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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. Probably some corrupted gm wanted more access and the admin refused, so he went and made some 30k items and dropped them. Thats usually the issue.
  2. I was thinking why i used to enjoy lineage 2 and what were my most enjoyable momments. All i could think of was the fun times i had with clan members doing sieges/talking and stuff. Also i remember nobody cared for bugs or constantly comparing the server with retail or other servers. Nobody cared if there was a gm online to wipe their asses. Thats pretty much what the community is missing today. They dont come to play and have fun, now they mainly come to compare their virtual genitals or whos the better developer (most of the times they are completely clueless). Also i came to realise i dont miss the older chronicles i miss the old community. If the community stayed the same nobody would really hate the next big update all the time. And dont tell me the game is old, minecraft looks like a game from the 90s but its very popular to the day. Thats my rant for now. Have a nice one.
  3. Take a look at this: http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=69&t=17957
  4. The problem is that nowadays players will only vote for rewards. Back in the day there were no such systems and players voted because they wanted to support the server.
  5. in my servers only one char per ip was getting the reward, maybe you must complaint about it on the developer of the server you play and dont blame the system.
  6. I guess you mean they give out the source every few revs and they keep their svn private, that could work for me too.
  7. Stop saying its easier to do it this and that. This actually saves you from a lot of time of searching so be a little greatfull.
  8. Open source and Hellbound or Epilogue.
  9. its very easy to tell wich server is homemade, you only need half a brain for that.
  10. If you want a pvp pack i suggest to learn making stuff on your own. It may take you sometime but its worth it if you like what you are doing. However lineage 2 as it is now it will be a waste of your time.
  11. this should have been enforced years ago but its never too late. this needs to be done asap. imo even topsites should enforce this rule.
  12. Even though kinda hard to understand i got the jist of it.
  13. Find one with 2 or 4 gb ram. More than enough for 500 players.
  14. First question: There was one "FreshArea" but it closed (dont know why). Second q: I think its around 15 euros per month (better go ask them in person). Third q: I dont think they care anymore, just follow their rules about it and you'll be fine as long as you dont force your players to vote.
  15. L2 its in a zombie state atm. Nobody likes change yet everyone complaints its boring. I am pretty sure there have been servers with legit staff and a lively community but its always a bunch of players that will ruin any reputation a server has in a second for no good reason.
  16. Even though now i cant really make anything happen, what i can do is start advertising and building up the hype. This will also be like an experiment because most likely the server will go live somewhere around the late summer of 2013 and i'd like to see what all this advertisment will do for the project and how many people will join us in the end. Also i'd like to invite everyone that has been intrested to email us on the address: "l2px@gmx.com" with a few details about themselfs and what kind of position they would like to have on the upcoming server.
  17. Even though now i cant really make anything happen, what i can do is start advertising and building up the hype. This will also be like an experiment because most likely the server will go live somewhere around the late summer of 2013 and i'd like to see what all this advertisment will do for the project and how many people will join us in the end. Also i'd like to invite everyone that has been intrested to email us on the address: "l2px@gmx.com" with a few details about themselfs and what kind of position they would like to have on the upcoming server.
  18. Even though now i cant really make anything happen, what i can do is start advertising and building up the hype. This will also be like an experiment because most likely the server will go live somewhere around the late summer of 2013 and i'd like to see what all this advertisment will do for the project and how many people will join us in the end. Also i'd like to invite everyone that has been intrested to email us on the address: "l2px@gmx.com" with a few details about themselfs and what kind of position they would like to have on the upcoming server.
  19. Sounds good, short and easy to remember/spell.
  20. Sounds good, short and easy to remember/spell.
  21. Right now l2 is on its last breaths. I will give it another 3 years tops. How did i get to that conclusion? Well i remember 2 years ago that on hz there were around 390-410 servers registered, right now its like 210 servers, thats a huge drop in 2 years. Up until 2010 there were like 500-400 servers around.
  22. Its a middle expansion in a way and it has been forgotten.
  23. The project is on hold atm so yes the beta is off.
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