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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. if i delete cliext.dll from l2.exe then adrenaline load in to l2 but i cant connect to server :D
  2. try this one http://www.ghost-mouse.com/
  3. here is english version 1.71, one start, press start, run adsmon.exe select adrenalin exe and press open, run as administrator
  4. oh four goblets quest...... :D maybe in future when i make that quest with raids then i try make teza quest farm
  5. tell me more about that quest? where i can take quest? and etc
  6. 1.71 cracked http://rghost.net/8XQTgFCpccrack make 0x417
  7. just use dialog viewer and you see all codes
  8. function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('60 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(500); StopSound; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(300); captcha(); end; end.
  9. that script already shared just find at google
  10. "Bkav" what the f...... is that :D i newer hear about that antivirus, if avast norton and etc good antivirus say virus then need to check better, but now "Bkav" ant other shit........ :D
  11. yes safe, he crack and 1.66 i use and that version, and all is good, nothing disapear and etc.
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