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Everything posted by destrodevianne

  1. hello, you have two ways to use the c4 client with another chronicle, 1- connect the c4 client adapting the c6 system, or the other way is 2- make again all the connections server -> client in the network packet adapting the protocols to the c4 chronicleand use a c4 system . possibly have some headaches with the "npc", as they have different "id". [746] Interlude Update 3 [746] Interlude Update 3 Client 00 SendProtocolVersion 01 MoveBackwardToLocation 02 Say 03 RequestEnterWorld 04 Action 08 RequestLogin 09 SendLogOut 0A RequestAttack 0B RequestCharacterCreate 0C RequestCharacterDelete 0D RequestGameStart 0E RequestNewCharacter 0F RequestItemList 10 RequestEquipItem 11 RequestUnEquipItem 12 RequestDropItem 14 RequestUseItem 15 RequestTrade 16 RequestAddTradeItem 17 TradeDone 1A RequestTeleport 1B SocialAction 1C ChangeMoveType 1D ChangeWaitType 1E RequestSellItem 1F RequestBuyItem 20 RequestLinkHtml 21 RequestBypassToServer 22 RequestBBSWrite 23 RequestCreatePledge 24 RequestJoinPledge 25 RequestAnswerJoinPledge 26 RequestWithDrawalPledge 27 RequestOustPledgeMember 28 RequestDismissPledge 29 RequestJoinParty 2A RequestAnswerJoinParty 2B RequestWithDrawalParty 2C RequestOustPartyMember 2D RequestDismissParty 2E UserAck 2F RequestMagicSkillUse 30 SendAppearing 31 SendWareHouseDepositList 32 SendWareHouseWithdrawList 33 RequestShortCutReg 34 RequestShortCutUse 35 RequestShortCutDel 36 CanNotMoveAnymore 37 RequestTargetCancel 38 Say2 3C RequestPledgeMemberList 3E RequestMagicList 3F RequestSkillList 41 MoveWithDelta 42 GetOnVehicle 43 GetOffVehicle 44 AnswerTradeRequest 45 RequestActionUse 46 RequestRestart 47 RequestSiegeInfo 48 ValidateLocation 49 RequestSEKCustom 4A StartRotating 4B FinishRotating 4D RequestStartPledgeWar 4E RequestReplyStartPledgeWar 4F RequestStopPledgeWar 50 RequestReplyStopPledgeWar 51 RequestSurrenderPledgeWar 52 RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar 53 RequestSetPledgeCrest 55 RequestGiveNickName 57 RequestShowboard 58 RequestEnchantItem 59 RequestDestroyItem 5B SendBypassBuildCmd 5C MoveToLocationInVehicle 5D CanNotMoveAnymore(Vehicle) 5E RequestFriendInvite 5F RequestFriendAddReply 60 RequestFriendInfoList 61 RequestFriendDel 62 RequestCharacterRestore 63 RequestQuestList 64 RequestDestroyQuest 66 RequestPledgeInfo 67 RequestPledgeExtendedInfo 68 RequestPledgeCrest 69 RequestSurrenderPersonally 6A RequestRide 6B RequestAcquireSkillInfo 6C RequestAcquireSkill 6D RequestRestartPoint 6E RequestGMCommand 6F RequestListPartyWaiting 70 RequestManagePartyRoom 71 RequestJoinPartyRoom 72 RequestCrystallizeItem 73 RequestPrivateStoreSellManageList 74 SetPrivateStoreSellList 75 RequestPrivateStoreSellManageCancel 76 RequestPrivateStoreSellQuit 77 SetPrivateStoreSellMsg 79 SendPrivateStoreBuyList 7A RequestReviveReply 7B RequestTutorialLinkHtml 7C RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer 7D RequestTutorialQuestionMarkPressed 7E RequestTutorialClientEvent 7F RequestPetition 80 RequestPetitionCancel 81 RequestGMList 82 RequestJoinAlly 83 RequestAnswerJoinAlly 84 RequestWithdrawAlly 85 RequestOustAlly 86 RequestDismissAlly 87 RequestSetAllyCrest 88 RequestAllyCrest 89 RequestChangePetName 8A RequestPetUseItem 8B RequestGiveItemToPet 8C RequestGetItemFromPet 8E RequestAllyInfo 8F RequestPetGetItem 90 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageList 91 SetPrivateStoreBuyList 93 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageQuit 94 SetPrivateStoreBuyMsg 96 SendPrivateStoreSellList 97 SendTimeCheck 98 RequestStartAllianceWar 99 ReplyStartAllianceWar 9A RequestStopAllianceWar 9B ReplyStopAllianceWar 9C RequestSurrenderAllianceWar 9D RequestSkillCoolTime 9E RequestPackageSendableItemList 9F RequestPackageSend A0 RequestBlock A1 RequestCastleSiegeInfo A2 RequestCastleSiegeAttackerList A3 RequestCastleSiegeDefenderList A4 RequestJoinCastleSiege A5 RequestConfirmCastleSiegeWaitingList A6 RequestSetCastleSiegeTime A7 RequestMultiSellChoose A8 NetPing A9 RequestRemainTime AA BypassUserCmd AB GMSnoopEnd AC RequestRecipeBookOpen AD RequestRecipeItemDelete AE RequestRecipeItemMakeInfo AF RequestRecipeItemMakeSelf B0 RequestRecipeShopManageList B1 RequestRecipeShopMessageSet B2 RequestRecipeShopListSet B3 RequestRecipeShopManageQuit B4 RequestRecipeShopManageCancel B5 RequestRecipeShopMakeInfo B6 RequestRecipeShopMakeDo B7 RequestRecipeShopSellList B8 RequestObserverEnd B9 VoteSociality BA RequestHennaItemList BB RequestHennaItemInfo BC RequestHennaEquip BD RequestHennaUnequipList BE RequestHennaUnequipInfo BF RequestHennaUnequip C0 RequestPledgePower C1 RequestMakeMacro C2 RequestDeleteMacro C3 RequestProcureCrop C4 RequestBuySeed C5 ConfirmDlg C6 RequestPreviewItem C7 RequestSSQStatus C8 PetitionVote CA ReplyGameGuardQuery CC RequestSendL2FriendSay CD RequestOpenMinimap CE RequestSendMsnChatLog CF RequestReload D0:01 RequestOustFromPartyRoom D0:02 RequestDismissPartyRoom D0:03 RequestWithdrawPartyRoom D0:04 RequestHandOverPartyMaster D0:05 RequestAutoSoulShot D0:06 RequestExEnchantSkillInfo D0:07 RequestExEnchantSkill D0:08 RequestManorList D0:09 RequestProcureCropList D0:0A RequestSetSeed D0:0B RequestSetCrop D0:0C RequestWriteHeroWords D0:0D RequestExAskJoinMPCC D0:0E RequestExAcceptJoinMPCC D0:0F RequestExOustFromMPCC D0:10 RequestExPledgeCrestLarge D0:11 RequestExSetPledgeCrestLarge D0:12 RequestOlympiadObserverEnd D0:13 RequestOlympiadMatchList D0:14 RequestAskJoinPartyRoom D0:15 AnswerJoinPartyRoom D0:16 RequestListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom D0:17 RequestExitPartyMatchingWaitingRoom D0:18 RequestGetBossRecord D0:19 RequestPledgeSetAcademyMaster D0:1A RequestPledgePowerGradeList D0:1B RequestPledgeMemberPowerInfo D0:1C RequestPledgeSetMemberPowerGrade D0:1D RequestPledgeMemberInfo D0:1E RequestPledgeWarList D0:1F RequestExFishRanking D0:20 RequestPCCafeCouponUse D0:22 RequestCursedWeaponList D0:23 RequestCursedWeaponLocation D0:24 RequestPledgeReorganizeMember D0:26 RequestExMPCCShowPartyMembersInfo D0:27 RequestDuelStart D0:28 RequestDuelAnswerStart D0:29 RequestConfirmTargetItem D0:2A RequestConfirmRefinerItem D0:2B RequestConfirmGemStone D0:2C RequestRefine D0:2D RequestConfirmCancelItem D0:2E RequestRefineCancel D0:2F RequestExMagicSkillUseGround D0:30 RequestDuelSurrender D0:31 RequestExChangeName Server 00 VersionCheck 01 MoveToLocation 02 NpcSay 03 CharInfo 04 UserInfo 05 Attack 06 Die 07 Revive 08 AttackOutofRange 09 AttackinCoolTime 0A AttackDeadTarget 0B SpawnItem 0C DropItem 0D GetItem 0E StatusUpdate 0F NpcHtmlMessage 10 SellList 11 BuyList 12 DeleteObject 13 CharacterSelectionInfo 14 LoginFail 15 CharacterSelected 16 NpcInfo 17 NewCharacterSuccess 18 NewCharacterFail 19 CharacterCreateSuccess 1A CharacterCreateFail 1B ItemList 1C SunRise 1D SunSet 1E TradeStart 1F TradeStartOk 20 TradeOwnAdd 21 TradeOtherAdd 22 TradeDone 23 CharacterDeleteSuccess 24 CharacterDeleteFail 25 ActionFail 26 ServerClose 27 InventoryUpdate 28 TeleportToLocation 29 TargetSelected 2A TargetUnselected 2B AutoAttackStart 2C AutoAttackStop 2D SocialAction 2E ChangeMoveType 2F ChangeWaitType 30 ManagePledgePower 31 CreatePledge 32 AskJoinPledge 33 JoinPledge 34 WithdrawalPledge 35 OustPledgeMember 36 SetOustPledgeMember 37 DismissPledge 38 SetDismissPledge 39 AskJoinParty 3A JoinParty 3B WithdrawalParty 3C OustPartyMember 3D SetOustPartyMember 3E DismissParty 3F SetDismissParty 40 UserAck 41 WareHouseDepositList 42 WareHouseWithdrawList 43 WareHouseDone 44 ShortCutRegister 45 ShortCutInit 46 ShortCutDelete 47 StopMove 48 MagicSkillUse 49 MagicSkillCanceled 4A Say2 4B EquipUpdate 4C DoorInfo 4D DoorStatusUpdate 4E PartySmallWindowAll 4F PartySmallWindowAdd 50 PartySmallWindowDeleteAll 51 PartySmallWindowDelete 52 PartySmallWindowUpdate 53 PledgeShowMemberListAll 54 PledgeShowMemberListUpdate 55 PledgeShowMemberListAdd 56 PledgeShowMemberListDelete 57 MagicList 58 SkillList 59 VehicleInfo 5A VehicleDeparture 5B VehicleCheckLocation 5C GetOnVehicle 5D GetOffVehicle 5E TradeRequest 5F RestartResponse 60 MoveToPawn 61 ValidateLocation 62 StartRotating 63 FinishRotating 64 SystemMessage 65 StartPledgeWar 66 ReplyStartPledgeWar 67 StopPledgeWar 68 ReplyStopPledgeWar 69 SurrenderPledgeWar 6A ReplySurrenderPledgeWar 6B SetPledgeCrest 6C PledgeCrest 6D SetupGauge 6E ShowBoard 6F ChooseInventoryItem 70 Dummy_70 71 MoveToLocationInVehicle 72 StopMoveInVehicle 73 ValidateLocationInVehicle 74 TradeUpdate 75 TradePressOwnOk 76 MagicSkillLaunched 77 FriendAddRequestResult 78 FriendAdd 79 FriendRemove 7A FriendList 7B FriendStatus 7C TradePressOtherOk 7D FriendAddRequest 7E LogOutOk 7F AbnormalStatusUpdate 80 QuestList 81 EnchantResult 82 PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll 83 PledgeInfo 84 PledgeExtendedInfo 85 SurrenderPersonally 86 Ride 87 GiveNickNameDone 88 PledgeShowInfoUpdate 89 ClientAction 8A AcquireSkillList 8B AcquireSkillInfo 8C ServerObjectInfo 8D GMHide 8E AcquireSkillDone 8F GMViewCharacterInfo 90 GMViewPledgeInfo 91 GMViewSkillInfo 92 GMViewMagicInfo 93 GMViewQuestInfo 94 GMViewItemList 95 GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList 96 ListPartyWaiting 97 PartyRoomInfo 98 PlaySound 99 StaticObject 9A PrivateStoreSellManageList 9B PrivateStoreSellList 9C PrivateStoreSellMsg 9D ShowMinimap 9E ReviveRequest 9F AbnormalVisualEffect A0 TutorialShowHtml A1 ShowTutorialMark A2 TutorialEnableClientEvent A3 TutorialCloseHtml A4 ShowRadar A5 DeleteRadar A6 MyTargetSelected A7 PartyMemberPosition A8 AskJoinAlliance A9 JoinAlliance AA WithdrawAlliance AB OustAllianceMemberPledge AC DismissAlliance AD SetAllianceCrest AE AllianceCrest AF ServerCloseSocket B0 PetStatusShow B1 PetInfo B2 PetItemList B3 PetInventoryUpdate B4 AllianceInfo B5 PetStatusUpdate B6 PetDelete B7 PrivateStoreBuyManageList B8 PrivateStoreBuyList B9 PrivateStoreBuyMsg BA VehicleStart BB RequestTimeCheck BC StartAllianceWar BD ReplyStartAllianceWar BE StopAllianceWar BF ReplyStopAllianceWar C0 SurrenderAllianceWar C1 SkillCoolTime C2 PackageToList C3 PackageSendableList C4 EarthQuake C5 FlyToLocation C6 BlockList C7 SpecialCamera C8 NormalCamera C9 CastleSiegeInfo CA CastleSiegeAttackerList CB CastleSiegeDefenderList CC NickNameChanged CD PledgeStatusChanged CE RelationChanged CF EventTrigger D0 MultiSellList D1 SetSummonRemainTime D2 SkillRemainSec D3 NetPing D4 Dice D5 Snoop D6 RecipeBookItemList D7 RecipeItemMakeInfo D8 RecipeShopManageList D9 RecipeShopSellList DA RecipeShopItemInfo DB RecipeShopMsg DC ShowCalc DD MonRaceInfo DE ShowTownMap DF ObserverStart E0 ObserverEnd E1 ChairSit E2 HennaEquipList E3 HennaItemInfo E4 HennaInfo E5 HennaUnequipList E6 HennaUnequipInfo E7 MacroList E8 BuyListSeed E9 SellListProcure EA GMHennaInfo EB RadarControl EC ClientSetTime ED ConfirmDlg EE PartySpelled EF ShopPreviewList F0 ShopPreviewInfo F1 CameraMode F2 ShowXMasSeal F3 EtcStatusUpdate F4 ShortBuffStatusUpdate F5 SSQStatus F6 PetitionVote F7 AgitDecoInfo F8 SSQInfo F9 GameGuardQuery FA L2FriendList FB L2Friend FC L2FriendStatus FD L2FriendSay FE:01 ExRegenMax FE:02 ExEventMatchList FE:03 ExEventMatchObserver FE:04 ExEventMatchMessage FE:05 ExEventMatchScore FE:06 ExEventMatchTeamInfo FE:07 ExEventMatchCreate FE:08 ExEventMatchUserInfo FE:09 ExColosseumFenceInfo FE:0A ExEventMatchSpelledInfo FE:0B ExEventMatchFirecracker FE:0C ExEventMatchTeamUnlocked FE:0D ExEventMatchGMTest FE:0E ExPartyRoomMember FE:0F ExClosePartyRoom FE:10 ExManagePartyRoomMember FE:11 ExEventMatchLockResult FE:12 ExAutoSoulShot FE:13 ExFishingStart FE:14 ExFishingEnd FE:15 ExFishingStartCombat FE:16 ExFishingHpRegen FE:17 ExEnchantSkillList FE:18 ExEnchantSkillInfo FE:19 ExShowQuestInfo FE:1A ExShowQuestMark FE:1B ExSendManorList FE:1C ExShowSeedInfo FE:1D ExShowCropInfo FE:1E ExShowManorDefaultInfo FE:1F ExShowSeedSetting FE:20 ExShowCropSetting FE:21 ExShowSellCropList FE:22 ExShowProcureCropDetail FE:23 ExHeroList FE:24 ExServerPrimitive FE:25 ExOpenMPCC FE:26 ExCloseMPCC FE:27 ExAskJoinMPCC FE:28 ExPledgeEmblem FE:29 ExOlympiadUserInfo FE:2A ExOlympiadSpelledInfo FE:2B ExOlympiadMode FE:2C ExOlympiadMatchEnd FE:2D ExMailArrived FE:2E ExStorageMaxCount FE:2F ExEventMatchManage FE:30 ExMultiPartyCommandChannelInfo FE:31 ExPCCafePointInfo FE:32 ExSetCompassZoneCode FE:33 ExGetBossRecord FE:34 ExAskJoinPartyRoom FE:35 ExListPartyMatchingWaitingRoom FE:36 ExSetMpccRouting FE:37 ExShowAdventurerGuideBook FE:38 ExShowScreenMessage FE:39 PledgeSkillList FE:3A PledgeSkillListAdd FE:3B PledgePowerGradeList FE:3C PledgeReceivePowerInfo FE:3D PledgeReceiveMemberInfo FE:3E PledgeReceiveWarList FE:3F PledgeReceiveSubPledgeCreated FE:40 ExRedSky FE:41 PledgeReceiveUpdatePower FE:42 FlySelfDestination FE:43 ShowPCCafeCouponShowUI FE:44 ExSearchOrc FE:45 ExCursedWeaponList FE:46 ExCursedWeaponLocation FE:47 ExRestartClient FE:48 ExRequestHackShield FE:49 ExUseSharedGroupItem FE:4A ExMPCCShowPartyMemberInfo FE:4B ExDuelAskStart FE:4C ExDuelReady FE:4D ExDuelStart FE:4E ExDuelEnd FE:4F ExDuelUpdateUserInfo FE:50 ExShowVariationMakeWindow FE:51 ExShowVariationCancelWindow FE:52 ExPutItemResultForVariationMake FE:53 ExPutIntensiveResultForVariationMake FE:54 ExPutCommissionResultForVariationMake FE:55 ExVariationResult FE:56 ExPutItemResultForVariationCancel FE:57 ExVariationCancelResult FE:58 ExDuelEnemyRelation FE:59 ExPlayAnimation FE:5A ExMPCCPartyInfoUpdate FE:5B ExPlayScene FE:5C ExNeedToChangeName [660] C4 Scions Of Destiny Update 1 [660] C4 Scions Of Destiny Update 1 Client 00 SendProtocolVersion 01 MoveBackwardToLocation 02 Say 03 RequestEnterWorld 04 Action 08 RequestLogin 09 SendLogOut 0A RequestAttack 0B RequestCharacterCreate 0C RequestCharacterDelete 0D RequestGameStart 0E RequestNewCharacter 0F RequestItemList 10 RequestEquipItem 11 RequestUnEquipItem 12 RequestDropItem 14 RequestUseItem 15 RequestTrade 16 RequestAddTradeItem 17 TradeDone 1A RequestTeleport 1B SocialAction 1C ChangeMoveType 1D ChangeWaitType 1E RequestSellItem 1F RequestBuyItem 20 RequestLinkHtml 21 RequestBypassToServer 22 RequestBBSWrite 23 RequestCreatePledge 24 RequestJoinPledge 25 RequestAnswerJoinPledge 26 RequestWithDrawalPledge 27 RequestOustPledgeMember 28 RequestDismissPledge 29 RequestJoinParty 2A RequestAnswerJoinParty 2B RequestWithDrawalParty 2C RequestOustPartyMember 2D RequestDismissParty 2E UserAck 2F RequestMagicSkillUse 30 SendAppearing 31 SendWareHouseDepositList 32 SendWareHouseWithdrawList 33 RequestShortCutReg 34 RequestShortCutUse 35 RequestShortCutDel 36 CanNotMoveAnymore 37 RequestTargetCancel 38 Say2 3C RequestPledgeMemberList 3E RequestMagicList 3F RequestSkillList 41 MoveWithDelta 42 GetOnVehicle 43 GetOffVehicle 44 AnswerTradeRequest 45 RequestActionUse 46 RequestRestart 47 RequestSiegeInfo 48 ValidateLocation 49 RequestSEKCustom 4A StartRotating 4B FinishRotating 4D RequestStartPledgeWar 4E RequestReplyStartPledgeWar 4F RequestStopPledgeWar 50 RequestReplyStopPledgeWar 51 RequestSurrenderPledgeWar 52 RequestReplySurrenderPledgeWar 53 RequestSetPledgeCrest 55 RequestGiveNickName 57 RequestShowboard 58 RequestEnchantItem 59 RequestDestroyItem 5B SendBypassBuildCmd 5C MoveToLocationInVehicle 5D CanNotMoveAnymore(Vehicle) 5E RequestFriendInvite 5F RequestFriendAddReply 60 RequestFriendInfoList 61 RequestFriendDel 62 RequestCharacterRestore 63 RequestQuestList 64 RequestDestroyQuest 66 RequestPledgeInfo 67 RequestPledgeExtendedInfo 68 RequestPledgeCrest 69 RequestSurrenderPersonally 6A RequestRide 6B RequestAcquireSkillInfo 6C RequestAcquireSkill 6D RequestRestartPoint 6E RequestGMCommand 6F RequestListPartyWaiting 70 RequestManagePartyRoom 71 RequestJoinPartyRoom 72 RequestCrystallizeItem 73 RequestPrivateStoreSellManageList 74 SetPrivateStoreSellList 75 RequestPrivateStoreSellManageCancel 76 RequestPrivateStoreSellQuit 77 SetPrivateStoreSellMsg 79 SendPrivateStoreBuyList 7A RequestReviveReply 7B RequestTutorialLinkHtml 7C RequestTutorialPassCmdToServer 7D RequestTutorialQuestionMarkPressed 7E RequestTutorialClientEvent 7F RequestPetition 80 RequestPetitionCancel 81 RequestGMList 82 RequestJoinAlly 83 RequestAnswerJoinAlly 84 RequestWithdrawAlly 85 RequestOustAlly 86 RequestDismissAlly 87 RequestSetAllyCrest 88 RequestAllyCrest 89 RequestChangePetName 8A RequestPetUseItem 8B RequestGiveItemToPet 8C RequestGetItemFromPet 8E RequestAllyInfo 8F RequestPetGetItem 90 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageList 91 SetPrivateStoreBuyList 93 RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageQuit 94 SetPrivateStoreBuyMsg 96 SendPrivateStoreSellList 97 SendTimeCheck 98 RequestStartAllianceWar 99 ReplyStartAllianceWar 9A RequestStopAllianceWar 9B ReplyStopAllianceWar 9C RequestSurrenderAllianceWar 9D RequestSkillCoolTime 9E RequestPackageSendableItemList 9F RequestPackageSend A0 RequestBlock A1 RequestCastleSiegeInfo A2 RequestCastleSiegeAttackerList A3 RequestCastleSiegeDefenderList A4 RequestJoinCastleSiege A5 RequestConfirmCastleSiegeWaitingList A6 RequestSetCastleSiegeTime A7 RequestMultiSellChoose A8 NetPing A9 RequestRemainTime AA BypassUserCmd AB GMSnoopEnd AC RequestRecipeBookOpen AD RequestRecipeItemDelete AE RequestRecipeItemMakeInfo AF RequestRecipeItemMakeSelf B0 RequestRecipeShopManageList B1 RequestRecipeShopMessageSet B2 RequestRecipeShopListSet B3 RequestRecipeShopManageQuit B4 RequestRecipeShopManageCancel B5 RequestRecipeShopMakeInfo B6 RequestRecipeShopMakeDo B7 RequestRecipeShopSellList B8 RequestObserverEnd B9 VoteSociality BA RequestHennaItemList BB RequestHennaItemInfo BC RequestHennaEquip BD RequestHennaUnequipList BE RequestHennaUnequipInfo BF RequestHennaUnequip C0 RequestPledgePower C1 RequestMakeMacro C2 RequestDeleteMacro C3 RequestProcureCrop C4 RequestBuySeed C5 ConfirmDlg C6 RequestPreviewItem C7 RequestSSQStatus C8 PetitionVote CA ReplyGameGuardQuery CC RequestSendL2FriendSay CD RequestOpenMinimap CE RequestSendMsnChatLog CF RequestReload D0:01 RequestOustFromPartyRoom D0:02 RequestDismissPartyRoom D0:03 RequestWithdrawPartyRoom D0:04 RequestHandOverPartyMaster D0:05 RequestAutoSoulShot D0:06 RequestExEnchantSkillInfo D0:07 RequestExEnchantSkill D0:08 RequestManorList D0:09 RequestProcureCropList D0:0A RequestSetSeed D0:0B RequestSetCrop D0:0C RequestWriteHeroWords D0:0D RequestExAskJoinMPCC D0:0E RequestExAcceptJoinMPCC D0:0F RequestExOustFromMPCC D0:10 RequestExPledgeCrestLarge D0:11 RequestExSetPledgeCrestLarge D0:12 RequestOlympiadObserverEnd D0:13 RequestOlympiadMatchList Server 00 VersionCheck 01 MoveToLocation 02 NpcSay 03 CharInfo 04 UserInfo 05 Attack 06 Die 07 Revive 08 AttackOutofRange 09 AttackinCoolTime 0A AttackDeadTarget 0B SpawnItem 0C DropItem 0D GetItem 0E StatusUpdate 0F NpcHtmlMessage 10 SellList 11 BuyList 12 DeleteObject 13 CharacterSelectionInfo 14 LoginFail 15 CharacterSelected 16 NpcInfo 17 NewCharacterSuccess 18 NewCharacterFail 19 CharacterCreateSuccess 1A CharacterCreateFail 1B ItemList 1C SunRise 1D SunSet 1E TradeStart 1F TradeStartOk 20 TradeOwnAdd 21 TradeOtherAdd 22 TradeDone 23 CharacterDeleteSuccess 24 CharacterDeleteFail 25 ActionFail 26 ServerClose 27 InventoryUpdate 28 TeleportToLocation 29 TargetSelected 2A TargetUnselected 2B AutoAttackStart 2C AutoAttackStop 2D SocialAction 2E ChangeMoveType 2F ChangeWaitType 30 ManagePledgePower 31 CreatePledge 32 AskJoinPledge 33 JoinPledge 34 WithdrawalPledge 35 OustPledgeMember 36 SetOustPledgeMember 37 DismissPledge 38 SetDismissPledge 39 AskJoinParty 3A JoinParty 3B WithdrawalParty 3C OustPartyMember 3D SetOustPartyMember 3E DismissParty 3F SetDismissParty 40 UserAck 41 WareHouseDepositList 42 WareHouseWithdrawList 43 WareHouseDone 44 ShortCutRegister 45 ShortCutInit 46 ShortCutDelete 47 StopMove 48 MagicSkillUse 49 MagicSkillCanceled 4A Say2 4B EquipUpdate 4C DoorInfo 4D DoorStatusUpdate 4E PartySmallWindowAll 4F PartySmallWindowAdd 50 PartySmallWindowDeleteAll 51 PartySmallWindowDelete 52 PartySmallWindowUpdate 53 PledgeShowMemberListAll 54 PledgeShowMemberListUpdate 55 PledgeShowMemberListAdd 56 PledgeShowMemberListDelete 57 MagicList 58 SkillList 59 VehicleInfo 5A VehicleDeparture 5B VehicleCheckLocation 5C GetOnVehicle 5D GetOffVehicle 5E TradeRequest 5F RestartResponse 60 MoveToPawn 61 ValidateLocation 62 StartRotating 63 FinishRotating 64 SystemMessage 65 StartPledgeWar 66 ReplyStartPledgeWar 67 StopPledgeWar 68 ReplyStopPledgeWar 69 SurrenderPledgeWar 6A ReplySurrenderPledgeWar 6B SetPledgeCrest 6C PledgeCrest 6D SetupGauge 6E ShowBoard 6F ChooseInventoryItem 70 Dummy_70 71 MoveToLocationInVehicle 72 StopMoveInVehicle 73 ValidateLocationInVehicle 74 TradeUpdate 75 TradePressOwnOk 76 MagicSkillLaunched 77 FriendAddRequestResult 78 FriendAdd 79 FriendRemove 7A FriendList 7B FriendStatus 7C TradePressOtherOk 7D FriendAddRequest 7E LogOutOk 7F AbnormalStatusUpdate 80 QuestList 81 EnchantResult 82 PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll 83 PledgeInfo 84 PledgeExtendedInfo 85 SurrenderPersonally 86 Ride 87 GiveNickNameDone 88 PledgeShowInfoUpdate 89 ClientAction 8A AcquireSkillList 8B AcquireSkillInfo 8C ServerObjectInfo 8D GMHide 8E AcquireSkillDone 8F GMViewCharacterInfo 90 GMViewPledgeInfo 91 GMViewSkillInfo 92 GMViewMagicInfo 93 GMViewQuestInfo 94 GMViewItemList 95 GMViewWarehouseWithdrawList 96 ListPartyWaiting 97 PartyRoomInfo 98 PlaySound 99 StaticObject 9A PrivateStoreSellManageList 9B PrivateStoreSellList 9C PrivateStoreSellMsg 9D ShowMinimap 9E ReviveRequest 9F AbnormalVisualEffect A0 TutorialShowHtml A1 ShowTutorialMark A2 TutorialEnableClientEvent A3 TutorialCloseHtml A4 ShowRadar A5 DeleteRadar A6 MyTargetSelected A7 PartyMemberPosition A8 AskJoinAlliance A9 JoinAlliance AA WithdrawAlliance AB OustAllianceMemberPledge AC DismissAlliance AD SetAllianceCrest AE AllianceCrest AF ServerCloseSocket B0 PetStatusShow B1 PetInfo B2 PetItemList B3 PetInventoryUpdate B4 AllianceInfo B5 PetStatusUpdate B6 PetDelete B7 PrivateStoreBuyManageList B8 PrivateStoreBuyList B9 PrivateStoreBuyMsg BA VehicleStart BB RequestTimeCheck BC StartAllianceWar BD ReplyStartAllianceWar BE StopAllianceWar BF ReplyStopAllianceWar C0 SurrenderAllianceWar C1 SkillCoolTime C2 PackageToList C3 PackageSendableList C4 EarthQuake C5 FlyToLocation C6 BlockList C7 SpecialCamera C8 NormalCamera C9 CastleSiegeInfo CA CastleSiegeAttackerList CB CastleSiegeDefenderList CC NickNameChanged CD PledgeStatusChanged CE RelationChanged CF EventTrigger D0 MultiSellList D1 SetSummonRemainTime D2 SkillRemainSec D3 NetPing D4 Dice D5 Snoop D6 RecipeBookItemList D7 RecipeItemMakeInfo D8 RecipeShopManageList D9 RecipeShopSellList DA RecipeShopItemInfo DB RecipeShopMsg DC ShowCalc DD MonRaceInfo DE ShowTownMap DF ObserverStart E0 ObserverEnd E1 ChairSit E2 HennaEquipList E3 HennaItemInfo E4 HennaInfo E5 HennaUnequipList E6 HennaUnequipInfo E7 MacroList E8 BuyListSeed E9 SellListProcure EA GMHennaInfo EB RadarControl EC ClientSetTime ED ConfirmDlg EE PartySpelled EF ShopPreviewList F0 ShopPreviewInfo F1 CameraMode F2 ShowXMasSeal F3 EtcStatusUpdate F4 ShortBuffStatusUpdate F5 SSQStatus F6 PetitionVote F7 AgitDecoInfo F8 SSQInfo F9 GameGuardQuery FA L2FriendList FB L2Friend FC L2FriendStatus FD L2FriendSay FE:01 ExRegenMax FE:02 ExEventMatchList FE:03 ExEventMatchObserver FE:04 ExEventMatchMessage FE:05 ExEventMatchScore FE:06 ExEventMatchTeamInfo FE:07 ExEventMatchCreate FE:08 ExEventMatchUserInfo FE:09 ExColosseumFenceInfo FE:0A ExEventMatchSpelledInfo FE:0B ExEventMatchFirecracker FE:0C ExEventMatchTeamUnlocked FE:0D ExEventMatchGMTest FE:0E ExPartyRoomMember FE:0F ExClosePartyRoom FE:10 ExManagePartyRoomMember FE:11 ExEventMatchLockResult FE:12 ExAutoSoulShot FE:13 ExFishingStart FE:14 ExFishingEnd FE:15 ExFishingStartCombat FE:16 ExFishingHpRegen FE:17 ExEnchantSkillList FE:18 ExEnchantSkillInfo FE:19 ExShowQuestInfo FE:1A ExShowQuestMark FE:1B ExSendManorList FE:1C ExShowSeedInfo FE:1D ExShowCropInfo FE:1E ExShowManorDefaultInfo FE:1F ExShowSeedSetting FE:20 ExShowCropSetting FE:21 ExShowSellCropList FE:22 ExShowProcureCropDetail FE:23 ExHeroList FE:24 ExServerPrimitive FE:25 ExOpenMPCC FE:26 ExCloseMPCC FE:27 ExAskJoinMPCC FE:28 ExPledgeEmblem FE:29 ExOlympiadUserInfo FE:2A ExOlympiadSpelledInfo FE:2B ExOlympiadMode FE:2C ExOlympiadMatchEnd FE:2D ExMailArrived FE:2E ExStorageMaxCount FE:2F ExEventMatchManage FE:30 ExMultiPartyCommandChannelInfo FE:31 ExPCCafePointInfo maybe an exmaple:
  2. try with this links https://github.com/valanths1990/l2j-server-gameserver https://github.com/valanths1990/l2j-server-datapack
  3. thanks for your help now I understand better how interlude works. monokini in high five like l2royale https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mvotZ5v_bxZQpCEydP5Re61mNbeGue8B/view
  4. Hi friends, I have a question I am trying to access the CreatureID variable of the Pawn class that inherits from the Actor class to check if it is the one that corresponds to my target inside a for loop. I am trying to apply an effect on the target as in the monokini interface, but in the Interlude client. function ApplyEffectTarget (bool isClear, optional private UserInfo info ) { local Pawn a_Pawn; local Vector V; local Actor PlayerActor; if(! GetTargetInfo(info)) { return; } else { V = PlayerActor.Location; } if ( decalEmitter != None ) { decalEmitter = None; } if ( isClear ) { return; } foreach PlayerActor.CollidingActors(Class'Pawn',a_Pawn,100,V) { if (m_TargetID == a_Pawn.CreatureID && m_TargetID > 0) { V.X = 0.0; V.Y = 0.0; V.Z = a_Pawn.CollisionHeight + 7; decalEmitter = a_Pawn.Spawn(TargetEmitterClass, a_Pawn); } else { } } } I get this error when compiling Can someone help me ? thanks.
  5. I have tried, but the problem is that the system does not open the client, I am using windows 10 @AlisaCodeDragon say : I don't like how to clean themida. It is possible that someone in the forum has done it.
  6. Hi, i´m looking for working system protocol 448 for Tauti client . Anybody can help me ? thanks. I have found these... I don't know if someone can patch them for windows 10 Systems Tauti 448 Protocol
  7. nothing special interlude acis based on public sources , working on protocol 216 Datapack : https://disk.yandex.com/d/58hEKe8uSqcPbw Client C6 with textures : https://mega.nz/file/DQpSXbbZ#KtoUzMou9LO_FJaCFLMjnR4Hez9EYRulpN2YsvDGTAk or https://disk.yandex.com/d/wYiIm7iuO2pEHg Source : [Hidden Content] this is my first post sharing something, I am not a professional just a person with curiosity who learns every day something new, here I leave the result of playing with the protocols. regards. Mikado.-
  8. deadz uses an nwindows.dll modified but it is not compatible in the freya chronicle someone can add those functions in the nwindows.dll for Freya to be able to adapt the interface ?? thank you very much for your time. greetings. example : in ProgressCtrlHandle.uc function SetBackTex or SetBarTex I do not know if it is possible ? I apologize if the request is ridiculous.
  9. no problem, and I appreciate your willingness to share this wonderful work , it really looks amazing. I just wanted to let you know that this problem exists and maybe you uploaded the wrong file.
  10. for security I just downloaded mega your file and I used a completely clean client; I understand that if you have shared it compiled and say you are not obfuscated you will not mind sharing the *uc files, may your software be better than mine
  11. you can choose any class for example this "ChatWnd.uc " //================================================================================ // ChatWnd. //================================================================================ class ChatWnd extends UICommonAPI; const CHAT_UNION_MAX= 35; const CHAT_WINDOW_SYSTEM= 5; const CHAT_WINDOW_COUNT= 5; const CHAT_WINDOW_ALLY= 4; const CHAT_WINDOW_CLAN= 3; const CHAT_WINDOW_PARTY= 2; const CHAT_WINDOW_TRADE= 1; const CHAT_WINDOW_NORMAL= 0; var int m_NoUnionCommanderMessage; var array<ChatFilterInfo> m_filterInfo; var array<string> m_sectionName; var int m_chatType; var ChatWindowHandle NormalChat; var ChatWindowHandle TradeChat; var ChatWindowHandle PartyChat; var ChatWindowHandle ClanChat; var ChatWindowHandle AllyChat; var ChatWindowHandle SystemMsg; var TabHandle ChatTabCtrl; var EditBoxHandle ChatEditBox; struct ChatFilterInfo { var int bSystem; var int bChat; var int bDamage; var int bNormal; var int bShout; var int bClan; var int bParty; var int bTrade; var int bWhisper; var int bAlly; var int bUseitem; var int bHero; var int bUnion; }; function OnLoad () { m_filterInfo.Length = UnknownFunction146(5,1); RegisterEvent(540); RegisterEvent(1500); RegisterEvent(550); RegisterEvent(560); RegisterEvent(570); RegisterEvent(571); RegisterEvent(572); m_sectionName.Length = 5; m_sectionName[0] = "entire_tab"; m_sectionName[1] = "pledge_tab"; m_sectionName[2] = "party_tab"; m_sectionName[3] = "market_tab"; m_sectionName[4] = "ally_tab"; RegisterState("ChatWnd","OlympiadObserverState"); InitHandle(); InitFilterInfo(); InitGlobalSetting(); InitScrollBarPosition(); } function OnDefaultPosition () { ChatTabCtrl.MergeTab(1); ChatTabCtrl.MergeTab(2); ChatTabCtrl.MergeTab(3); ChatTabCtrl.MergeTab(4); ChatTabCtrl.SetTopOrder(0,True); HandleTabClick("ChatTabCtrl0"); } function InitGlobalSetting () { Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxCommand",bool(m_NoUnionCommanderMessage)); } function InitHandle () { NormalChat = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.NormalChat")); TradeChat = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.TradeChat")); PartyChat = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.PartyChat")); ClanChat = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.ClanChat")); AllyChat = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.AllyChat")); SystemMsg = ChatWindowHandle(GetHandle("SystemMsgWnd.SystemMsgList")); ChatTabCtrl = TabHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.ChatTabCtrl")); ChatEditBox = EditBoxHandle(GetHandle("ChatWnd.ChatEditBox")); } function InitScrollBarPosition () { NormalChat.SetScrollBarPosition(5,10,14); TradeChat.SetScrollBarPosition(5,10,14); PartyChat.SetScrollBarPosition(5,10,14); ClanChat.SetScrollBarPosition(5,10,14); AllyChat.SetScrollBarPosition(5,10,14); } function OnCompleteEditBox (string strID) { local string strInput; local EChatType Type; if ( UnknownFunction122(strID,"ChatEditBox") ) { strInput = ChatEditBox.GetString(); if ( UnknownFunction150(UnknownFunction125(strInput),1) ) { return; } ProcessChatMessage(strInput,m_chatType); ChatEditBox.SetString(""); if ( UnknownFunction242(GetOptionBool("Game","OldChatting"),True) ) { Type = GetChatTypeByTabIndex(m_chatType); if ( UnknownFunction155(m_chatType,0) ) { ChatEditBox.AddString(GetChatPrefix(Type)); } } if ( UnknownFunction242(GetOptionBool("Game","EnterChatting"),True) ) { ChatEditBox.ReleaseFocus(); } } } function Clear () { ChatEditBox.Super(EditBoxHandle).Clear(); NormalChat.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); PartyChat.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); ClanChat.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); TradeChat.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); AllyChat.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); SystemMsg.Super(TextListBoxHandle).Clear(); } function OnShow () { if ( GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWnd") ) { ShowWindow("SystemMsgWnd"); } else { HideWindow("SystemMsgWnd"); } HandleIMEStatusChange(); } function OnClickButton (string strID) { local PartyMatchWnd script; script = PartyMatchWnd(GetScript("PartyMatchWnd")); switch (strID) { case "ChatTabCtrl0": case "ChatTabCtrl1": case "ChatTabCtrl2": case "ChatTabCtrl3": case "ChatTabCtrl4": HandleTabClick(strID); break; case "ChatFilterBtn": if ( Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.IsShowWindow("ChatFilterWnd") ) { Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.HideWindow("ChatFilterWnd"); } else { SetChatFilterButton(); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.ShowWindow("ChatFilterWnd"); } break; case "MessengerBtn": ToggleMsnWindow(); break; case "PartyMatchingBtn": if ( UnknownFunction242(Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.IsShowWindow("PartyMatchWnd"),True) ) { Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.HideWindow("PartyMatchWnd"); script.OnSendPacketWhenHiding(); } else { Class'PartyMatchAPI'.RequestOpenPartyMatch(); } break; default: break; } } function OnTabSplit (string sTabButton) { local ChatWindowHandle Handle; switch (sTabButton) { case "ChatTabCtrl0": Handle = NormalChat; HandleTabClick(sTabButton); break; case "ChatTabCtrl1": Handle = TradeChat; HandleTabClick(sTabButton); break; case "ChatTabCtrl2": Handle = PartyChat; HandleTabClick(sTabButton); break; case "ChatTabCtrl3": Handle = ClanChat; HandleTabClick(sTabButton); break; case "ChatTabCtrl4": Handle = AllyChat; HandleTabClick(sTabButton); break; default: break; } if ( UnknownFunction119(Handle,None) ) { Handle.SetWindowSizeRel(-1.0,-1.0,0,0); Handle.SetSettledWnd(True); Handle.EnableTexture(True); } } function OnTabMerge (string sTabButton) { local ChatWindowHandle Handle; local int Width; local int Height; local Rect rectWnd; switch (sTabButton) { case "ChatTabCtrl0": Handle = NormalChat; break; case "ChatTabCtrl1": Handle = TradeChat; break; case "ChatTabCtrl2": Handle = PartyChat; break; case "ChatTabCtrl3": Handle = ClanChat; break; case "ChatTabCtrl4": Handle = AllyChat; break; default: break; } if ( UnknownFunction119(Handle,None) ) { rectWnd = NormalChat.GetRect(); NormalChat.GetWindowSize(Width,Height); Handle.SetSettledWnd(False); Handle.MoveTo(rectWnd.nX,rectWnd.nY); Handle.SetWindowSize(Width,UnknownFunction147(Height,46)); Handle.SetWindowSizeRel(1.0,1.0,0,-46); Handle.EnableTexture(False); } } function HandleTabClick (string strID) { local string strInput; local string strPrefix; local int StrLen; m_chatType = ChatTabCtrl.GetTopIndex(); SetChatFilterButton(); if ( UnknownFunction242(GetOptionBool("Game","OldChatting"),True) ) { strInput = ChatEditBox.GetString(); StrLen = UnknownFunction125(strInput); strPrefix = UnknownFunction128(strInput,1); if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(IsSameChatPrefix(8,strPrefix),IsSameChatPrefix(3,strPrefix)),IsSameChatPrefix(4,strPrefix)),IsSameChatPrefix(9,strPrefix)) ) { strInput = UnknownFunction234(strInput,UnknownFunction147(StrLen,1)); } if ( UnknownFunction155(m_chatType,0) ) { strPrefix = GetChatPrefix(GetChatTypeByTabIndex(m_chatType)); strInput = UnknownFunction112(strPrefix,strInput); } ChatEditBox.SetString(strInput); } } function OnEnterState (name a_PrevStateName) { if ( UnknownFunction254(a_PrevStateName,'LoadingState') ) { Clear(); } } function OnEvent (int Event_ID, string param) { switch (Event_ID) { case 540: HandleChatmessage(param); case 1500: HandleIMEStatusChange(); break; case 550: HandleChatWndStatusChange(); break; case 570: HandleSetFocus(); break; case 560: HandleSetString(param); break; case 571: HandleMsnStatus(param); break; case 572: HandleChatWndMacroCommand(param); break; default: break; } } function HandleChatWndMacroCommand (string param) { local string Command; if ( UnknownFunction129(ParseString(param,"Command",Command)) ) { return; } ProcessChatMessage(Command,m_chatType); } function HandleChatmessage (string param) { local int nTmp; local EChatType Type; local ESystemMsgType systemType; local string Text; local Color Color; ParseInt(param,"Type",nTmp); Type = nTmp; ParseString(param,"Msg",Text); ParseInt(param,"ColorR",nTmp); Color.R = nTmp; ParseInt(param,"ColorG",nTmp); Color.G = nTmp; ParseInt(param,"ColorB",nTmp); Color.B = nTmp; Color.A = 255; if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) ) { ParseInt(param,"SysType",nTmp); systemType = nTmp; } else { systemType = 0; } if ( UnknownFunction122(UnknownFunction128(Text,3),"___") ) { if ( UnknownFunction122(Text,"___EV_ShowInventory") ) { ShowWindow("InventoryWnd"); } } else { if ( CheckFilter(Type,0,systemType) ) { NormalChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,2,systemType) ) { PartyChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,3,systemType) ) { ClanChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,1,systemType) ) { TradeChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,4,systemType) ) { AllyChat.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( CheckFilter(Type,5,systemType) ) { SystemMsg.AddString(Text,Color); } if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,15),UnknownFunction154(m_NoUnionCommanderMessage,0)) ) { ShowUnionCommanderMessgage(Text); } } } function ShowUnionCommanderMessgage (string Msg) { local string strParam; local string MsgTemp; local string MsgTemp2; local int maxLength; maxLength = UnknownFunction125(Msg); if ( UnknownFunction151(maxLength,35) ) { MsgTemp = UnknownFunction128(Msg,35); MsgTemp2 = UnknownFunction234(Msg,UnknownFunction147(maxLength,35)); Msg = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(MsgTemp,"#"),MsgTemp2); } Debug(Msg); if ( UnknownFunction151(UnknownFunction125(Msg),0) ) { ParamAdd(strParam,"MsgType",string(1)); ParamAdd(strParam,"WindowType",string(8)); ParamAdd(strParam,"FontType",string(0)); ParamAdd(strParam,"BackgroundType",string(0)); ParamAdd(strParam,"LifeTime",string(5000)); ParamAdd(strParam,"AnimationType",string(1)); ParamAdd(strParam,"Msg",Msg); ParamAdd(strParam,"MsgColorR",string(255)); ParamAdd(strParam,"MsgColorG",string(150)); ParamAdd(strParam,"MsgColorB",string(149)); ExecuteEvent(140,strParam); } } function HandleIMEStatusChange () { local string Texture; local EIMEType imeType; imeType = GetCurrentIMELang(); switch (imeType) { case 1: Texture = "desig_Alpinel2_web.IME_r"; break; case 2: Texture = "desig_Alpinel2_web.IME_en"; break; case 3: Texture = "desig_Alpinel2_web.IME_ru"; break; case 4: Texture = "desig_Alpinel2_web.IME_ru"; break; case 5: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_tw2"; break; case 6: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_tw3"; break; case 7: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_tw1"; break; case 9: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_cn1"; break; case 10: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_cn2"; break; case 11: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_cn3"; break; case 12: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_cn4"; break; case 13: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_cn4"; break; case 14: Texture = "L2UI.ChatWnd.IME_th"; break; default: Texture = "L2UI_CH3.ChatWnd.Chatting_IMEkr"; break; } Class'UIAPI_TEXTURECTRL'.SetTexture("ChatWnd.LanguageTexture",Texture); } function bool CheckFilter (EChatType Type, int WindowType, ESystemMsgType systemType) { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction129(UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction153(WindowType,0),UnknownFunction150(WindowType,5))),UnknownFunction155(WindowType,5)) ) { Debug(UnknownFunction112("ChatWnd: Error invalid windowType ",string(WindowType))); return False; } if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,8),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bTrade,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,0),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bNormal,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,4),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bClan,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,3),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bParty,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,1),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bShout,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,2),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bWhisper,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,9),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bAlly,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction154(Type,17),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bHero,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,10),UnknownFunction154(Type,18)),UnknownFunction154(Type,6)),UnknownFunction154(Type,7)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,16),UnknownFunction154(Type,15)),UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bUnion,0)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) ) { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(systemType,2),UnknownFunction154(systemType,6)) ) { return True; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(WindowType,5) ) { if ( UnknownFunction154(systemType,3) ) { if ( GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWndDamage") ) { return True; } else { return False; } } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(systemType,7) ) { if ( GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWndExpendableItem") ) { return True; } else { return False; } } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(systemType,1),UnknownFunction154(systemType,0)) ) { return True; } } } return False; } else { if ( UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bSystem,0) ) { if ( UnknownFunction154(systemType,3) ) { if ( UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bDamage,0) ) { return True; } else { return False; } } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(systemType,7) ) { if ( UnknownFunction155(m_filterInfo[WindowType].bUseitem,0) ) { return True; } else { return False; } } } return True; } } } return False; } } } } } } } } } } } return False; } function InitFilterInfo () { local int i; local int tempVal; SetDefaultFilterValue(); i = 0; if ( UnknownFunction150(i,5) ) { if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"system",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bSystem = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"chat",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bChat = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"normal",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bNormal = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"shout",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bShout = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"pledge",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bClan = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"party",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bParty = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"market",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bTrade = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"tell",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bWhisper = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"damage",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bDamage = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"ally",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bAlly = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"useitems",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bUseitem = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"hero",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bHero = tempVal; } if ( GetINIBool(m_sectionName[i],"union",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_filterInfo[i].bUnion = tempVal; } UnknownFunction163(i); goto JL000D; } SetDefaultFilterOn(); if ( GetINIBool("global","command",tempVal,"chatfilter.ini") ) { m_NoUnionCommanderMessage = tempVal; } } function SetDefaultFilterOn () { m_filterInfo[1].bTrade = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bParty = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bClan = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bAlly = 1; } function SetDefaultFilterValue () { m_filterInfo[0].bSystem = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bChat = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bNormal = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bShout = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bClan = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bParty = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bTrade = 0; m_filterInfo[0].bWhisper = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bDamage = 1; m_filterInfo[0].bAlly = 0; m_filterInfo[0].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[0].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[0].bUnion = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bSystem = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bChat = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bNormal = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bShout = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bClan = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bParty = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bTrade = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bWhisper = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bDamage = 1; m_filterInfo[1].bAlly = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[1].bUnion = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bSystem = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bChat = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bNormal = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bShout = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bClan = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bParty = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bTrade = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bWhisper = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bDamage = 1; m_filterInfo[2].bAlly = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[2].bUnion = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bSystem = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bChat = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bNormal = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bShout = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bClan = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bParty = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bTrade = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bWhisper = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bDamage = 1; m_filterInfo[3].bAlly = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[3].bUnion = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bSystem = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bChat = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bNormal = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bShout = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bClan = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bParty = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bTrade = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bWhisper = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bDamage = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bAlly = 1; m_filterInfo[4].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[4].bUnion = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bSystem = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bChat = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bNormal = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bShout = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bClan = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bParty = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bTrade = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bWhisper = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bDamage = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bAlly = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bUseitem = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bHero = 0; m_filterInfo[5].bUnion = 0; m_NoUnionCommanderMessage = 0; } function SetChatFilterButton () { local bool bSystemMsgWnd; local bool bOption; bSystemMsgWnd = GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWnd"); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.SystemMsgBox",bSystemMsgWnd); bOption = GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWndDamage"); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.DamageBox",bOption); bOption = GetOptionBool("Game","SystemMsgWndExpendableItem"); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.ItemBox",bOption); if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction153(m_chatType,0),UnknownFunction150(m_chatType,5)) ) { switch (m_chatType) { case 0: Class'UIAPI_TEXTBOX'.SetText("ChatFilterWnd.CurrentText",MakeFullSystemMsg(GetSystemMessage(1995),GetSystemString(144),"")); break; case 1: Class'UIAPI_TEXTBOX'.SetText("ChatFilterWnd.CurrentText",MakeFullSystemMsg(GetSystemMessage(1995),GetSystemString(355),"")); break; case 2: Class'UIAPI_TEXTBOX'.SetText("ChatFilterWnd.CurrentText",MakeFullSystemMsg(GetSystemMessage(1995),GetSystemString(188),"")); break; case 3: Class'UIAPI_TEXTBOX'.SetText("ChatFilterWnd.CurrentText",MakeFullSystemMsg(GetSystemMessage(1995),GetSystemString(128),"")); break; case 4: Class'UIAPI_TEXTBOX'.SetText("ChatFilterWnd.CurrentText",MakeFullSystemMsg(GetSystemMessage(1995),GetSystemString(559),"")); break; default: } Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxSystem",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bSystem)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxNormal",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bNormal)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxShout",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bShout)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxPledge",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bClan)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxParty",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bParty)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxTrade",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bTrade)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxWhisper",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bWhisper)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxDamage",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bDamage)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxAlly",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bAlly)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxItem",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bUseitem)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxHero",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bHero)); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetCheck("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxUnion",bool(m_filterInfo[m_chatType].bUnion)); if ( UnknownFunction129(Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.IsChecked("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxSystem")) ) { Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxDamage",True); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxItem",True); } else { Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxDamage",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxItem",False); } Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxNormal",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxShout",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxPledge",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxParty",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxTrade",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxWhisper",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxAlly",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxHero",False); Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxUnion",False); switch (m_chatType) { case 1: Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxTrade",True); break; case 2: Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxParty",True); break; case 3: Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxPledge",True); break; case 4: Class'UIAPI_CHECKBOX'.SetDisable("ChatFilterWnd.CheckBoxAlly",True); break; default: } } else { } } function HandleChatWndStatusChange () { local UserInfo UserInfo; GetPlayerInfo(UserInfo); if ( UnknownFunction151(UserInfo.nClanID,0) ) { ChatTabCtrl.SetDisable(3,False); } else { ChatTabCtrl.SetDisable(3,True); } if ( UnknownFunction151(UserInfo.nAllianceID,0) ) { ChatTabCtrl.SetDisable(4,False); } else { ChatTabCtrl.SetDisable(4,True); } } function HandleSetString (string a_Param) { local string tmpString; if ( ParseString(a_Param,"String",tmpString) ) { ChatEditBox.SetString(tmpString); } } function HandleSetFocus () { if ( UnknownFunction129(ChatEditBox.IsFocused()) ) { ChatEditBox.SetFocus(); } } function Print (int Index) { Debug(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("Print type(",string(Index)),"), system :"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bSystem)),", chat:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bChat)),",Normal:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bNormal)),", shout:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bShout)),",pledge:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bClan)),", party:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bParty)),", trade:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bTrade)),", whisper:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bWhisper)),", damage:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bDamage)),", ally:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bAlly)),",useitem:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bUseitem)),", hero:"),string(m_filterInfo[Index].bHero))); } function HandleMsnStatus (string param) { local string Status; local ButtonHandle Handle; Handle = ButtonHandle(GetHandle("Chatwnd.MessengerBtn")); ParseString(param,"status",Status); if ( UnknownFunction122(Status,"online") ) { Handle.SetTexture("L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn1","L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn1_down",""); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Status,"berightback"),UnknownFunction122(Status,"idle")),UnknownFunction122(Status,"away")),UnknownFunction122(Status,"lunch")) ) { Handle.SetTexture("L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn2","L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn2_down",""); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Status,"busy"),UnknownFunction122(Status,"onthephone")) ) { Handle.SetTexture("L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn3","L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn3_down",""); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Status,"offline"),UnknownFunction122(Status,"invisible")) ) { Handle.SetTexture("L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn4","L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn4_down",""); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Status,"none") ) { Handle.SetTexture("L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn5","L2UI_CH3.Msn.chatting_msn5_down",""); } } } } } } function EChatType GetChatTypeByTabIndex (int Index) { local EChatType Type; Type = 0; switch (m_chatType) { case 0: Type = 0; break; case 1: Type = 8; break; case 2: Type = 3; break; case 3: Type = 4; break; case 4: Type = 9; break; default: break; } return Type; } even some classes cannot be read from the "wotgreater" with "stream read error" . maybe using the l2io_legacy it's worth it, but they would still be obfuscate.
  12. I found to read many unknown methods , and non-static agreed functions , I will look at it when I leave work and I tell you
  13. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Er-n5KKDefp11Q Example: addsound.jar "D:\Lineage II\Maps\22_22.unr" ambsound.Abadoned_Camp.ac_percussion_01 1000 255 87250 148500 -3300
  14. Is it possible that you shared the files without obfuscator to be able to modify ?
  15. As a hobby I'm using acis with protocol 216 and the idea was to give it a classic but conservative look. I've managed to put 5 bars for the skills horizontally and As a vertical option 3 bars successfully, Now I'm trying to create the experience bar Neophron_Belt, I understand programming, but my knowledge of UnrealScript is very poor. You think it's possible to share the uc classes of l2sublimity that can work on the freya interface?, it's possible that h5 is almost the same without difference. can help me with this uc class, I can't compile because I don't know how to fix this code //================================================================================ // SublimityDamageWnd. //================================================================================ class SublimityDamageWnd extends SublimityItem; const TYPE_RESIST2= 12; const TYPE_RESIST= 11; const TYPE_BLOCK2= 10; const TYPE_BLOCK= 9; const TYPE_MISS2= 8; const TYPE_MISS= 7; const TYPE_EXP= 6; const TYPE_MANA= 5; const TYPE_HEAL= 4; const TYPE_CP= 3; const TYPE_DAMAGE2= 2; const TYPE_DAMAGE= 1; const DIRECTION_DOWN= 1; const DIRECTION_UP= -1; const TEX_COUNT= 15; const CONTAINER_COUNT= 30; var ButtonHandle hEnableBtn; var TextureHandle hDisableTex; var bool bShowing; var TextureHandle m_Digits[310]; var int m_TextWidth[20]; var int m_TextHeight[20]; var int m_TextOffset[20]; var int m_TextOffsetCorrection[20]; var int m_LastUsedContainer; var int m_Direction[30]; var int m_ContainerType[30]; var int m_DamageQueue[20]; var int m_DamageQueueCount[20]; var int m_Type2Count; function OnLoad () { local int i; local int ii; local int C; RegisterEvent(580); RegisterEvent(40); m_TextWidth[0] = 18; m_TextWidth[1] = 11; m_TextWidth[2] = 17; m_TextWidth[3] = 17; m_TextWidth[4] = 17; m_TextWidth[5] = 17; m_TextWidth[6] = 16; m_TextWidth[7] = 17; m_TextWidth[8] = 18; m_TextWidth[9] = 16; m_TextWidth[10] = 10; m_TextWidth[11] = 10; m_TextWidth[12] = 0; m_TextWidth[13] = 60; m_TextWidth[14] = 81; m_TextWidth[15] = 85; m_TextOffset[0] = 53; m_TextOffset[1] = 77; m_TextOffset[2] = 96; m_TextOffset[3] = 118; m_TextOffset[4] = 142; m_TextOffset[5] = 165; m_TextOffset[6] = 188; m_TextOffset[7] = 211; m_TextOffset[8] = 232; m_TextOffset[9] = 257; m_TextOffset[10] = 17; m_TextOffset[11] = 35; m_TextOffset[12] = 288; m_TextOffset[13] = 17; m_TextOffset[14] = 96; m_TextOffset[15] = 196; m_TextOffsetCorrection[0] = -1; m_TextOffsetCorrection[1] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[2] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[3] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[4] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[5] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[6] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[7] = -2; m_TextOffsetCorrection[8] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[9] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[10] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[11] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[12] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[13] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[14] = 0; m_TextOffsetCorrection[15] = 0; i = 1; if ( UnknownFunction152(i,30) ) { C = UnknownFunction144(i,10); ii = 0; if ( UnknownFunction150(ii,15) ) { m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,ii)] = TextureHandle(GetHandle(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(i)),"Wnd.Digit"),string(i)),string(UnknownFunction146(ii,1))))); UnknownFunction163(ii); goto JL0243; } UnknownFunction163(i); goto JL0221; } } function OnEvent (int Event_ID, string a_Param) { switch (Event_ID) { case 580: if ( UnknownFunction129(GetOptionBool("Game","SublimityOnScreenDisable")) ) { HandleSystemMessage(a_Param); } break; case 40: HandleRestart(); break; default: } } function HandleRestart () { local int i; i = 1; if ( UnknownFunction152(i,30) ) { HideWindow(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(i)),"Wnd")); UnknownFunction163(i); goto JL0007; } } function HandleSystemMessage (string a_Param) { local string Index; local string Param1; local string Param2; ParseString(a_Param,"Index",Index); ParseString(a_Param,"Param1",Param1); ParseString(a_Param,"Param2",Param2); if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"35"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"1026")) ) { ShowIndicator(1,int(Param1),20,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"36"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"37")) ) { ShowIndicator(2,int(Param2),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"296"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"297")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"333")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"686")),UnknownFunction122(Index,"812")) ) { ShowIndicator(2,int(Param1),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1066") ) { ShowIndicator(4,int(Param1),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1067") ) { ShowIndicator(4,int(Param2),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1068") ) { ShowIndicator(5,int(Param1),250,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1069") ) { ShowIndicator(5,int(Param2),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1405") ) { ShowIndicator(3,int(Param1),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"1406") ) { ShowIndicator(3,int(Param2),0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"42") ) { ShowIndicator(8,0,0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"43") ) { ShowIndicator(7,0,0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(Index,"139") ) { ShowIndicator(11,0,50,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"157"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"159")) ) { ShowIndicator(12,0,0,False); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction122(Index,"111"),UnknownFunction122(Index,"1281")) ) { ShowIndicator(10,0,200,False); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function ShowIndicator (int Type, int Value, int nGroupThreshold, bool bGrouped) { local int Container; if ( UnknownFunction151(nGroupThreshold,0) ) { UnknownFunction161(m_DamageQueue[Type],Value); UnknownFunction161(m_DamageQueueCount[Type],1); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.KillUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction144(-1,Type)); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction144(-1,Type),nGroupThreshold); } else { UnknownFunction165(m_LastUsedContainer); if ( UnknownFunction151(m_LastUsedContainer,30) ) { m_LastUsedContainer = 1; } Container = m_LastUsedContainer; ShowAndAnimate(Type,Container,Value,bGrouped); } } function ShowAndAnimate (int Type, int Container, int Value, bool bGrouped) { local string WindowName; local int offsetX; local int offsetY; WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd"); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.KillUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",Container); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.KillUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction144(-100,Container)); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetAnchor(WindowName,"","TopLeft","TopLeft",0,0); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.ClearAnchor(WindowName); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetAlpha(WindowName,255); SetValue(Type,Container,Value,bGrouped); ShowWindow(WindowName); if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,1),UnknownFunction154(Type,7)),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) ) { SetDirection(Container,-1); offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-120,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40))); offsetY = 0; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,2),UnknownFunction154(Type,8)),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) ) { SetDirection(Container,1); offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction146(-20,UnknownFunction167(40))); offsetY = 0; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,3),UnknownFunction154(Type,4)) ) { SetDirection(Container,1); offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-135,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40))); offsetY = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(0)); } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) ) { SetDirection(Container,1); offsetX = UnknownFunction146(-135,UnknownFunction147(20,UnknownFunction167(40))); offsetY = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(0)); } } } } if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) ) { offsetY = 40; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,8),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) ) { offsetY = -40; } } if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,2) ) { UnknownFunction165(m_Type2Count); if ( UnknownFunction154(m_Type2Count,7) ) { m_Type2Count = 1; } offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction146(-20,UnknownFunction167(40))); if ( UnknownFunction154(m_Type2Count,1) ) { offsetX = UnknownFunction146(50,UnknownFunction167(5)); } offsetY = 0; if ( UnknownFunction151(m_Type2Count,3) ) { offsetY = 50; } } Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.Move(WindowName,offsetX,offsetY); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.Move(WindowName,0,UnknownFunction144(GetDirection(Container),0),0.1); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",Container,0); } function SetDirection (int Container, int Direction) { m_Direction[Container] = Direction; } function int GetDirection (int Container) { return m_Direction[Container]; } function OnTimer (int Container) { local string WindowName; local float FadeValue; local bool bGrouped; Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.KillUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",Container); FadeValue = 0.0; if ( UnknownFunction151(Container,0) ) { WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd"); Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.Move(WindowName,0,UnknownFunction144(GetDirection(Container),100),2.75); if ( UnknownFunction154(m_ContainerType[Container],6) ) { Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction144(-100,Container),0); } else { Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction144(-100,Container),0); } } else { if ( UnknownFunction130(UnknownFunction150(Container,0),UnknownFunction151(Container,-100)) ) { Container = UnknownFunction144(Container,-1); bGrouped = False; if ( UnknownFunction151(m_DamageQueueCount[Container],1) ) { bGrouped = True; } ShowIndicator(Container,m_DamageQueue[Container],0,bGrouped); m_DamageQueue[Container] = 0; m_DamageQueueCount[Container] = 0; } else { Container = UnknownFunction144(-1,Container); if ( UnknownFunction154(UnknownFunction125(string(Container)),3) ) { Container = int(UnknownFunction128(string(Container),1)); } else { Container = int(UnknownFunction128(string(Container),2)); } WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd"); HideWindow(WindowName); } } } function TimerFadeOut (int Container, int Duration, int Steps) { local int i; local int C; local int D; i = 1; C = UnknownFunction145(100,Steps); D = UnknownFunction145(Duration,Steps); if ( UnknownFunction152(i,Steps) ) { Class'UIAPI_WINDOW'.SetUITimer("SublimityDamageWnd",UnknownFunction147(UnknownFunction144(-100,Container),UnknownFunction147(100,UnknownFunction144(i,C))),UnknownFunction144(i,D)); UnknownFunction165(i); goto JL0028; } } function SetValue (int Type, int Container, int Value, bool bGrouped) { local int i; local string S; local string WindowName; local string wValue; local int C; local int nDigit; local int Length; local int PreviousDigit; m_ContainerType[Container] = Type; WindowName = UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112("SublimityDamageWnd.SublimityDamage",string(Container)),"Wnd"); C = UnknownFunction144(Container,10); JL0061: i = 0; if ( UnknownFunction150(i,15) ) { m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,i)].SetUV(0,0); m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,i)].SetWindowSize(0,0); UnknownFunction163(i); goto JL0061; } wValue = string(Value); if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,4),UnknownFunction154(Type,3)),UnknownFunction154(Type,6)),UnknownFunction154(Type,5)) ) { wValue = UnknownFunction112("#+",wValue); } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,8)) ) { wValue = "M"; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,9),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)) ) { wValue = "B"; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,11),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) ) { wValue = "R"; } else { if ( bGrouped ) { wValue = UnknownFunction112("#",wValue); } } } } } Length = UnknownFunction125(wValue); i = 1; if ( UnknownFunction152(i,Length) ) { S = UnknownFunction234(UnknownFunction128(wValue,i),1); if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"+") ) { nDigit = 10; } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"-") ) { nDigit = 11; } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"#") ) { nDigit = 12; } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"M") ) { nDigit = 13; } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"B") ) { nDigit = 14; } else { if ( UnknownFunction122(S,"R") ) { nDigit = 15; } else { nDigit = int(S); } } } } } } m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,UnknownFunction147(i,1))].SetUV(GetU(nDigit),GetV(Type)); m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,UnknownFunction147(i,1))].SetWindowSize(GetWidth(nDigit,Type),GetHeight(nDigit)); if ( UnknownFunction151(i,1) ) { m_Digits[UnknownFunction146(C,UnknownFunction147(i,1))].SetAnchor(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(UnknownFunction112(WindowName,".Digit"),string(Container)),string(UnknownFunction147(i,1))),"TopLeft","TopLeft",UnknownFunction146(GetWidth(PreviousDigit,Type),GetOffsetCorrection(PreviousDigit)),0); } PreviousDigit = nDigit; UnknownFunction163(i); goto JL01A9; } } function int GetU (int nDigit) { return m_TextOffset[nDigit]; } function int GetV (int Type) { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,1) ) { return 18; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,2) ) { return 68; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,3) ) { return 118; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) ) { return 168; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,4) ) { return 218; } else { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,6) ) { return 268; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,7),UnknownFunction154(Type,9)),UnknownFunction154(Type,11)) ) { return 399; } else { if ( UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction132(UnknownFunction154(Type,8),UnknownFunction154(Type,10)),UnknownFunction154(Type,12)) ) { return 449; } } } } } } } } return 18; } function int GetWidth (int nDigit, int Type) { if ( UnknownFunction154(nDigit,12) ) { if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,1) ) { return UnknownFunction146(31,2); } if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,3) ) { return UnknownFunction146(20,2); } if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,5) ) { return UnknownFunction146(24,2); } if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,4) ) { return UnknownFunction146(22,2); } if ( UnknownFunction154(Type,6) ) { return UnknownFunction146(31,2); } } return m_TextWidth[nDigit]; } function int GetHeight (int nDigit) { return 27; } function int GetOffsetCorrection (int nDigit) { return m_TextOffsetCorrection[nDigit]; } thanks please delete or close this post , I have already been able to solve my problem, a greeting. I have already been able to solve my problem, a greeting. :-)
  16. I have seen that you have made a clean inteeface in interlude with the damage on screen l2sublimity system would be possible to do that same on the freya interface ? The classes I've seen were something like this, I don't remember it well. L2sublimitydamagewnd , L2sublimityitem , uil2sublimitycommon .... What I'm looking to achieve is a simple interface with experience bar on the bottom side, danage on screen, a cast skill bar and 5 hability shortcut bars
  17. Good afternoon to all, I do not know if anyone will have the source code of the ona interface, that it is possible to compile it. I tried to decrypt and use wotgreater but it was impossible to compile, the code is exported with many errors and unkknown methods. Thank you very much, a greeting.
  18. Hello, can you tell me which acis review corresponds to the source and which client should I download in order to access ? Thanks Sorry , i think are this server classic gameplay interlude https://www.lineage2.gold/ , My doubt is settled Thanks
  19. Hello, maybe someone can help me, I would like to modify an interface.u of the Chronicle Freya maybe it is possible that someone has a compiler .uc -.u for this chronicle; Thank you. Greetings.
  20. is it possible that someone has the patch and can upload it to mediafire or some other ? ; thanks, have a good day.
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