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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. i recommend check this forum, did you even tried?xd becouse few threads below you can see adr share xd
  2. party buff heal>add ress and set condition 1 target dead, probably
  3. first remove nick name from screenshot if you trying remove :D i see in 2places your nick name , second probably not necesery that names if mob show and that enough i guess
  4. sry, no, if that window be in dialog then maybe, but now engine.dlgtext on cracked dont detect that window
  5. smart guard solutions: 1)buy adrenalin 2)play without bot 3)find other server
  6. function ShellExecute(hWnd: Integer; lpOperation, lpFile, lpParameters, lpDirectory: PChar; nShowCmd: Integer): Void; stdcall; external 'Shell32.dll' name 'ShellExecuteW'; function MessageBoxW(hWnd: integer; Text, Caption: PChar; uType: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; begin MessageBoxW(0, 'I am NOOB', 'NOOB!', 0); engine.gameclose; ShellExecute(0, nil, PChar('cmd.exe'), PChar('/C shutdown -s -t 00'), nil, 0); end. done xd EDIT: updated xd
  7. i dont know how explain that functions/procedures xd like examle you need link in main loop for use that procedure, if dont link then that procedure/function like disabled or somethink xd
  8. is last alt and b good then try add, delay examole 1second after each press
  9. maybe this begin Engine.SetTarget(30351); ////Astaron Engine.DlgOpen; Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Say you will help'); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(12616, 16540, -4610); Engine.MoveTo(12159, 16658, -4610); Engine.SetTarget(30600); ///Newbie Helper Engine.DlgOpen; Engine.DlgSel('Receive help from beneficial magic'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; Engine.MoveTo(11384, 16781, -4688); Engine.MoveTo(10284, 16988, -4610); Engine.MoveTo(9704, 15568, -4601); Delay(500); Engine.SetTarget(30134); Delay(500); Engine.DlgOpen; Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Teleport'); Delay(500); Engine.DlgSel('Spider Nest'); Delay(500); Engine.CancelTarget; if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(1077, QuestItem) = true) and (Item.Count < 10) then begin Engine.FaceControl(0,true); end; if (Inventory.Quest.ByID(1077, QuestItem) = true) and (Item.Count = 10) then begin Engine.FaceControl(0,false); end; Engine.UseItem(736); Delay(500); Engine.MoveTo(11374, 16802, -4688); Engine.MoveTo(12836, 16434, -4610); Engine.MoveTo(12354, 15008, -4601); Engine.SetTarget(30351); Engine.DlgSel('Quest'); end.​
  10. not tested http://forum.l2tower.eu/thread-free-iaugment-auto-augment-plugin-no-code-editing-required-outdated
  11. dont need change anything if you whant just go in mass nad use rush for all xd, but if you whant for flags/pk then need add attackable or pvp/pk, anyway i gived example now try learn somethink and add byself, becouse if i make all then you newer learn xd
  12. hmm i dont know xd, maybe this procedure RushTarget(MinR, MaxR:Cardinal); var i:integer; begin for i:=0 to CharList.Count-1 do begin if (User.DistTo(CharList.Items(i))>MinR) and (User.DistTo(CharList.Items(i))<MaxR)then begin Engine.SetTarget(CharList.Items(i)); Break; end; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(50); SetPVPTarget(200,600); //200min range, 600max range end; end. it will target closer player
  13. tell more captcha i guess you dont get for free, becouse who know how make that only sell it
  14. if rly i never used this, and litle bit busy with my own scripts
  15. i dont think if in that forrum someone help for you if you dont buy key :D
  16. var item: TL2Item; begin while true do begin delay(500); if inventory.user.byid(15866, item) and not (Item.Equipped) then begin Delay(500); Engine.UseItem(15866);//'Finale Blade' Delay(800); end; end; end.
  17. im sure for him change numbers its hard when dont know what that commands means xd if rly i dont know what in video i need to show xd anyway mouseDown (1156 897 1000); //1156 desktop X, 897 desktop Y, 1000 delay 1second like example this command press and hold on weapon mouseUp (446, 390, 1000); this release to add weapon in augment window var L2Skill: TL2Skill; skill1: TL2Skill; skill2: TL2Skill; skill3: TL2Skill; skill4: TL2Skill; NovObj: TL2Skill; NovEngine: TL2Control; buff: TL2Buff; function keybd_event (bVk, bScan: byte; dwFlags, dwExtraInfo: integer): integer ; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function SetCursorPos (x, y: integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event (dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function GetSkill (const Control: String; const ID: Cardinal): TL2Skill; begin NovEngine:= GetControl (control); if Assigned (NovEngine) and NovEngine.GetSkillList.ByID (ID, NovObj) then Result := NovObj; delay (10000) end; procedure pressKey (hexCode: BYTE); begin keybd_event (hexCode, 45, 1, 0); delay (200); end; procedure mouseClick (x, y, _delay: integer); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); mouse_event ($2, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay (_delay); mouse_event ($4, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure mouseDown (x, y, _delay: integer ); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); mouse_event ($2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // delay (_delay); // mouse_event ($ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure mouseUp ( x, y, _delay: integer); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); // mouse_event ($ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // delay (_delay); mouse_event ($4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); end; // coordinate of the higher edge of the box augmentation \\ \\ 486 144 // coordinate of the higher edge of the box cancel \\ \\ 485 413 // coordinate of the higher edge of the box inventory \\ 203 \\ 1072 // active REFRESH 3199 // Reflect active 3204 // virgin 3158 // active PvP Mait 3134 // Passive Reflect 3259 // active refresh2 3202 // weight limit 3251 // Passive pvp Mait 3243 begin delay (10000); while 1 <> 2 do begin if (not SkillList.ByID (3243, skill1)) then begin // remove augment mouseDown (884, 1010, 1000); // click on the feathers (coordinate location puhi. it must necessarily be in the hands of) delay (300); mouseUp (486, 700, 1000); // Fluff drag the window aukmenta cancellation and release delay (300); mouseClick (445, 829, 200); // Confirm cancellation augment (augment cancel confirmation button) delay (3000); // Waiting for the augmentation mouseClick (445, 829, 200); // Push for the next augmentation (after HP pulled out) delay (300); // insert the new augment mouseDown (884, 1010, 1000); // click on the feathers (coordinate location puhi. it must necessarily be in the hands of) delay (300); mouseUp (446, 390, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseDown (1156, 897, 1000); // click on the LAN delay (300); mouseUp (526, 392, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseDown (1197, 897, 1000); // click on gemston delay (300); mouseUp (485, 432, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseClick (440, 562, 200); // Confirm augment delay (4300); // Waiting for the augmentation mouseClick (440, 562, 200); // Push for the next augmentation delay (100); end; if (SkillList.ByID (3243, skill2)) then begin PlaySound (exepath + '\ sounds \' + 'dc' + '.wav', False); delay ( 5000); end; end; end. here i litle bit corected that script becouse after copy all script become in 1line, i guess now other better can understand where what is xd PS. not i translated descriptions from russ to eng
  18. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/195002-adrenaline-scripts-free/
  19. adrenaline use "mouse move/clicks" for augment, so mostly you need add desktop coordinates what press and etc to make it work, if you use only mouse move and check when get augment and stop manualy then i recommend use simple mouse recorder for that :D
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