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Everything posted by igregz

  1. @KIDutz This code refers to Java pack , it needs to be converted into Frozen one. P.S. If any1 is willing to convert it, i would appreciate it. P.S.(2) Elfocrash thank you for your great work and contribution.
  2. Thank you for your great work and the free shared link.
  3. This seems so OP. Really nice job there .Is it still available to download?
  4. Hello SailFpO, I was wondering if you still have time giving solutions and help to newbies like me . Anyway, I've made a topic once the previous weeks but I didnt get the clear answer.Any help would be appreciated .Thnx in advance. Link:
  5. Still lf help :/
  6. Guys I really appreciate all your comments and I take them into deep consideration.I ve been playing L2 for like 11-12 years with a big variety of servers (mid/low/high rate). My first thought tbh was just to open it for me to learn some basics and u know "have fun spawning a Baium at Giran".As time goes by though, I m able to do more tasks in-game and I like that .Being myself a l2player in many pvp servers, I have seen so much features (both good and bad) and I know what a pvp server needs/lacks or I believe so.Anyway, I m not planning to open something unready for sure but I already know that I have a better server in comparison to the most I've played at.Thanks again all of you for your comments .(Btw im still looking for that anwer on Shadow Items :P )
  7. Seriously i got no answer for your question. Started just to test if i can open at least an empty server,then liked it and continued adding features in the frozen package, too lazy to change now i guess :)
  8. I really appreciate your time and effort to answer me, I really do but as I've mentioned in my first post im a newbie ,and tasks like "Simply drop the listener on onUnequip, db query etc.". sound something like this to me (会意字 / 會意字) .The "way" i ve only used Eclipse since now, was just reading a ready code from here and just learn to understand +,- lines in order to make it work and I do it successfully,if only you could edit my code(cuz you teaching me how to do it will probably take time ).If you happen to have time and willingness to help i can post my code here. Thanks in advance :)
  9. Hello guys, I've seen some similar posts in the past about Shadow Items in Interlude. What I want to know is a) if and b) how , can i make a shadow item losing its mana even when not equipped and even if player is offline.Any help would be appreciated. (Avoid the hate speech please, I can assure you im a newbie but i can copy/paste a code or make some changes)
  10. Any1 can adapt this to L2jFrozen? I want exactly the steps raF once wanted, (1,2,3). I would appreciate it. *
  11. Hi, good luck ! The server seems great, but I have 2 questions as I may misunderstood some features. Do I need to do the whole quest for Subclass or just str8 talk to the chests ? Also, if I understood correctly, 3rd Q profession is retail-like , just mobs' respawn time is slightly boosted, right?
  12. What To prove what? I've got the name of the abuser, and whole server now knows that its true.Dont try cheatin on ppl ! Server was really good( i can say so) but multiskills appeared :) That's the truth. PERIOD
  13. My comments are gettin deleted every sec, just for those who can still read it! Quit that homemade server Guys, I'm not the guy who wants to destroy a server or something but I have to say this: I played there 2 days , everything was fine till me and my 2 friends were fighting with a dagger(named: KariaJin) for like 10 mins: We were killing him after a long time but then he was constantly resurrecting himself like 3-4 times. He used counter attack/blind blow/ mirage/ heal / stuns and w.e. Multiskills power. Have fun
  14. Why the fuck every serious server doesnt have English support? I would have definately joined that server if it wasn't russian. Bump btw
  15. Yeah! What a great server ! L O L ! Haste SA for BOWS, Mortal Strike for AS etc.( I don't wanna continue) Well played.
  16. bump
  17. up..
  18. up
  19. up
  20. Hello mates, I'm selling these items on L2Gang. 1) Vorpal Leather Set +4 lvl7 Cloak of Zaken Top Shirt CP +4 Top PvP Belt: Skill Attack+4 Zaken+Elegia Jewel Set +4[+2 Olympiad Jewels (Earring/Ring)] Dual Mamba +4 lvl7 Wind 2) Elegia Robe Set(+Elegia Shield) +3-4 lvl7 Cloak Of Zaken Shirt CP +4 Top PvP Belt: Defense +3 Zaken+Elegia Jewel Set +3[+1 Olympiad Jewel (Ring)] Archangel Sword +3 lvl 4 Water 3){Some extra Equipment} Vorpal Leather Set +4 lvl5-7 Shirt CP +4 Top PvP Belt: Skill Attack +3 Zaken+Elegia Jewel Set +3-4[+1 Olympiad Jewel (Ring)] Sacredium +3 lvl 4 Water Dual Mamba +4 lvl 7 Water *If anyone is interested in buying something, leave a pm here or contact me @ skype: scad10 . Thanks!*
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