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Everything posted by Shaigan

  1. Purpose server pack for money is illegal. L2J is GNU/GPL licence, EMU is breaking rules. They have some stuff, but the main work is L2J / L2JFree properties, copyright and credits are broken. They do not merit to speak about them.
  2. " Some bugs ", " best now " ? Stay in IL for the moment... There are most crappy bugs than any other server. There aren't any team who shared some Kamael pack at the moment, all "Kamael" servers are pure custom and nothing stable, just stupid k3v1n who want to purpose the news things before everyone, with no knowledge and millions of bugs as christmas gift. I'll go back on Interlude, this is the best pack for the moment.
  3. 1280
  4. And did you try to restart your char ?
  5. But if you find a good Augment in your player's weapons, you can easily copy this, by copying the number in the database above you weapon object_id
  6. An augmented item is not another item than the original. This is juste the same item with the augmentation (look at this table : "augmentation"...) with a number calculated to give the bonuses on the weapon. No ID for augmentation... Just random calculated number to apply on a weapon.
  7. Four Sepluchers
  8. Be carefull with that... It should not work. There are 2 ID in the database for " gold bars ". One is " quest item ", the other, not.
  9. Using the same kind of script for the Monster Derby Track teleporter, you can add a secure teleporter to go to visit jailed players. It will cost 5 millions to go to the jail, but the return will be free. Assuming you know a bit adding a quest, I'll forgive some details and I'll will no offer any kind of support. Take this share as it is... Make sure to have a correct zone definition, and check that players can not escape from jail when they are just in this zone (not //jail by GM, just teleported). Working fine on L2J-Free. Make a new NPC named with ID 9997 and every NPC template_id you want. Make a new html file in the data/html/default folder named 9997.html : <html><body> Jail teleporter:<br> Now you want to exit this room ? There is no problem for me, but remember one thing : respect our server rules !<br> <center> <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9997_teleport_to_jail">Exit</a><br> </center> </body></html> Create a new folder in the quest folder : 9997_teleport_to_jail Put this script into _init_.py : # # Created by Shaigan on 2007.11.25. # Based on the Derby Track teleporter. # import sys from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import State from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest qn = "9997_teleport_to_jail" JAIL_EXIT_NPC = 9997 TELEPORTERS = { 30059:3, # TRISHA 30080:4, # CLARISSA 30177:6, # VALENTIA 30233:8, # ESMERALDA 30256:2, # BELLA 30320:1, # RICHLIN 30848:7, # ELISA 30899:5, # FLAUEN 31320:9, # ILYANA 31275:10, # TATIANA 30727:11, # VERONA 30836:12, # MINERVA 31964:13 # BILIA } RETURN_LOCS = [[-80826,149775,-3043],[-12672,122776,-3116],[15670,142983,-2705],[83400,147943,-3404], \ [111409,219364,-3545],[82956,53162,-1495],[146331,25762,-2018],[116819,76994,-2714], \ [43835,-47749,-792],[147930,-55281,-2728],[85335,16177,-3694],[105857,109763,-3202], \ [87386,-143246,-1293]] class Quest (JQuest) : def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr) def onTalk (self,npc,player): st = player.getQuestState(qn) npcId = npc.getNpcId() if not st: return if st.isInJail(): return ################### # Start Locations # ################### if TELEPORTERS.has_key(npcId) : st.takeItems(57,5000000) st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(-114356,-249645,-2984) st.setState(STARTED) st.set("id",str(TELEPORTERS[npcId])) ######## # Jail # ######## elif st.getState() == STARTED and npcId == JAIL_EXIT_NPC: # back to start location return_id = st.getInt("id") - 1 st.getPlayer().teleToLocation(RETURN_LOCS[return_id][0],RETURN_LOCS[return_id][1],RETURN_LOCS[return_id][2]) st.exitQuest(1) return QUEST = Quest(9997,qn,"Teleports") CREATED = State('Start', QUEST) STARTED = State('Started', QUEST) QUEST.setInitialState(CREATED) for npcId in TELEPORTERS.keys() : QUEST.addStartNpc(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(npcId) QUEST.addTalkId(JAIL_EXIT_NPC) Open all the concerned GK html files ( data/html/teleporter/ ) and add the folowing line just after the line wich permit to go to the derby track. You have the concerned GK's ID in the script above. <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Quest 9997_teleport_to_jail" msg="811;Jail">Move to Jail</a><br> Open the _init_.py in the quest teleporter folder and add the line, don't forget the coma... '9997_teleport_to_jail' Spawn the NPC ID 9997 into jail, go to speak to a GK in town, spend 5 millions and enjoy.
  10. Pleased to see I've helped :P
  11. Not possible with no client modding. If client modding, ALL npc's titles will have custom color. Not possible in SQL, nor in HTML, nor in java. Don't say wrong answer, or prove you'r right sharing the way.
  12. 64x64 pixels bmp image in 256 colors upload it like a normal crest, it's called insignia...
  13. 3. Deleveler NPC for spoil/raids/others Can you share (or PM) the __init__.py of this quest script, please ? Very interested by that.
  14. If I understand right, he wants to add a tag [GM] or [Admin] before his GM's names. I don't know if it is in the chat window or in the name on the head of his characters. Assuming it's in the chat and not in the characters's head name... For L2J Free, in the "all" channel : 1) open all the java files located in http://l2jfree.com:8080/l2j-free/browser/trunk/L2_GameServer_IL/src/main/java/net/sf/l2j/gameserver/handler/chathandlers/ChatAll.java 2) search near the end of files 3) replace for Do the same for other channels, adding next code before the last activeChar.sendPacket(cs); With that, all your GM or Admin will not have to change their name but when they will speak, it will display [GM] before their name in all the modified chat windows. For Oneo, I don't know, they are late on the sync and they didn't change the chat system for the most flexible chathandler one. Enjoy. ( PS : btw, i hope you know how to compile and all this sort of thing, if not, forget the idea of hosting a server )
  15. Necro... Transfert Pain ^^
  16. You can also add that in the chathandlers : player.sendPacket(new CreatureSay(activeChar.getObjectId(), chatType.getId(),"[GM]" + activeChar.getName(), text));
  17. Replying to see this contrib. Will thx after tests.
  18. Or in the chathandler.java file, add the template you need in function of the accesslevel characters has.
  19. Guards are NPC... Client side...
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