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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. I dont understand what you want to achieve by critisizing?
  2. L2JOFF means server use L2J Official Server Site: http://www.line2bnc.smfnew.com/index.php
  3. I put some of my wannabe hacker friends use those toys (phx and shit) without succes. So i guess is as safe as it should be for now. P.S: I changed the rates to the correct ones to avoid confusion.
  4. WEBSITE: http://www.l2paranoid.com/ Hello! After a long term we decided to reopen L2Paranoid (L2off,Interlude(40x)) Open beta, No WIPE! we have 350+ Online already! New protection: Anti BOT/PHX/L2Net/etc Server rates: * EXP: 40x, * SP: 40x, * DROP: 10x, * SPOIL: 10x, * ADENA: 175x, Official features: * All areas working, * All skills working, * Olympiad working, * Geodata working, * Fusion skills working, * 7-Sings working, * Clan system working, * Augumentation system working, * Single and party duel working, * Cursed weapons working, * Castle sieges working, * Clan Hall sieges working, * 24 buff slots, * 10 Debuff slots, Custom features: * School of Dark Arts as custom zone, * Most of spawns protected (peace zone and silence), * NPC Buffers (all 2nd class buffs/dances/songs for free), * Global Gatekeepers (all teleports are free), * Auto learn skills (you get skills after reaching right level), * Badbuff Protection (toggle skill that blocks all unwanted buffs), * Giran as shopping zone (all needed NPCs can be found there), * Class Changer can be found at Giran to change your 2nd and 3rd class (first class items are buyable), Enchant rates: * Fighter Weapon before +15: 60%, * Fighter Weapon after +15: 30%, * Mage Weapon before +15: 30%, * Mage Weapon after +15: 20%, * Armor / Jewelery before +15: 30%, * Armor / Jewelery after +15: 20%, WEBSITE: http://www.l2paranoid.com/ Waiting to see you all ingame!
  5. Server is up and i am going to take a look... see ya ingame!
  6. Are you going to use the old accounts and data?
  7. I am using l2jofficial, wich is l2j based. The problem is that in a scheme i can only choose till 20 buffs, how can i increase that?
  8. Finally a worthy server, keep up the good job.
  9. Guys L2J is an emulator under licence, its just a copy of the official server, the only illegal think about l2j is that they use the same npc,quest,skill names etc. with NCSoft. And about the Client, any modification of it its illegal, so if you dont wanna get busted, stop making the stupid custom armors and glows.
  10. You can be sure you will find minimum bugs on this server, its one of the best i ever seen.
  11. You better go to l2jfree or l2jserver and ask for help there, here you will find only wannabe kids that know how to put custom items and destroy the balance of a server.
  12. Truth hurts thats why the topic got unsticked.
  13. I am not talking about a server i am talking about a project that will make C4 stable and safe for use.
  14. Guess you never played it so dont speak at all about C4.
  15. I miss those times, when you had to worrie only for S grade and pvp all day! Any dev intrested in starting one?
  16. PRYDA - MELO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeZblL3p8d4
  17. With 64bit you can use more than 3gb ram. (3gb ram is the 32bit maximum)
  18. LOL GK is like the easiest thing to do, you can even use the existing gatekeepers to copy paste if you are bored to make new sql teleports.
  19. Well i am not talking about things allready exist in the game, and why this attack to me? You dont make sense please explain so i can understand what you wanna say.
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