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Everything posted by Shaigan

  1. . After the launch,
  2. wrong section no ?
  3. boy trying to
  4. Not working for me. Instance import missing... Nice work indeed.
  5. Some screenshot to see what it is please ?
  6. Little screenshot to see what you mean please ?
  7. [Hidden Content]
  8. Or maybe look on ragezone forum... Same share are for free there.
  9. Goto to your SQL armor table, search for the item you need to edit, modifiy the value for the mana. Set it to -1 to fit eternal, any value different of 0 to make some duration. Enjoy !
  10. CriticalError, Senior Cheater, Karma: 0, Offline, Argentina, Posts: 197... And you made 200 posts to see that ? YOU HAVE NOT THOSES POSTS xD
  11. Imossible. All java code to make thoses skills possible are not ready at this time. Wait and see.
  12. This is a php script. Make a new file *.php, upload it on your FTP, open some internet browser, enter your website address with the *.php file call, and look. This is a tool for server webmaster who need to display the online player of a server. This is not a cheat, this is not a crap, this is just a php script. More, I think the code is really simple and understable with all the comments, just need to read and not flood asking noob questions about that. If you don't know what this code is talking about, if you don't know what php is done to do, just look and close your flooding spamming fingers.
  13. Here you have :P
  14. clean 1st release of IL client : ftp://ftp.headoff.com/GameDemos/Lineage2-TheChaoticChronicle/l2_interlude_live_client.zip archive of up to date (21/12/2007) IL texture and system folders : http://rapidshare.com/files/76296008/InterludeUpdate071212Full.7z.001.html http://rapidshare.com/files/76304771/InterludeUpdate071212Full.7z.002.html
  15. www.lineage2.com -> library -> sevensigns -> details and read. yes... I'm sure... no need mod... sky will be green or red the seven signs bonus period (depending if dusk or dawn won) and normal sky during the quest period.
  16. l2off or l2j ?
  17. You just need to win the seven sign quest, and the sky will be like that. If dawn win : red one. If dusk win : green one.
  18. If you compile your server yourself, search in the java files where the lvlup is done. add an if() {} to check the level of the player and if it is lv80, then add a player.teleportTo( X, Y, Z ). If you don't compile your server yourself, forget it, I think you'll can not make that only modding the datapack.
  19. We can give him a romantic feather hat, his spam is really good xD
  20. I really like this one. Thx for share.
  21. Nice, I luv it; thx.
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