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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. 2005 February i think. C3. BnB echoKinetics C4 x4000 PvP Unlimited, first server with automated pvp and raid events. Almost 2 years. I just remember i had created the biggest ally on the server (20+ clans).
  2. I will post the website once the server name has been decided so i can order the domain name.
  3. Allright to answer your question i got tired of everything after Interlude thats why i decided to bounce back to Interlude. Also in case you cant read i said the server will be without donations. That means i will never ask money from anyone.
  4. Website will be available once the server name has been decided. As i mentioned in my initial post the server name is a "working title". I will not justify your trolling with an answer.
  5. Current Server Status: Under Development Website Coming soon. Rates: EXP: x4000 SP: x4000 DROP: x1 ADENA: x5000 Max Enchant: +10 Safe Enchant: +3 Chance: 33% Crystal Scrolls: 100% 32 Buff Slots +4 with Divine Inspiration 6 Debuff Slots 2Hours Buff Duration Universal Gatekeeper NPC Scheme Buffer NPC Full GM Shop NPC Grand Boss Status NPC TOP PvP/PK NPC Class Manager Noblesse Manager Minimum Farming for Gear. Weekly Heroes. Automated Events. Automated Vote Reward Engine. And more... Notes: We will Use the L2J platform. Server will not have donations. Server will not have custom items. We dont need Gamemasters yet. As soon as the server is playable Open BETA will begin. The server domain will be available once the name has been decided.
  6. I believe the main problem is the players today. Most of them are lazy and act like spoiled brats. Back in my days i remember i didnt give a crap if a gm was online or not, now for some reason they want a gm to hold their hand or suck them up and thats just an example im bringing about how bad the players are. Last server i enjoyed with my friends was TehGamers when it was Hellbound. After all that i focused on developing and making server mostly post Interlude stuff but i got tired of them really fast. Now i am working on an Interlude server with high rates and retail like buff times so support classes will be played live.
  7. Personally i dont like the attribute system in general. Its boring to farm for this stones and its boring to sit and add element to your stuff, i dont know its just seems like a waste of time to me not to mention how much more difficult it is to balance your server because of it. Also i never liked the new way of enchanting items, its too slow i hated this since they made it.
  8. Maybe if the buff slots are retail like (20 +4 with divine inspiration). Or if the buff duration is retail like with active support classes that would be kinda fun.
  9. Few minutes ago in the Antharas Raid.
  10. Yes, also it will be like a fresh start for everyone, so if someone havent joined yet he can join now and catch up.
  11. Is anyone intrested on developing a L2J Hellbound project with me?
  12. Simfwnw apolita. Thimamai palia epaiza servers gia polles vdomades mexri kai mines kai as eixa ton char mou full. Apla pistevw i kainouria genia gamers varietai pou zei, exoun mathei na ta exoun ola etoima.
  13. Just admit that you cant play without mana potions in pvp and stop saying people are leaving and stuff, this server is one of the most balanced just because of this mana potion system. If you want mana potions and undead healers join an Interlude home made server, theres a tons of them here.
  14. Thats what happens when you scare people that L2 is dead and other bullshit so they join your server.
  15. For low rate/ mid rate the best is Freya or Hi5 because theres vitality and the shadow items etc, that can help newbies level up faster.
  16. This might help you: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=73&t=25174
  17. If you look around you will find what you are looking for. If i remember correctly there is some stuff on ragezone forums.
  18. No offence but im not sure if you have played l2jservers lately. I am not talking about Interlude l2j because all Interlude packs atm suck very bad. There are h5 l2jservers that are more successfull than l2off servers. Also L2 is far from dead, only l2off private servers are dying because they offer an old gameplay style. I personally love older chronicles (C3 to Interlude) but i think its time to move on.
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