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Everything posted by adr.bot

  1. nop, becouse there is no problem, as achylek says it works without problems
  2. post buffer html , your script buff part then maybe can help
  3. or use example http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189997-l2-adrenaline-scripts/page-1 and make byself
  4. var obj: TL2NPC; obj2: TL2Effect; begin while true do begin Engine.SetTarget(32498); Engine.DlgOpen(); Engine.DlgSel(1); Engine.DlgSel(1); end; end.
  5. var Plate_Shield_Fragment:tl2item; begin if (Inventory.User.ByID(2934, Plate_Shield_Fragment) = true) then begin PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'Sirena'+'.wav'); delay(1500); StopSound; end; end. ?
  6. you need get that string bypass with this script, its save txt file with your dialog uses classes; begin with Tstringlist.create do try Text := Engine.DlgText; SaveToFile(exepath+'show dlg'+'.txt'); finally Free; end; end.
  7. no i dont know, just say if someone share bypass they fast fix it
  8. that doesnt work anymore, anyway even someone share some way for bypass it, probably tomorow be fixed xd
  9. better post screenshot, but probably can be if it on classic bug with settings
  10. noblesse in debuff already explain in this thread http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/184960-noblesse-in-debuff/
  11. http://ketrawars.ru/ i guess they still have smart guard
  12. i just added that script not in one line, and fixed all red lines var L2Skill: TL2Skill; skill1: TL2Skill; skill2: TL2Skill; skill3: TL2Skill; skill4: TL2Skill; NovObj: TL2Skill; NovEngine: TL2Control; buff: TL2Buff; function keybd_event (bVk, bScan: byte; dwFlags, dwExtraInfo: integer): integer ; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function SetCursorPos (x, y: integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event (dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function GetSkill (const Control: String; const ID: Cardinal): TL2Skill; begin NovEngine:= GetControl(control); if Assigned (NovEngine) and NovEngine.GetSkillList.ByID (ID, NovObj) then Result := NovObj; delay (10000) end; procedure pressKey (hexCode: BYTE); begin keybd_event (hexCode, 45, 1, 0); delay (200); end; procedure mouseClick (x, y, _delay: integer); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); mouse_event($2, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay (_delay); mouse_event($4, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure mouseDown (x, y, _delay: integer ); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); mouse_event ($2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // delay (_delay); // mouse_event ($ 4, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure mouseUp ( x, y, _delay: integer); begin SetCursorPos (x, y); // mouse_event ($ 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // delay (_delay); mouse_event ($4, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); end; // coordinate of the higher edge of the box augmentation \\ \\ 486 144 // coordinate of the higher edge of the box cancel \\ \\ 485 413 // coordinate of the higher edge of the box inventory \\ 203 \\ 1072 // active REFRESH 3199 // Reflect active 3204 // virgin 3158 // active PvP Mait 3134 // Passive Reflect 3259 // active refresh2 3202 // weight limit 3251 // Passive pvp Mait 3243 begin delay(10000); while 1 <> 2 do begin if (not SkillList.ByID (3243, skill1)) then begin // remove augment mouseDown (884, 1010, 1000); // click on the feathers (coordinate location puhi. it must necessarily be in the hands of) delay (300); mouseUp (486, 700, 1000); // Fluff drag the window aukmenta cancellation and release delay (300); mouseClick (445, 829, 200); // Confirm cancellation augment (augment cancel confirmation button) delay (3000); // Waiting for the augmentation mouseClick (445, 829, 200); // Push for the next augmentation (after HP pulled out) delay (300); // insert the new augment mouseDown (884, 1010, 1000); // click on the feathers (coordinate location puhi. it must necessarily be in the hands of) delay (300); mouseUp (446, 390, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseDown (1156, 897, 1000); // click on the LAN delay (300); mouseUp (526, 392, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseDown (1197, 897, 1000); // click on gemston delay (300); mouseUp (485, 432, 1000); // Aukmenta drag the window and release delay (300); mouseClick (440, 562, 200); // Confirm augment delay (4300); // Waiting for the augmentation mouseClick (440, 562, 200); // Push for the next augmentation delay (100); end; if (SkillList.ByID (3243, skill2)) then begin PlaySound (exepath + '\ sounds \' + 'dc' + '.wav', False); delay ( 5000); end; end; end. about what need edit, that procedures MouseClick and etc its same, that procedures use in main body script, so you need edit only main script part example mouseDown (1156, 897, 1000); // click on the LAN change only coordinates
  13. i think second is better, second script hard edit? not hard , if that guy who posted that paste script normally not in one line xd
  14. function keybd_event(bVk,bScan:byte;dwFlags,dwExtraInfo: integer): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function SetCursorPos(x, y : integer): boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function mouse_event(dwFlags, dx, dy, dwData: byte; dwExtraInfo: integer): void; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; procedure pressKey(hexCode: BYTE); begin keybd_event(hexCode, 45, 1, 0 ); delay(200); end; procedure mouseClick(x, y, _delay : integer); begin SetCursorPos(x, y); mouse_event($0002, 0, 0, 0, 0); delay(_delay); mouse_event($0004, 0, 0, 0, 0); end; procedure augments; var obj: TL2Effect; begin while (SkillList.ByID(3124, obj)) or (SkillList.ByID(3259, obj)) do delay(3000); end; procedure SuspendScript; var keycode,i:integer; begin while true do begin delay(150); Engine.WaitAction([lakey], KeyCode, i); if (KeyCode = $69) then begin script.Suspend; end; end; end; procedure AugmentScriptMain; begin while Engine.Status = lsOnline do begin delay(100); mouseClick(403,726,400); ///mouse click SetCursorPos(133, 339); ///mouse move pressKey($62); ///press key 2 pressKey($65); ///press key 5 for add gemstone count delay(500); augments; ///and check procedure augments for skill detect end; end; {its like run both procedures at same time, its like merge scripts i dont know how better explain xd hope you understand what i whant to say xd} begin Script.NewThread(@SuspendScript); Script.NewThread(@AugmentScriptMain); end. its example how it looks like, i dont know how better explain xd
  15. http://delphi.about.com/od/objectpascalide/l/blvkc.htm its numpad 9
  16. variables cant be inside script procedure SuspendScript; var keycode,i:integer; begin while true do begin delay(150); Engine.WaitAction([lakey], KeyCode, i); if (KeyCode = $7B) then begin script.Suspend; end; end; end;
  17. https://code.google.com/p/tesseract-ocr/
  18. put var keycode,i:integer; also this not work becouse you dont "link" to run that procedure, you need add last step in to procedure example procedure AugmentScriptMain; begin while Engine.Status = lsOnline do begin delay(100); mouseClick(403,726,400); ///mouse click SetCursorPos(133, 339); ///mouse move pressKey($62); ///press key 2 pressKey($65); ///press key 5 for add gemstone count delay(500); augments; ///and check procedure augments for skill detect end; end; and then in last link run that augment script and that suspend scripts example begin Script.NewThread(@SuspendScript); Script.NewThread(@AugmentScriptMain); end.
  19. in l2 move mouse where you whant and press "1" then it print in bot message window your mouse position
  20. uses sysutils,classes; function GetCursorPos(var lpPoint: TPoint): integer; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; var P: TPoint; KeyCode, i: integer; begin while true do begin delay(150); Engine.WaitAction([lakey], KeyCode, i); if (KeyCode = $31) then begin //key 1 GetCursorPos(P); print('X: '+IntToStr(P.x))+'. Y: '+IntToStr(P.y); end; end; end.
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