkill(123, true);
  18. 335 guys download this http://prntscr.com/6zxp2tand one idiot say its trojan :D if you download from other and you get trojan, so then its your problem xd
  19. tts script easy to make, but now you need add auto captcha if you play on l2mid, auto captcha only sell other guys who can make that script.
  20. i think you need detect system mesages and then begin example set target open dlg and register or enter text in to chat problem is that i just know how to detect all system mesages:D not selected one
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