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Everything posted by mcbigmac

  1. There is. As explained by its naming convention one add skillusedesire while the other casts a specific skill.
  2. TimeStamps are fucked up beyond recognition. So first you need to verify what your specificly using instead of the usual "i use interlude". just about as helpful as "i use interlude l2j".
  3. Read a fucking guide seriously. It's the basic here. Cause you clearly haven't - or go pester AdvExt thats why you pay them.
  4. No ODBC is not needed for lin2db - when using hAuthD because it does not use ODBC. simple logic. and jesus christ you saw an empty password field and didn't think "Heeey... i should probably fill that out!".
  5. I find it fantasticly entertaining that you create .NET executable - and read the offsets from your own webserver @ l2servers.com.ar/DepmAx64Usuarios.php If one wanted to crack this unvirtualized old packed crap - it would have been done. And if one could do that - one could easily decompile and fetch your offsets on a log etc. (or just sniff them for that matter). ... and no he can't Cray-Z because learning how to dump a module\applications memory is not the same as dealing with VMs and opcode mutation.
  6. So go figure out why it's not connecting. echo the errornumber and errstring.
  7. HB++ = (skill_id*65536)+level Not HB++ = (skill_id*256)+level
  8. 1511653399 how exactly did you arrive at the PCH number? It doesn't match 16bit or 8bit PCH. ....how are you activating skill?
  9. This is not L2J. Database is not live memory - and changes are not instant. First rule of l2off.
  10. Wtf will a bool flag help you more than a MemoState which atleast accepts Int? Are you that stupid? Do you think quest_last_reward_time == onetimequest? Onetimequest is a flag set to avoid people re-taking a quest once completed. How is that hard to understand? How stupid are you when you for some reason can't understand since memo contains data (up to 3 ints) - it could be used to store data beyond l2server memory restarting? You are the typical idiot for apparently seeing some term you think means something without actually asking what it means or clearly explaining what it is you want. Nor actually researching "HEEEY how is this var\term used in AI ?". If your not stupid you can create a storage method via time functions + MemoState to emulate a check for a specific day.
  11. Motion to ban Cray-Z, Viral, Romeo, Sopor, etc etc. On grounds that until they learn outgrow puberty - they're defintively not good for the forum or helping raise the standards. Constant bickering whining and lack of any IQ above 90 is going to slowly kill the forum - and not attract the right "crowd" we've seemingly lost. Neither seems to be part of any decent projects or support much - except trying to sell shit they definately didn't develop even 10% of. (Hell even Cray-Z is selling Vangath or old dvampire packs keyed\unkeyed - which should be against reselling rules). ...all in favour?
  12. And wtf do you think it does? It sets a flag bool - and that's it. and it doesnt exist because IT DOES NOT EXIST IN C4. How hard is that to comprehend? If you can't read - your hopeless. Directions to a possible albeit expensive memo way was given.
  13. I don't understand what your trying to do at all. A system for saving data related to Quests does not exist in AdvExt\Vangath or Native c4. Hence it's impossible with direct usage. Altho you could technicly have 2 Memo's running constantly - 1 for the quest itself and 1 for storing the currenttick time for that quest. Youd eventually run outa Memospace rather fast with many quests like this.
  14. Except smeli's is c1 - and c1 is a mess. Smeli probably made it even more unstable + a myriad of weird ass coding left and right with no structure. Along with decisions that certain features apparently are "TOTALLY UN L2 ALIKE" and therefor not required to be fixed. (Which is quite alot of em actually). ...but whatever floats your boat.
  15. It's not a matter of trying - it's about writing support for it. HAuthD doesn't support it natively, neither does C4\C1 AuthD GF authd supports it natively.
  16. There is ZERO you can do to decompiling from inside the JVM. (And even most decompilers atm seem to be able to restore alot of strings + symbolic links automaticly). Managed language's weakness.
  17. The C4 packs generally have x_self.sql that creates accounts and adds the server into the dbo.server auth tables. So it's simple, add it manually. If super simple SQL tables scares you that much tho - i'd have to say stop what your doing now and go back to l2j.
  18. I remember sometime in 2010 - i thought it couldn't get worse in terms of people's ability to communicate clearly and follow rules. ....turns out i was wrong. Go figure.
  19. TerritoryData.txt from vanganth actually has some block summoning pc for his own op_cond. but wether that is summon to, or from i dunno, but testing can be done i geuss.
  20. Can't unless functionality is written. aka you need to learn how to write extenders and\or pay pack creator to make it. (assuming C4>IL)
  21. If installing SQL scares you - quit now. Just quit - honest advice. The only way anyone learns is failure. Any SQL version greater than 2005 works fine.
  22. ..well if they're "moded" they're super high quality :happyforever:
  23. That's half C1\C4 mixup. Remind myself we need that updated to reflect C4\GF better.
  24. I would suggest you find\buy the pack of choice - and start doing it yourself. Please do not but ANYTHING from anyone pm'ing you going "YO BRAH I GOT GREAT INTERLUDE HIGH FIVE L2OFF BRAH BUY FROM ME". There are 3 leaks of NCSoft files - c1,c4,GF and any other chronicle is the work of certain developers\projects that can be counted on 1 hand. Meaning there isn't some little random developer that's developed a "great pack" - there's 3 of us groups left and buying from others generally leads to crap. So again - use your brain if people contact you. Rough steps are "fairly" simple to just get it running. 1. Install MSSQL. 2. Unzip pack into a folder. 3. Run SQL scripts provided - including the one creating a first account and adding your server to lin2db.dbo.server table. 4. Configure ODBC (FileDNS) (for c4 remember 64bit vs 32bit). 5. AuthD\HauthD -> CacheD -> L2Server > L2Npc. Done. And if you fail at certain steps, post here and people will help you.
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