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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. Thats why i dont use website account manager on my server.
  2. Update: OK since nobody likes a high rate server with retail like buff times i decided to make the npc buffer buffs weaker but with 3 hour duration, this way whoever used normal chars for buffs will get better buff but with retail like duration.
  3. Sorry but to make a new npc its just a few copy pastes. I cant understand why you guys create such tools it only brings more lazy kids to the l2j community and we have plenty of those allready.
  4. From all the names you gave us to choose the only one thats not cheesy is Paradise, but it will be lame to use that since Paradise was a really good server back in the day. To choose a good name theres two things you should do. Choose a name thats not been used before and choose a name thats easy to remember/type/spell.
  5. If anyone is instrested pm me, i have setted up an alpha server were we can test things out.
  6. Buff times are retail like? I like the idea of making a server were support classes will be usefull. What do you think?
  7. This is nice, with a few modificiations it should work in all packs.
  8. Ton virtual server ton moirazesai me alous den sto sinistw gia sovaro server.
  9. Το l2 μια χαρά είναι, εμείς μεγαλώσαμε.
  10. Λάθος μου, απλά ο τρόπος που το είπε δεν ήταν ξεκάθαρος.
  11. Απλά λέω τι γνώμη μου, εκτος αν αυτό δεν επιτρέπεται.
  12. 1 χρόνο? Αργά το κατάλαβες, εγώ έχω σταματήσει να μπαίνω στα σοβαρά από το 2009. Επίσης δεν πρόκειται να "ξαναποσταρω" τον server μου στο section του forum αφού κάθε φορα από το πουθενά μπαίνουν 10 trolls και αρχίζουν την δυσφήμιση για να πάω αναγκαστικά και να πάρω premium ώστε να κάνω delete troll posts. Όχι ευχαριστώ δεν θα πάρω.
  13. Geodata mono opou xrieazontan (castles/popular zones), xwris pathnodes. Eilikrina den perimena o server mou na exei toso kosmo.
  14. Egw exw sikwsei 500-600 atoma me ayton edw http://www.hetzner.de/en/hosting/produkte_rootserver/x3 Vevaia eixa afairesi polla pragmata gia na ton kanw elafritero. Kai ekana restart mia fora tin mera alios krashare.
  15. Ama thes na eisai 100% sigouros oti den tha exeis provlima katevase to stable apo to trunk kai oxi to beta.
  16. This stuff is very easy really. #Starting Spawn (Dwarven Start). UPDATE char_templates SET x ='107955'; UPDATE char_templates SET y='-174652'; UPDATE char_templates SET z='-410';
  17. I get nostalgic about Interlude but no. High Five and the future is the way to go.
  18. True, i used to have evidence and stuff but my hd crashed.
  19. I like sws, its good to play a support class for a change.
  20. Despite the fact that it seems easy to reach level 40 or so on official server, its gonna be a struggle to reach max level 99 as the game progresses. I am sure people will still prefer private servers with easier gameplay. Right now though theres no reason for private low rates to exist.
  21. 4? Pote vgike? Malon enoeis to 3. Tespa ama thes na katevaseis paranormal activity katevase kai ta 3 gia na akolouthiseis tin istoria swsta. Exw list me paromoies tainies (girismenes san home video). An kai se polous den aresoun egw pistevw pos einai poli ananeotikes.
  22. You can always get a smaller server for less money. You said you got 80 players, i runned 500 players on a 2gb machine. Also you can lower the bill by choosing a linux os wich comes free. If i were you i would just move to a smaller cheaper server and when the population rise more then you can move up to a stronger server.
  23. Mporei vevaia na ginei kai to antitheto. Apo tin stigmi pou tha ginei free 2 play tha arxisei na bainei kosmos pou tha paizei l2 gia prwti fora, tha vlepei pos einai diskola ta pramata kai tha paei sto amesos epomeno kalitero poy tha einai oi private servers me higher rates kai poio eukolo gameplay (gm shops, npc buffers ktlp.) To idio den eixe ginei kai otan prwtovgike to l2 prin kamposa xronia?
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