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Raws last won the day on June 21 2020

Raws had the most liked content!


About Raws

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    United States

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  1. most complete public version is open-team
  2. i stopped reading on this, you're completely stupid your knowledge on l2 is still minimal compared to aLzhite
  3. dead
  4. Big servers with 100 on. Every single of them failed the next day.
  5. Vote sites are almost dead Most populated servers dont use those toplists anymore as a traffic source.
  6. Raws

    Devlin Pack

    seller should be banned for adding backdoor on his product in order to harm his customers.
  7. remorse, innadril, projectessence, elysian, classictown and some other shit all from same scumbag
  8. the most complete is lucera or downgrade from h5 yourself and get data from lucera / painteam the rest projects are just incomplete including acis and so on
  9. completely useless for l2, not to mention servers are all dead
  10. last srv from this corrupted team failed from first day. saga behind the project aka l2saga,l2kings,l2centos,l2varka unlimited wipes to milk money
  11. you guys both tryhard but server is dead
  12. wtf is this trash
  13. Copy paste of https://ketrawars.net/page/x1200 One of the most corrupted server
  14. It's funny when people help someone fixing something and suddenly they found out it's easy task. You paid for something you dont know, no matter if it's 1 line or 10k lines.
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