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Everything posted by scovron

  1. omg i doubt that "best game ever"... imo it will be same boring game as D1 and D2 was, plain and simple hack and slash :P with new graphic thats all. If you have fun colecting heavy armour from bevy :P gl hf
  2. scovron

    ANIME !!

    akira http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=28 blame and blame prologue (but i recomend you first to read manga coz probably you will not understand about what anime is) http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=1050 http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5447 gunslinger girl and gunslinger girl il teatrino http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=1002 http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5418 freedom http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=4708 that was soft and now smth harder :> Serial Experiments Lain http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=99 Texhnolyze http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=673 Boogiepop wa Warawanai http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=179 those last 3 isnt easy yo understand and thay are more than weird but you should watch them :] and at the end i recomend you all to watch "paranoia agent" http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=1265
  3. fear dark corners of the earth penumbra silent hill
  4. scovron

    ANIME !!

    gits:sac/akira/freedom/blame/blame:prologue/gunslinger girl
  5. lol i dont think so wow have soft colours here you have sharp graphic with sharp colours. And about that all "too bloody" thing oh cmon ppl:P here you have some violence :P there is no other mmo like that. L2 and wow have no blood and its so fking boring as hell. Dont tell me that you never play blood or blood 2 :> and have fun from all that bloody mess?
  6. well imo that bllody thing can be some alternative for all "good looking and polite" mmos where you cant find any vilence heres movie from it : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_gvRCd16TV0&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0
  7. http://www.playrequiem.com/ anyone played that? what do you think about that game? img related (screenshots) http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS11_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS08_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS16_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS58_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS51_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS38_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS57_800.jpg[/img] http://img.playrequiem.com/Imagefiles/Screenshot/requiemSS48_800.jpg[/img]
  8. live movie is already ;] or rather serial :D name is "World of Whorecraft" and its so shity that you rly have hard time when you watching it xD
  9. should be moved to spam topic
  10. yup some of you can say "my first metal band" and gues what if you are saying this you are talking about iron maiden :P this is one of the most important things when it becomes to compare bands :P "what you know first" in iron vs metallica you will say IRON thats why that band is best (i like both of them but iron is beter :D for me )
  11. "they just made 1st this style of music they are making now that's why they are called legends" well i cant agree with you with everything, yes they startedthat kind of music... but if we are saying about jimi or janis i simple cant find bands who can play like them. They ware one in their kind imo
  12. "iron for kids" hmm i can say the same about metallica :P just look at ppl who you can met when bands are on the stage... if it is iron you will probably see even your granpa ;) not only kids and young ones :P if it is metallica most ppl will be kinder mentals ;] (no offence) looking something deep and true in lirics :P i like both of that bands BUT! they are just a bands... If you rly want something best of all i recomend you to go and listen Jimmi Hendrix or Janis Joplin this is true music true lirics TRUE LEGENDS! pozdro:D
  13. Iron FTW !!! but imo you shouldnt compare that two bands coz they totaly diferent :P as for metallica i like just two of their albums "master of puppets" and "right the lighting" rest is imo boring... Iron Maiden on the other hand are totaly awesome full old school, most of their songs are known hits :] and look how long their exists :P they are granfathers but still rocking :D "play it -beep-ing loud" but all in all Jimmi Hendrix ownz them all he is -beep-ing god of rock and there is not and there will not be any other god of rock !!!
  14. [hide] you should clear posts with text about lowering dex to 0 because its easy to figure out how that bug works :P "lower your dex 0> and youll have 999+ dex" or smth like this [/hiden]
  15. yeah but im affraid that probably developers also work about something to take of posibility for creating private servers :/
  16. i only have hope that creators dont mess up the rpg part of that game sience fallout is best ever cRPG game with npc's that you will remember for the rest of your life ;]
  17. rotfl xD im playing this shit from c1 and belive me l2 =/= balanced pvp "class has its specialty" yeah right like BH vs SR (not closed on arena, same lvl, equip top in their grade) xD "if u play the class allot then u own" high lvl > low lvl just that :P its not on YOUR skill its just a higher lvl coz if you are on same lvl and same equipment, class of your char is more important coz its not balanced game in pvp :P in c2:sps (as i remember) c3: SR was "that" class in c4: necro and the story will be continued :P
  18. check this two movies :D its great animation about fight final fantasy ladies vs dead or alive babes :D http://www.joemonster.org/p/41286/Dead-Fantasy-1 http://www.joemonster.org/p/41345/Dead-Fantasy-2 they are more than great
  19. lol is it so hard to understand english?
  20. heh its something like alluc.org you can also find here movies tv series carltoons and ither stuff
  21. loool lost and prison break are totaly shit :P best as for now is twin peaks for me and after that is "dexter" serial killer who work in police and kill other serial killers xD
  22. you shold try to read something in this topoc if you are interested in what fot it is
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