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Everything posted by Shaigan

  1. you can easilly change NPC Name using navicat (or every SQL explorer soft). server-side-name to 1 and server-side-title to 1 and you got it. I think it's more simple than editing and sharing client file, no ?
  2. \o/ great, thanks.
  3. And giving the code can help the L2J team to block that sort of stuff... Stupid, really stupid, but thx a lot...
  4. L2J ? L2Off ? Tried on L2Off and didn't worked well, no a lot of damage from the 10% with the reflect...
  5. damn hidden text... 1 post more to "spam" and maybe, a day, to be able to test that.
  6. Yeah, they merged with L2J one month ago, so I think you can forget all the custom stuff they code in the past : KvN, rebirth at lv76 and more, casue L2J is retail like emuling, not very custom. Sorry for you, but you have only two ways : - stay at your rev and never update your server to correct bugs and annoying defaults. - update and lose everything about thoses mods. Happy time :P .
  7. Can you explain just a bit more ? What are your custom skills doing ? Are they using some existing animation, sound or other ? Anyway, thx for the share without any hidden text.
  8. For the free redirection domain name, look at www.azote.org (french one, but google can find related english website). For the free FTP, look at www.servhome.org (french too but high quality web hoster) with an adress by subdomain (mywebsite.servhome.org).
  9. You need to find a free redirection domain name or buy a domain name. You also need an FTP space to upload your website on the net.
  10. Yes, that's the way to debug this thing. And, in french, this is " et voilà " .
  11. thx for this share without any hide text. really big thx.
  12. Just to ask to contributors to give screenies or preview for the share they hide. Just hide the way to download, but please, don't hide the maine thing... It's very, but when I say very, it's really "very" frustating to see we can't see anything about the share. We can't help, we can't search, we can't answer to thoses post untill we haven't spam to have the minimum post count. Not a really usefull idea to have made that. Share to us, show us, tell us, and hide the final touch or the way to download and you'll be better. Thx. (and please, don't tell me I'm spamming, I'm just purposing solution to limit this anoying section)
  13. There are a lot of antivirus that make the lineage II client as virus. Mine said that too but a friend of mine's one didn't see anything.
  14. Yes I confirm, it works everytime :P :P .
  15. php and sql form a good duo :P you can make a page with 3 text area to haave the values of the char_id, the item and the number of this item. when you send the form, you just have to execute the sql query using the variable taken from the form. nothing more.
  16. Yes, they are cool, but don't you have some prob with the glow position ? They seem to be out of the weapon on the bow, the fists, the blunt. Not bad, but just strange ;) .
  17. Very nice. Is it possible to make some animations on the wings ?
  18. Just a tip but a nice and easy one. Thx.
  19. This is just an SQL query called by a php script. Try to understand how works the SQL queries for L2J and look by yourself, the result will be biggest for you than if I give you the script... Just an indice : it start with " INSERT INTO items "
  20. Thx for this little story.
  21. +1 ... English section, so speak english please.
  22. 1360*768 and no lag, no graphical bug or nothing, everything good.
  23. right, you need to be GM on an L2J server.
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