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About Pleyne

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  1. Hi, I'm looking for Vanganth file's inventory bug fix (when all accessories go to same hair slot). I already made 'semi fix' when you hardcode item id's into InventoryUpdateFix as well as ItemListFix, though I really don't like this kind of fix, and would love to have a proper fix when itemdata script would use 'hair2', 'hairall', 'underwear'. If such fix is not free or available for public PM with the price. P.s. I'm looking for Vanganth files bug list as well (I'm trying to learn L2OFF a bit as well as C++ as I come from L2j background). P.s. Posting a link at this forum where people have discussing the fix - I'm not looking for that, like I said, they did workaround via '..UpdateFix' packets which is not nice.
  2. Not going to fix or do the dirty job. Just testing L2OFF waters, later will buy an decent extender (which is maintained or hire developer). For the developer, I would like to know what he's doing, so I need a bit background with IlExtenders. Currently fixed the fast loading for those sources and removed the backdoors. Though seems like it's an CPU issue running locally : - ( EDIT: Topic can be closed. The issue was due to using MetalMan (shared TrevorJ) files. Using clean Vangath sources solved all the problems.
  3. Thanks for indication, computer stands with 32GB RAM, should not be the issue thank you for indication though.
  4. Hey guys, just started switching from L2J to L2OFF and started using Vanganth extender - just testing, etc. The pack I used is the one shared by MetalMan here. (I think it was TrevorJ files?). Basically I solved couple of issues I had, but the most important is where my knowledge is missing yet. Basically I launch L2Server and some times it's just stuck at loading without a reason (Deadlock w/o indication?). The main question: when L2Server loading is complete, I launch L2NPC server. Initially, when I launch L2NPC.exe in L2Server.exe console I can see: dwTime[5] < 80! There are like 7 messages like these (As far as I think, it's related to ticks, but why It's happening when L2NPC is starting to load?). Anyways, the L2Server.exe crashes when L2NPC reaches ~2,1-3k loaded npcs with message: !! deadlock or super-lag detected!!! (diff 80sec). Maybe anyone can help me indicate where to look for the issue? Can't find anything related in IlExt with super-lag related text. So it's coming most likely not from there, maybe miss-configuration it's causing that?
  5. "ps i watched carefuly the private server scene for more then 14 years, so i kinda know what i m talking about and i have very little money to spare" < What did you watch? For watching private scene (as developer/server owner), you need to understand the servers builds, nothing more you should care about. I connect to private server and instantly know what 'pack' they are using, what are the issues, etc. I understand what is happening under the hood. I doubt you know the difference between List and Set. In 2023 the private server scene is not described by server packs(files), it's based on the marketing budget. You can sell 'Snickers' candy for a cake's price. I was always unsure about L2jMobius builds, until I decided to give some interest for Essence version. My story is that I've bought L2jMobius membership and later on became an Contributor. (Fell out of that roll, because had some IRL problems which did not allow me to dedicate time to L2 Development). While working with L2jMobius I found new connections, which allowed me to develop 'my own' Essence build (I was developing for a person who is a client of L2jMobius and was developing for him a bit faster than I was submitting patches for Mobius itself, it was not based on money, I was receiving patch notes which were not available for public (developed privately) in exchange to work and deliver some new implementations/corrections faster for that person than for whole L2jMobius project, though I always shared later the work with Mobius). That allowed me to gain base of known sources of Essence which are not publicly available (again to mention, I did not exchange any SVN private repos, worked with person who already had access same as me). So where I'm going with this story? You care about 'leaks' when you develop something for L2jMobius, not when you pay him money, get the files and do nothing. Why you're afraid of leaks? The leak happens once per 2 months maybe, the SVN commits are daily. Why I hated leaks? Because I've implemented something dedicated for L2jMobius private clients, not the leachers. While I did not have my own base - those leaks and my code put everyone in same position - having the same features, if you don't have marketing budget, than you want to sell project for players by giving them features(I know it might contradict with the first paragraph of mine, but w/e, who understands - understands). The model is correct for L2jMobius to share a public version, it will attract new clients if they like the public version. Okay, now we covered 'your scene watching of private servers', 'L2jMobius leaks' it's time for why L2jMobius is the only way for small private server to use for example while building Essence based project: 1. L2jMobius has a lot of clients, instead of working on your own, you have maybe 50+ people committing changes. 2. Mobius reviews all commits, does some QA, refactors the code to fit whole code base formatting etc.. 3. You can write a question as a dummy server creator and get the answer (I was shocked what questions Mobius subscribers community receives, though I see that they are patient ones, I could not answer any questions without asking myself WTF is wrong, the person can't set his IP to launch the server and he's thinking about launching project, though even these problems are solved by community) 4. Don't judge book by the cover - if you receive leak of public version and you can't find certain feature working, you can always ask Mobius to check if someone is working on that, maybe day after the leak the feature will be implemented. Best case scenario, if possible, become a subscriber, just to try it. TL;DR: If you're amateur server owner, don't know any of coding = you should not care, maybe Mobius is not dominating in Interlude/H5, but you can check for other version. Everything will be solved for you. If you're developer (working alone and want other people help) - take these sources, make your own base, work on your code yourself + take patch notes submitted by other people.
  6. What does that prove? You have renamed projectessence(from already renamed to dev.l2essence namespace) source to l2-reiss and uploaded to github
  7. If you need packet, ADR > Packet Logger go to L2Reborn and get packet data. Though I would just add on Die packet to send visual effect (with corresponding ID ofc) when player had pvp flag. Though I'm not expert and it would be my solution, but the solution is untested and I do not recommend sending a packet from Die packet ( : (It would be done in the easiest way but the most incorrect one). Next thing you can use Listeners and hook up onHpChange event, when you get this dispatched event you should check if hp is 0 and player has pvp flag - send visual effect I think most of the packs these days has Listeners/Events integrated
  8. Hi, looking for l2 essence crusader protocol Valakas' Temple instance implementation. To be honest, I'm searching for whole npc 'Parme' implementation. Files: L2Scripts, might be and mobius, will adapt that myself. PM with prices Edit to be exactly what I'm looking for: HTMLs, Java part, Npcs, Spawns - full implementation.
  9. Thanks! Just a quick question when using PatchMaker l2.exe is not appearing, should I search who can remove protection and create l2.exe for these files :?
  10. Hi, I'm looking for Classic (Wild Horizons / The Collection) as known as Kamael 4.0 system and client. More important would be system Thank you
  11. To be honest, I come from H5 background and L2Scripts has familiar structure, let's say that. I was interested in these files just to get to know Essence overall. So basically I sat down for whole Saturday, first of all I've rolled back to JDK8 (originally L2S is JDK8), because these files were 'rookie upgraded to JDK17' and was still missing stuff to be compiled as JDK17. Then I went through the features, and what I can say If you come like me, from H5 background, L2S struct. was easy to understand and maintain. I've implemented that Hunt pass/Season pass/L2 Pass or how it is called, fixed Subjugation system and started working with ensoul system, however, I ran out of time. These sources are not bad, I've adapted some Mobius code for those features named above, so it took a bit longer, because Mobius does not have finalized systems on public share, so I had to finish them as well. Some features were corrected by me just in common sense and wiki - how the system works. Update: implemented ensoul system as well So I think this share is useful when it is in the right hands.
  12. Don't know what is exactly on this final version there is although vampir had nice implementations some time ago with server < - > custom interface handler (something like you have on your project) which allowed to develop beautiful custom windows with custom logic. FreeMarker implementation (basically saves loads of time, you can write code in .htm view). Custom bypass system and loads of custom integrations (well, about those custom integrations I mean API, but at 2022 I guess it would only save time as anyone can do API implementations). I guess he's not mentioning everything 'what is under the hood'. Though interface source should be also included with server source Last time I knew it was for 3,000EUR, seems like price went down drastically
  13. What do you mean increase ram usage? The error is clear and clean: Class Not Found. If the ram issue would happen it would say something about heap size. You're missing in namespace dev.phantom a class named FakePlayerConfig. Check if you have all libs (.jar files). If your .ant file does not compile this namespace, you should edit .ant file and include it.
  14. Innadril = Fabio
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