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Everything posted by ZaNteR

  1. For Interlude i'd use OFF files or aCis (when its ready for use). Othewise dont bother. Interlude l2j projects that are active atm suck badly (many stability problems).
  2. Too bad i have only around 200 potsts, i like playing sws and what you are trying to do sounds like its gonna be fun.
  3. Today nobody plays on a server without buffer and mana pots, thats why there are not any servers like what you describe, its sad but its the truth. The new generation of players are lazy.
  4. The 95% of crap home made servers you are talking about are l2j Interlude. But Open Source l2j projects have done nothing wrong. You should blame the people and the way they use it.
  5. Considering the number of players retail has now, l2 is far from dead. Maybe Interlude is dying because its almost 6 years old and no matter how much you love Interlude in the end you love Lineage 2 more.
  6. I get the parallels Plesk panel page.
  7. I wouldnt even ask this, if you dont know to change configs you shouldnt be trying to run a server in the first place. People like this give l2j a bad name.
  8. Try this the second way is better and easier to do. http://www.l2jserver.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=74&t=19828#p109906
  9. I care because it was just as popular as hopzone and more.
  10. Depends on the server. Nobody will play on a high rate server without a "scheme" buffer nowadays. However i dont like that most low/mid rates today have npc buffers. I remember back in the days there were x5000 servers without npc buffers or at least they had them disabled after a certain level (see old echoKinetics).
  11. Everyone is used to a certain type of gameplay. You cant change that with just making a unique server. For example on C3/C4/C5/Interlude (back in the years 2004-07) high rate servers werent having any farming like servers have today, back then everything was on gm shop for adena, all you had to do was to level up, gear up and enchant your items to max. Now theres like 5 new armors/grades, attributes (we used to worry about enchant scrolls we now also worry about those stones=annoying). Also today if you make a server the way it used to be back then, you wont succeed because today most players are carebears and like to farm to be the best otherwise a high rate server without farming is boring for todays players. Today if a high rate server has max enchant over +10 is automatically labeled as unbalanced or i dont know what else. Back in the day there were server with max enchant +500 and nobody gave a shit because these servers were on top 10 and had over 300 players. In a few words Lineage 2 is a decaying game. The quality of the community has dropped, same with the number of players. The good servers that care for their players and run moslty for fun are getting ddosed by servers that care only about money.
  12. Site is off for a couple of days anybody knows why?
  13. Haha from the no replies i can see how messed up the l2 scene has become. Good servers with creativity stay behind while moneyhungry ones get all the attention.
  14. To go a little off topic, i dont get how so many freya servers spawn lately, while h5 its the same and better. I think its because there are more custom events etc. on freya packs from forks that have closed now (example l2brick). And lastly H5 will be the new Interlude in a couple of years.
  15. I know i might be looking for the impossible, but is there any topsite for l2 that does not accept bribes for votes?
  16. H5 because there are new skills that make some classes like archers and fortune seekers worth playing.
  17. looks like the zone is messed up. did you try changing it?
  18. When i say no RB Jewels i mean completely gone unavailable, nobody will be able to have them.
  19. I've had an argument with a friend of mine about whats the best way to deal with this but i wanted a second opinion on this subject. Thanks for your interest.
  20. I think the crysis actually increased Greek players. 2 years ago i couldnt find any Greek people in any server. Now all servers are full of Greeks. Looks like they finally realised what a waste of money and time it is being in a coffee shop allday and waste money on bouzoukia and other temporarily pleasures.
  21. Actually yes, if you have a good party you can beat anyone with any class on h5.
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