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Everything posted by Shaigan

  1. dead link, and 'thnx' o_O
  2. don't working for me :'(
  3. his head ahead
  4. Don't work on IL nor C5. Just C4 :(
  5. And I love just that : ask, directly, 1 only post to ask.......
  6. Jail is like Alcatraz, we can always get out, with a cheat or just with words :P
  7. scrolls.java if you want a new scroll...
  8. agree with varacolaci... just as simple as he said...
  9. LOL hackzor, just try to read a little before saying "advertise".... nslookup Try this on a MS DOS command window, you'll see :P ...
  10. maybe you meant "porn" ?
  11. wich one ?
  12. Not alive long time xD
  13. Need to edit java files to have that...
  14. Yes, thx for the info. With all the ppl who can't connectto their server, I think they seen GG had been updated xD
  15. O_O big list. thx.
  16. thx for this one. Do you know the corners coords ?
  17. /useskillforce aggression /attackforce /summonattack that's with what I fight with my tank :p I alway begin a mob with this maccro
  18. Maybe looking in the buffer's HTML from this forum's shares... You'll find all (at least Interlude's) the buff list you want.
  19. Do you know other words in english than " Thanks Good work ^^ "
  20. Impossible to see what the mob WILL drop instead of what the mob CAN drop because the chance of drop and the "YES/NO" is decided at the death of the mob, not at his spawn. Did you think a mob had this infos in his enterworld :P ?
  21. Search just a bit... There are lot of stuff you're looking for ( "looking for"... if I can say that... ).
  22. You try to add a line with an ID ( this ID is 40006 ) and this line already exists, at least, there is a line with this ID in your database yet. Chaange the 40006 in your SQL query to an unexisting ID, an ID in SQL should be unique, always !
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