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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. Gia ola ta pack pleon einai 1 i 127 gia admin. Sinithws osa einai l2jfree based tha exoun 100.
  2. ZaNteR

    [GR] CYTA

    Ama i sindesi pou eixes prin tin CYTA itan mia xara tote den tha exeis provlimata.
  3. Borei na min ta lei to programma tou siriza alla ta legane oi vouleutes tous siriza prin tis ekloges tou maiou. Asxeta an twra to voulosane gt eidane pos pane na ginoun prwto komma kai prepei sovareutoun kai ligaki. Elpizw o tsipras na boresei na elenksei tis sinistoses tou.
  4. If you guys have any suggestions feel free to drop by the forum and write them down. http://www.l2px.cu.cc/forum/
  5. Elpizw na astievestai etsi? Ama vgei o Siriza tha trivetai ta matia sas me ayta pou tha theloun na kanoun. Merika: Katargisi eidikwn dinamewn. (Lene pos tha to riskaroume me tous tourkous.... Asxoliasto) Katargisi tou Staurou apo tin Simaia. Ellinopioisi 2.000.000 Lathrometanaston. Epidoma anergeias stous 2.000.000 lathrometanastes. (Enw iparxoun sxedon 1.500.000 ellines xwris douleia) Episi opoios lathrometanastis thelei tha borei na fernei tin oikogeneia tous edw. (Diladi ama ferei o kathenas apo 10 atoma fantasteitai ti exei na ginei). Auksisi olwn twn Forwn. (Kai ta xaratsia na kopsoune kai na feroun tous misthous kai tis sintakseis ta epeipeda 2009, oi foroi tha einai toso ipsiloi pou tha eimaste xeirotera kai apo twra). Epistrofi stin draxmi (Ama ginei ayto pes oti exeis 100.000 euro stin trapeza tha ginoun 50.000) Kai ayta einai mono i arxi, gia ayto prin arxisetai na ipostirizetai kapoion psakste to to thema. Kai egw kapote ipostiriza siriza alla apodiknietai oti kati den paei kala me dautous. Episis einai toses oi sinistwses pou tha einai diskolo na tis elenksei o tsipras.
  6. To be! Always be positive no matter how bad things seem to be around you.
  7. That goes into another category. Here you must vote without taking your hatred torwards the new updates into account.
  8. Well since you cant vote them all, vote the one you think its the worst, in your case its Corruption.
  9. Intresting isnt it? Also if you want to choose more than one option choose the one you think its the worst. //discuss
  10. C4 Was the best of all but now i have to go with High Five.
  11. If a song is good it doesnt matter in which genre fall into but personally house music is my passion.
  12. To kapnisa genika einai poli asximi sinitheia. Den to exw agkiksei pote kai oute prokeitai, iparxoun poli kalitera pramata na spatalas ta lefta sou.
  13. Lineage 2 players logic FTW! But its an awesome server. Despite the unbalance.
  14. I did some research and players seem to be tired of the classic high rate pvp server approach so i decided to try and make something completely different. I will post more details of the new concept once i finish writting down my ideas.
  15. Been there, i was lucky enough to find someone to take the risk and it turned out good (the first time). However back then L2 private server scene was not as miserable as now.
  16. Apo empeiria sou milaw, kalitera na ta kaneis ola monos sou.
  17. Sometimes they ask money from admins in order to stop the attack. Sometimes they are rival servers that suck and need players so thats a good way to get players from another server.
  18. +10 is a pretty low enchant limit and if mages are weak there are other ways to boost them. About Castles i though it would be nice since there wont be a lot of castle avaialble, each one of them to have a different feel (backround setting etc). But yes, maybe i will start with 2 and slowly go up to 4. I never liked the fact the they added mastery codexes on l2, im trying to get players from all chronicles intrested. About leveling, i have disabled the vitality system that means the server has real x500 rates. I could make the events with lower intervals but i think 1hour is a pretty optimal one. I said theres not going to be 100% balance like other servers claim. However i will try to balance a few things out from my own experience. I havent told everything about the server on this post just the very basic features (for obvious reasons). I have very unique stuff in the works. When everything is ready for BETA testing then i will reveal all the features. P.S: Fist post updated: Added some info about skills.
  19. I want to make a server without nonsense, just straight to the point stuff so we can have some fun with not much drama like the old days. Making clear from now that the server will not be 100% balanced, thats impossible anyway, i mean how many servers have claimed they are balanced? Bellow you will read some features with a few details. PvP Server Details: Gameplay Rates: EXP: x5000 SP: x5000 Party EXP: x1 Party SP: x1 Item Drop: x1 Raid Drop: x1 Adena: x5000 Enchant Rates: Max Enchant for All Items: +12 Safe Enchant for All Items: +6 Normal Enchant Scroll chance: 70% Blessed Enchant Scroll chance: 100% Limits & Other: Subclass Certifications are Disabled. Attribute Enchanting is Disabled. Maximum Armor is S84 Vorpal. Maximum Subclass Level: 83. Buff System: Buff Slots: 20 + 4 with Divine Inspiration. Dance/Song Slots: 12. Buff Duration: 2Hours. You Keep your Buffs After Death. NPC Buffer with Schemes and Pet Option. Clan Changes: Clan Penalties are disabled. Reputation and Member limits have been removed for clan level up. You must wait 1 day after you disolve your clan in order to be deleted. Siege & Castle Changes: All Siege NPC Guards Level Changed to 85 on Castles and Fortresses. Castle & Fortress Siege NPC Guards number has been decreased by 30%. Gharacters: New Characters Start at the Talking Island Village Area. New Characters begin with 78 levels instantly. To level up after level 78 just visit one of the farming areas. In order for a character to be deleted you must wait for 3days. Farming Areas: On our server you will be able to farm in 3 different zones. First zone will drop Blessed Enchant Scrolls. Second zone will drop LifeStones. Third zone will drop Codexes. The drop rates will be similar on all of the above areas for more balanced player distribution. Equipment: On our server in order to aquire S80 & S84 equipment you must participate on Events, Voting and PvP. Also S80 & S84 PvP Equipment will be available for purchase directly from our GM Shop. PvP Items are not tradeable so choose your path wisely. Auto Events: Classic TvT Event. Capture the Flag Event. TvT Event with Rounds. All the events above will take place once every hour in an order as shown above. In the future we are planning on adding more events. Castle Ownership: Castle Circlets will give special boosts in order to make sieges and castle ownership more importand. The boosts will be around 15%. A certain special boost will also be applied to the Lord's Crown and it will be the same for every castle Lord. Grand Boss System: On our server only 3 Grand Bosses will be available: Antharas, Baium and Valakas They will respawn once every 12 hours. They will drop a special coin to exchange for a Boss Jewel of you choise. Skill Changes: Curse Diviniy Damage nerfed by 30% Steal Divinity has 50% chance instead of 100% Cancelation has 50% chance instead of 100% Lethal Chance on Blow Type skills decreased by 66% RPG Server Details: Coming soon. Website: http://www.l2px.cu.cc
  20. Thats the job of the politicians not the citizens, however we dont have any worthy politians atm so theres not much we can do about it. Now back to the topic. @SunBeam: Even though i get your points, making a few flashy npc's and editing mobs is something anyone can do with some basic html and l2j knowlege. I realise you put a lot of effort in your work but that doesnt give you the right to talk crap about other peoples servers for no apparent reason. If you showed us something like stuff Scryde or Pandora Project has/had then i would not be bothered with what you say about this server.
  21. There must be the last public version posted around here somewhere. Search the forums.
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